TopShelf Blogs

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Olbermann Excoriates Congressional Critic of Matthew Shepard Hate-Crimes Bill

On "Countdown," his political news/analysis/commentary show on MSNBC last night, Keith Olbermann used his "Worst Persons In The World" segment to highlight (not to mention rip, tear and shred) a Congressional critic of the Matthew Shepard anti-hate-crimes bill that was later passed in yesterday's session.

Random slide, World's Worst program segment.

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Scheduling of Crises

In the future, I'd like to request that people who want to violate the rules of posting here, or annoy others for such transgressions, or anything that does not contribute to the peace and tranquility of what is essentially a library -- I'd like to request that all such disturbances, disagreements and denunciations take place while I'm here at my desk and not in bed, at dinner or in the bathroom.

Thank you all and hugs,

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H1N1 virus, or swine flu,

To all of you on this site especilly those of you that that are pre/or/post SRS. From what I have heard from most of you but not all are that you have heath problems easly especially you post operate SRS women/girls. If any of you get what you think is the FLU get to a Doctor like now and get tested as I and many others on this site don't want anything to happen to any of you, so please take care to the safe side. Richard

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The Pastor and his donkey

My middle son sent this to me and I thought this applied to alot of you and it was cute and I'm sure this is and old joke and alot of you have read before especially the last paragraph probally applies here. A friend to all of you and alot of Hugs to you all! Richard

The pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won. The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the race again, and it won again. The local paper read: PASTOR'S ASS OUT FRONT.

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I goofed when I posted the first part of Pass On What You Have Learned. I forgot that the bold and italics don't carry over when you copy and paste the text to post it. I've fixed it now. There aren't that many of them, but I think they help get the right emphasis, so the story may make a little more sense now then it did. I'm sorry for the screw up, my only excuse is it is my first time posting here.


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Discussion of Hormones

I'd like to start a discussion of the use of various hormones. I have absolutely no experience with them since I'm not planning on going on hormones and I'd like information on estrogen/oestrogen/progesterone/testosterone blockers/chemical castration/puberty blockers and so on.

The only thing *I* know is that the Over the counter estrogen, Estroven can actually work when combined with an herbal testosterone blocker. I have a friend who has been doing this for the last year or so and she's got nice breasts although she still grows a beard.

So.... GO!

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On internet censoring and killer arguments

Hi folks,

having to live in Germany made me very frightened since some days. Germany is going to be an unlawful country it already has been in Nazi-times and that with obvious best intentions.

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Yahoo Geocities

Saw a post over on the tg fiction list that yahoo has announced they will be closing the geocities in the near future. I can believe it the way they seem to butcher everything thing they touch. If you know of any geocities sites with stories you like you may want to go save them off before they are lost. I hope the authors like Brandy DeWinter can find a place to house her great stories and wonderful art. I know there are a lot of story sites on geocities as well as personal sites for the girls. Good luck to all.

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I wasn't going to share this but....

Back in December I was admitted by ambulance to the local first aid station (hospital) with "Ventricular Arithmia / Tachecardia" which is a fancy way of saying I was having an electrical storm in part of my heart... and this was causing blood to slow its circulation and because it wasn't getting enough oxygen... it was beating faster and faster.

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Need a little help with a story picture

I have and Idea for a new story about a boy who want's to wear once piece swimwear and utimatly all girls clothes. What I would like maybe one of you artists out there would be willing to draw a cartoon picture for the front page of the story. Adam is 13, short brown hair, 5'2" Blue eyes, slightly tan from going fishing with his dad. Let me know if you can help.

Oh yah, it must be tasteful.

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According to the counter at the bottom of the page, the numbers are fast approaching six million. While I'm aware half of them are me checking for comments on my stories, or Gabi and Holly trying to make them grammatical after I've posted them, it's still an awful lots of hits.

Congratulations to Erin and her team for making this, in my opinion, the best tg fiction site on the net; and thanks for all the hard work they put in to enable us to read and post our masterpieces, we don't know or appreciate the half of it.

Three cheers for the Top Shelf team, hip hip...

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Happy Slapping

While cycling up The South Dorset Ridgeway on the A354, I got happy-slapped by a car diven by a youth with presumably his friend who did the slapping. Sadly, I didn't get the number, or a proper look at them being too busy struggling with the gradient and effects of gravity on my fat little body and bike laden with my work stuff.

I wasn't hurt, suffering only a light hit on the buttock, but it could have knocked me off or caused me to lose control of the bike and get myself run over: either way, I could have been badly injured.

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Legal Name Change and other stuff.

I spent three freaking hours on the phone yesterday, Monday, going from City Clerk, to County Clerk, to Surrogate Court Clerk, to Superior Court Clerk, to Family Court clerk, trying to locate one lousy form that I need to complete my legal name change paperwork. It's called "in forma English, a poor person application.

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Jugsy for Big Closet Mascot!

JugsyC.jpg     Heya, goyls. It's me, Jugsy. Yeeeah. Oy wuz boyn a boy, ya know? But oy really am a goyl. Oy am, see. So, ya gotta make me yer meee-ascot here. Oy'm purrfect for da job. Yeeeah.

- Jugsy, da Cougar Cub

P.S. I just had to post this. My little cougar friend has me eating out of her paw. She's sooooo cute, and she dreams of being a famous mascot. So what do you think? Does she have a chance? :)

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Violence in stories

The most recent episode of Bike and probably at least one more will feature violence. It's not something I enjoy writing about, although I find it challenging because I try to avoid it in real life as much as I can.

Unfortunately, I followed the characters into a dark area and it appears to be the only way out of this aspect of the story, and I am horrified that Cathy can give vent to such primordial actions to preserve herself and her loved ones, at the same time I'm sort of pleased she can do what is necessary. I'm not sure I could in her position.

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Hard Drive alacoaction(sp)

It's time to reconfigure a few things on the pute, I was wondering how much space you set a side for works in progress and tales that look interesting enough to save on the side. Also is ms word ok to post onto the site or is there something easyer to deal with? Thinking of writing but not to thrilled with word. scthea

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Neil Gaiman on books having genders.

An interesting essay by Gaiman about his stories and books having gender, and also a reflection about writing his book American Gods. I recently finished his kids book The Graveyard Book which won a Newbery Award this year. If you haven't read any of his work, I recommend it. He has a couple collections of short stories out may you wish to start with.


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News on the Angie Zapata Murder Case

Angie Zapata was an 18 year old MtF pre-op TS who was killed by her 'boyfriend', beaten to death by him, supposedly when he 'discovered that she was a he. The'boyfriend' claimed that when he 'suddenly' found out that Angie wasn't what she seemed, he panicked, and beat her to death, probably to soothe his offended 'macho pride.'

I am not the author of this post. It's copied from a Veteran's TG forum.

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Update on Dad again, good and bad news

The news about my dad. I drove home for two nights on the 9th and 10th this month to see him. He had blood clots developed in his legs the previous week. He was operated and the swelling went down by the 13th. He was very chipper and in good spirits at the time. He said he wanted to live another 5 to 10 years. However, he has to do what the doctors tell him to do. Drink plenty of water, eat right and exercise. Well, he didn't do that. Now he had a relapse and lost some more strength. I talked to him briefly last Saturday. I told him I love him very much.

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Happy Tax Day

Several years ago, my dad nearly missed being there with my mom when her labor reached its peak, as he ran down to get his tax papers into the mail before the deadline. Ever since I've really been aware of taxes, I've celebrated Tax Day, trying to remember not to let paperwork get in the way of people, and trying not to be too disappointed when others do.

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Luna by Julie Anne Peters

Well, all the hoopla about Amazon has accomplished something positive for me, at least. I found a great book that I'd like to recommend (I didn't buy it from Amazon - I downloaded it as an ebook from Fictionwise). It's entitled Luna, by Julie Anne Peters, and it was simply outstanding.

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Picture eraser virus?

I have lots of pictures on my Laptop and almost always put them there using Paint simply because to me the simplest way to do something is the most elegant. I have never had trouble re-opening them later.

Well, I have a friend who lives in Mosul, Iraq, and recently she sent me a picture of herself. For some reason, I could see the picture but could not save it to Paint. Last night I tried to open it and where her picture should have been was this little blank screen thumbnail, and I could not open her pic.

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Name change

Okay, then given the content and the responses from my last blog post, would it really screw things up if I re-wrote the story and changed Sissy and Mistress' names to something else? I think I can do it without messing the continuity of the stories up at all. Just a name shift.

Note, I'm not changing MY name. I earned the title "Maid" from my wife, and I'm very proud of that.

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Depression. According to my therapist. I have it.

I am exhibiting almost all the signs of clinical depression. I've been highly emotional lately, and constantly sleepy. I've gained weight and can't seem to concentrate for very long. I can't seem to care very much about anything either.

She wants to put me on some type of anti-depressant meds, but I have a real problem with that kind of thing. I'm going to try to fight my way through this without meds, so if I get short with anyone, or vanish for awhile, please don't be concerned.

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Monique and other stories - to come. Any editors / proofreaders out there?

Thank you to all of you who have PM'd or commented on my work so far. In a way I've cheated, because I have simply revised and reposted all my stories that exist elsewhere on the web.

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Please Resend Emails

If anyone sent emails, including ones with stories attached, any time during the last two or three months, please send them again. My email save file got corrupted and I've lost a bunch of emails and no way of knowing which ones I lost because I don't have them to count them.

I hate this sort of thing. My redundant backup turns out to be incomplete so that was no save.

Please, if you sent anything important to [email protected] in the last 90 days or so, send it again.


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I did not attempt to decieve anyone. I couldnt find the other Tags that applied to the story, Can anyone help me

Rami posted a message to my story accusing me of trying to decieve the readers and I honestly did not. He said many more tags needed to be applied and I knew.

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Freedom and Unity

The state legislature of Vermont has voted to override the veto of their governor to a bill allowing same-sex couples to marry. The bill now becomes law. Vermont becomes the fourth state to legalize same-sex marrige, and the first to do it through legislative action.

I always liked Vermont. There's something honest about the place. With this new law, they renew their dedication to their state motto. "Freedom and Unity," indeed!

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My Therapy, Getting Fitted

Last year, about September, I was sent to the Emergency Rom {A&E} because I had mowed the lawn while wearing shorts, not my usual sweat pants. I set up a staph infection that demanded attention. The doctor drained my leg and removed dead tissue, then after a week, set me home.

The Home Care Nurses then came by to tend the leg. They'd change the wrappings and make sure that the leg was healing. Soon after, I was put on a wound vac pump to collect the drainage from the one draining wound.

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My Muse Did a Sudden Left Turn

Maiden by Decree got a bit delayed because Phoebe (my muse) decided this new story was the one to play with. On Wings of Shadow is about dark fairies, transformations, and things like that. I will be alternating between this new one and Maiden, though. As the muse allows.

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Internet woes

Okay, for a short while (hopefully less than a week) my internet woes are back. I shall endeavour to get things going as fast as possible. In the meantime, I will go ahead now and say that Violet Ajah 2 and 3 both will be posted by next Friday, with a possibility of more of that... and some other stuff (Sk8r Grrls, Dear Diary, Actress, Carlotti's Way, Sticks & Stones, Girlwind, and maybe a couple of other surprises).

Sorry, folks!


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Bike 600

Well who would have thought I'd still be churning out this stuff more than eighteen months later? I know I write the stuff, Bonzi has a problem hitting the keys on a laptop - but I have little control over the characters, they just do what they do and I watch and write it down. This goes to prove that I'm totally bonkers, I suppose, nothing new there then.

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Mistaken for a girl

Hi everyone. I'm at work today and a little while ago a nurses aide came up to me and told me that a patient that she was moving a short time before had seen me and had thought that I was a girl. I love it. I guess that Growing my hair out and getting my ears pierced is starting to payoff.

Makes a girl feel good doesn't it

Jessica Marie

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Super Spectacular Mutant Powers

Today I got sent home early by my boss at work 'cause I'm sick. I had to call in Tuesday night for the same reason. Since it started, I've seemed to run the gamut of symptoms from stomach trouble to sinus problems to lord knows what else. Yesterday wasn't as bad as Tuesday thankfully- I could function well enough to clean my apartment- but today was just weird. I have officially moved into that strange yet somewhat happy spot where my entire body is sore and I'm dizzy for no apparent reason, yet my brain chemistry is wonky enough I feel a bit detached from it all.

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