TopShelf Blogs

A word from our sponsor:


Editor Services Offered

I am making myself available to anyone needing an editor to review their writing. My native language is Texan, but I am fairly fluent in American English. All I can offer up for credentials is the fact that I got an A+ in College Freshman English with Composition back in 2003. Examples of my own writing can be found on my LiveJournal site:

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Interesting vid

AE Brain is a interesting blog by an Australian rocket scientist. Her entry for the 12th is about an intersexed woman transitioning. It is a Youtube, but there is a short write up explaining her situation.

Besides Zoe often has articles about the TG experience and stuff!



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Part Three of Standing Up To Life is up

For those who have not just gone ahead and purchased the download, Tiffany has posted part three of her wonderful book. Unfortunately it appeared so far down the list that many of her fans may miss it.

Never fear, however! She told me a few days ago she was going to try to post a segment every day. It's just not possible to do it faster for a number of reasons.

Carla Ann

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Common Decency

The California Supreme Court has ruled that a transgender prisoner can sue her guards and the prison system as a whole for their failure to protect her from sexual assault while held in the general male prison population.

The Prison system and the guards had claimed that they had no duty to protect or care for the inmates under their charge.

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standing up to life

this is a wonderful story and i would advise you to read it the story can be sensitive full of suspence wondering what the next chapter will bring but in all honesty i believe that you need to read the full story instead of waiting for each chapter to be realeased i took the opertunity to download the full story from a site called and thought it was worth paying the $3 to download it believe me it was worth every penny i paid but don't take my word for it download it and you will see what i mean i look forward to reading the next book due out in march


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A Challenge to any Newbie wanting to write a story but just

Here is a good beginning to a story I was writing. My challenge to you is to finish it! The real challenge though is...Can you give it emotion? Will the readers "FEEL" the story through the characters? Good luck and I hope this helps those wanting to write, at least a start.

Huggles All

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Blog About: 


I don't post very often

BUT, I feel that I should. I want to draw attention to Angharad's Bike series to the many readers that have come here from FM. When she first posted the series, I thought, this isn't for me. I waited for a year and a half to start to read it, and the story wasn't what I thought it would be. It's very touching and much like a column in a news paper which is published every day, except without the waste of a bunch of paper and trees. I know how hard it is to write a series and my bonnet is off to Angharad. What I'm saying is to please take a chance and become hooked.

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New stories

So I have finaly posted to big closet two stories I have written. It was sure fun writting them. I have a few more in the works as well as sequils to "Matt's Dillema" and "My Life In a Dress". I hope you all enjoy my stories. My next two are from a fathers point of view, which should be different.

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I Am Now Lady Jennifer Of Bandrum

I got my paperwork in the mail and I can now claim title as Lady Jennifer Campbell. I purchased a lease of 5 Square feet of land in Bandrum, Kingdom of Fife, Scotland. I am very happy to help preserve the land of my ancestors for future generations. I hold title in my family for 175 years and can pass it down to future generations in my family. This land is beautiful and deserves to be protected from greedy developers.

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Something New.

I'm working on a story which will be a one off, unless I post it in two parts. It will be different from anything else I've written and darker than my usual stuff. It's also a crime story. I have no idea when I'll get around to finishing it yet, I've done a first draft of about a tenth of it, but I won't be posting it in chapters and it won't be posted until it's completed. It will be posted here. That's it.


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One of those days

You ever had one of those days where you wake up and roll over to look at the clock and scream because you're going to be late for work so you jump out of bed and rush around in a blind panic trying to get ready but you still know you can't make it in time so you slam the door and call to let them know you're going to be late and get a confused silence because you've been asleep three hours and misread your clock and still have over twelve hours before you have to be at work? I hate those days.

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Beware the VELOCIBUNNY!!!

My wonderful husband, Grover, drove me to work today. On the way there we were talking about the blog "Women are Hard to Read". As the conversation went on, we then talked about the virtual whirlwind of emotions and thoughts that women go through during different parts of life. I told him I was cute and fuzzy when things are going well, but if someone I love or care for is being attacked (according to my perception) then the claws come out. He turned to me and said..."'re a Velocibunny!"

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From Tim to Kim: German pop star, 16, becomes world's youngest transsexual after sex change op

German teenager Kim Petras who became the world's youngest transsexual after undergoing an operation at the age of just 16 says she can't wait for the summer so she can try out a whole new wardrobe of tight fitting clothes.
The pop singer - born Tim - is well known in Germany for having started hormone replacement therapy as part of her gender transition by the age of 12.
Now 16, she completed Gender Reassignment Surgery in November, according to a posting on her blog.

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Question Answered Teddi's Back

Teddi's Back, in her message she told me what sounds like she had a Computer Fire which destroyed her computer then had some health problems. She replace the computer with a new laptop and as you can see she posted a new chapter to her current story and has promise a book two to her story with Lucy. Welcome Back Teddi! Richard

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JulieO's Julieverse

with FM down i just realized that i will have a hard time find JulieO's works. I don't know how often julieo posts on topsehelf or stardust.She is my all time favorite author. I was also wondering if there is a offical list of stories by her and other authors in her universe.I know she has stand alone stories and ones that are connected in julieverse looking for the connected ones.

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FictionMirror Link

Links to a site called FictionMirror have been placed here but I have suspended their publication because the identified "advanced search" on the page brings up instead a series of pop-under ads for sports sites. I consider this technique a form of spam by deception.

This link is discussed in the WikiPedia article on FictionMania where it is implied but not stated that the FM TaskForce has approved FictionMirror. I would appreciate communication from some person knowledgeable about this but I will not pursue the information.


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Greetings all

Good evening everyone and thanks for reading. My name is Lana and I'm a tad bit of a closeted sissy. It is so great to be able to come to Big Closet, catch up on some great stories, and be able to get away to my special state of mind.

As I hinted at earlier, no one knows about my love of women's clothing. Well, that's not entire true. I did admit and discuss my desires to one friend, but she has since married and I do not want to bother her with my sissydom any longer.

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Saunier Duval.

It occurred to me, that those non-cyclists who read Bike, might not have a clue what I'm talking about when I mention Saunier Duval (a cycling team - now defunct) and David Millar, a British rider who has been a national champion at road and time trial racing.

A picture is supposed to be worth a thousand words:


David Millar (yellow) winning the Elite Men's British National Road Race championships in 2007.

Angharad :)

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Would Begging Help?

Here I am again, begging for votes instead of nominations. As of late today, Jan. 24th, only four people have voted, including myself. That's not nearly enough for a fair tally. There are a lot of very good stories that really do deserve recognition so I hope to see a lot more votes soon.

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I'm Just a Bit Curious

I check my stories listing several times a day, when I can, to see if there are any comments that need to be replied to. I had noted of late that the hits on all of my stories (there are only four) had basically dropped to zero on all chapters with just one or two hits here and there. Suddenly,over the last two days, all four novels are getting four to a half dozen or more daily hits for most of the chapters. "Who is Sylvia" is getting quite a few hits and it's not even a TG oriented story, although one character who makes a brief appearance is.

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Kate Craig-Wood in the Guardian.

After her appearance on Midweek (BBC Radio4) a few weeks ago, she's now in Guardian Weekend - the Guardian's glossy magazine, with a far from flattering photo. Not quite sure what she hopes to achieve apart from explaining how she spent  £60,000 on surgery - I'd want a spare body for that, still some of us have to succeed without facial surgery or voice training.

Judge for yourselves.


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A much needed rest

Sephrena, my fiancee has decided to take a one week break mew. She was feeling much too drained to type this herself, so I'm letting you all know that she's going to be awol from the site for about a week, until she can get the rest and recuperation she needs mew. We both wish you all well mew ^-^

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Angela Morely, conductor and arranger - an obituary

There was a very nice obituary written for this very talented transsexual conductor and arranger, in today's Guardian, link below. She wrote music for the BBC and films, and helped arrange music for such notables as John Williams in Star Wars and Superman.


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Story Link Database?

This comes from a suggestion on Crystal's Cyberboard about an indexable story link database. BC already allows for a link database but I can easily add a capacity for indexed and searchable specialized story links on BC. In fact, I just did. :) These story links would be for stories not stored on BC but on sites that allow such linkage and with author permissions for such linking.


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Private Payments

A few weeks back there was a bit of dialogue about making payments (to Hat box)that remain anonymous and protect payer from other exposure (e.g. credit card statements). There are pre-paid credit cards (Visa, Mastercard intended as gift cards) that can be purchased with cash at a variety of outlets. These can be used on-line e.g. with Amazon. These will provide sufficient curtain of privacy or limit financial exposure when dealing on-line for one off transactions. There is a small charge for the card but the simplicity makes it worthwhile.

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Computer Virus

While I was washing up after dinner, my computer anti-virus software picked up a nasty, which it has dealt with. I have no idea whence it came, any more than I understand the minds which create them. I suspect that they are created by adolescent minds - irrespective of actual age, and are probably male. I'm not sure whether I want to punish them severely or pity them. As no harm was done, maybe the latter this time, on previous occasions it has caused damage and I didn't feel so amicable.

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A warning to readers and fans, about Luck Be A Lady.

While I might be cutting my own throat, hit and comment-wise with this, I feel it's only fair to let everyone know that Luck Be A Lady is incomplete, ending with Chapter 8. There WAS a chapter 9, but I have decided that it is non-canon, and it will NOT be re-posted here, or anywhere else.

Since I wrote the story, so much has happened in my life and it seems my muse has gone on semi-permanent vacation. Thus, the story remains in it's unfinished state, with no inspiration in sight for a close.

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DNS issues regarding Hypatia's Garden

I'm very sorry having to tell you, that since 12:00 CET there are issues finding Hypatia's Garden. As far as I know, it's a DNS issues somewhere along the line. The server itself is still working nicely.

So as it unfortunately is out of our sphere of influence, I hope it will be resolved soon.

Greetings from eastern germany,


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This is a sad time for transgendered fiction

Fictionmania is down, who knows for how long. Few more days perhaps at the best but thats what was said already a few weeks ago. last i heard the server was there and the Task Force was doing the programing. Did they hit a snag, Did it not get across the border? How long will it be down. Unknown.

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Privacy; A Warning

I had a facebook account that I had totally forgotten about; never used it; real name and everything. Well, both my granddaughters found me there, but then it degraded to the usual stuuupid crap. Then some of my Muslim friends found me there. I never thought I would ever worry about being outed again.

Well, I cancelled it, myspace, and every other on line chat group I had. Today, I was checking google, and someone had taken my name and information and combined it with the picture of a really HOTTT!!!! stripper. NOT GOOD.

I am regretting a lot right now.

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Can Anyone Help Me Find Tiffany Shar's Second Story?

I have been reading Tiffany Shar's story "Standing Up To Life" She posted a second part to it on Fictionmania but I can't get it. I had heard that someone here was able to get on FM again, but I think AT&T may be playing their games again. I can't get it to come up. Is it still down or are they just denying access? I think the second story was "Daring To Hope" but I am not sure. If anyone could help, I would be very grateful!

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Log On/Register issues

For the last few days, when I open my browser to Big Closet, the Log-on/Register option is not on the right side near the top. So far I've had to leave the site and log back on several times over an hour or two before the option appears. Am I the only one having this problem or am I missing something?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I'm confused.

My RLT is going great. I'm accepted by almost all of my friends, all of my co-workers, and some of my family. I live with a wonderful woman in a 16 year platonic partnership, I have recently discovered that an angel, an incredible, beautiful, intelligent, understanding woman, is in love with me, and I feel the same about her...and yet.

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TopShelf Move Complete!

Bob and I are in the BC/SD chatroom. C'mon in! -- Erin

Click here to Chat

Update -- Things are looking good. Server load is nominal and the number of visitors is almost back to normal. :) We'll keep an eye on things and make sure it's all okay but when the DNS has finished propagating in 24 to 48 hours, all should be copacetic. Starting Monday, we have a few more changes to make, like bringing the old site back up as SecondShelf etc.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Erin and Bob

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I just realized that my .doc version of Carversion by Pru Walker only had chapters 1-50 in it. I went to the home page to finish saving the rest of it, but apparently the domain expired and is up for sale again. It is not posted at Storysite. Does anyone know where it might be available now?

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For those with SKYPE, a VoIP phone, I have always been frustrated by having to switch from speakers to earphones when I wanted to talk on the phone. I had somehow thought that I needed to make a switch box to do this, and so finally after months of forgetfulness, finally bought the parts to do it.

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I Have a Question?

I want to ask if anybody has had contact with T. D. Aldoennetti since Christmas. I want to know as she lives in the outskirts of the Seattle-Tacoma area and as if you have followed any of the news from that area they were hit real hard with snow before Christmas and and then heavy rain after Christmas causing a lot of weather problems with flooding and other things. She hasn't posted anything on the site since the Dec 20th.

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High School Curriculum

My son, Max (not his real name), will be starting at the high school next year. Therefore, they are starting to send materials home and have assemblies to discuss what things will be like for them next year. Today, they got the Curriculum Guide at an assembly. Max was excitedly showing my wife the extracurricular activities available to him next year: freshman soccer, jr. varsity volleyball and the chess club are the three he has circled as "must-do's". And he had crossed out, as "must not do", the Gay/Straight Alliance and the International Thespian Society.

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Guest Searches Off

Once again, I've had to turn guest searches off here at TopShelf due to server load. At 2:36 pm PDT, we had a dozen or so guests doing searches simultaneously and this effectively slowed the server to a crawl that it took Bob and I twenty minutes to get in and correct.

Guest searches can be done at Second Shelf:

Sorry. Maybe we'll have a new server by next month.


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