TopShelf Blogs

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Response to CoyotePuma's comment

Edeyn Started this as a 'reply' comment, but realized it was way longer than merited... so moved it to its own blog!

Only a bit short of 2 years ago, I found TopShelf by way of a friend pointing me at a piece of fiction here (Leeway, by the way) and was rather pleasantly surprised. You see, a large amount of my friends figure that if it has any TG content, why, since I'm TG I must like it! Well, I'm not especially fond of forced femme, not especially fond of one-handed fiction as a whole... and in past experience, that's pretty much what was out there.

Now, over the years, there had been some excellent pieces of fiction that I'd been pointed at. I always tried to read them if only to be fair. I would save the ones that were, in my opinion, well done!

Then after enjoying Leeway so much, up to the point where it had been finished at the time, I decided to go ahead and look around the site.


I was pleasantly surprised. In the past, TG Fiction sites seemed to specialize in the stuff I didn't like and maybe 1 in 1000 were something I liked. Now, this isn't to say that those sites were BAD. No. Just not the kind of thing I was into.

TopShelf, however... it was like the ration was the other way. There was about 1 in 100 that I didn't like!

Why, most of the stories I'd archived over the years were here, too!

I settled in and began to explore for a few months. There were a lot of really good TG stories that I had never seen or even heard of the authors! Then I started to think... "Hey, I can do this..."

And so I did. In 11 days, I wrote and posted as fast as I could, the first 8 pieces of Sk8r Grrls and to my surprise... people loved it.

Now, at that point, Erin was ecstatic about the fact that she was up to the point where her authors were posting an average of a story per day!



Gee willikers!

... and I watched the site grow.

... and grow...

... and grow! By January 2008, we had an average of 8 to 10 stories being posted daily! Why, some days there were lots more... there were even the rare days with over TWENTY stories being posted in a 24 hour time period!

Stories were being posted so frequently, in fact, that they couldn't stay on the front page for more than a few hours and people were missing some really good stuff!

So I had an idea. I asked a few folks about how it would be received, and then took it to Erin.

She said, "That's a great idea, but it's awfully time consuming. I don't have time to do that. If you code it and post it and do the updating, sure, I'll add it."

So I joined the admin team here on 2008 January 19, with the introduction of Shortcuts! and over the next few months expanded it to give the Holiday of the Day, and then a link to information about that holiday, and provided a way for folks to be able to see what they'd missed that day without having to click through pages and pages of links to figure out what they'd read and what they hadn't.

The point being, that the method of posting here, making it so that the authors add their own content, is a great deal of what makes TopShelf so special -- it's constantly updating. Glad you're enjoying it!

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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A Study of the Transsexual Creature.

I don't know if this counts as fiction so I decided to put it here. This is a somewhat humorous explanation of what a transsexual is. The original is posted on All comments about the text are very welcome.

The Life of the Transsexual Creature

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Tip Thompson's Crossdressing Tips

Today's (Sunday, March 1) Skin Horse comic, tooncasted at the bottom of every blog page, has Tip's humor-tinged crossdressing tips. The strip changes every day, and I think this one is worth keeping around, at least for some of us, so I went in search of a "permanent" link. If you liked this one, and want to keep it, click on and then bookmark this:

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I is being back! (Edeyn Updatishness)

Edeyn That's right. I have returnéd. Sorry about the long hiatus. There have been much happenings and occurrings. I'm back in Kansas City for the time being, with plans to jump the Pacific in late July or early August for at least 3 months, more likely 6 months -- during which time other than the travel time itself, I'll be able to continue on here.

What the near future holds:

Content from me will be increasing, as the plan for all of this requires me to do more writing. I've missed the lot of you wascawwy wabbits, and will be continuing on my list of things to carry on. There will also be content of mine posted on ]Fictioneer![ in the near future, and there will be a few of you I will call upon for opinionation of pieces that will NOT be published online, to preserve the ability to publish them in dead-tree format.

Other goings on:

I do plan on emigrating from the United States of America (USA) to Australia (AUS) [ The only two countries either I or my love can think of with anagram abbreviations ] at some point in the next few years, but it will likely be only on a permanent basis after I've already achieved my degree that I've been hard at work on through Ashford University (Social Science with an Education Concentration) -- which, by the way, I'm doing well on. Not the straight 4.0 that I would prefer, but decent enough grades to retain my Pell grant and Student Loans.

What else? Oh. Yes. I am moving toward becoming active again in LGBT issues, primarily TG issues, of course, and I am attempting to find sponsorship and assistance from those who know what they're doing to turn my stories, "A Story With No Title," and, "Too Far," into short films.

I believe that's all for now... post questions in the comments as usual!

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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Mwa ha ha ha ha!

I'm back in business! Thanks to the wonders of grand opening sales, I am now in possession of a computer again! You know what this means? I can actually work on my stories again without having to worry about being fired if my boss catches me! YAY!

What this also means is that hopefully I'll be posting chapters of my stories a lot more often, since I'll have more time to work on them, and I won't have to wait until I can borrow a friend's computer to post them. So, be on the lookout the next couple of weeks, 'cause new chapters is comin'!

Melanie E.

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Pinky and Perky?

Netflix has a lot of different things available. Among them are some special Ed Sullivan Shows. I just got a DVD with the full shows that contain (I think) the 2nd and 3rd Beatles appearances on the show. To get to my point: The 02/23/1964 show also has a puppet group on it called Pinky and Perky. That caught my attention as both Susan Brown (Billy Two Shoes) and Jamie Hayworth (Susie and Jeffrey) have used those names in recent stories. Were the puppets famous, or is this just a coincidence, or is their another tie in that I'm just not familiar with?

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Astronomy buffs?

I am considering throwing the towel in on much of what I do; giving some of it up as a lost cause. So that leaves me with much time. Years ago, I was very interested in Astronomy and am thinking of taking it up again. Starting very modestly, my dream scope would be a 14" with an astronomical drive and a very nice CCD camera on it. I know that many very high quality Reflectors have been built in a garage; even hand grinding the Mirror.

Can anyone offer me some good advice?


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Looking for story writing advice

Lately, when I've been writing stories, I've been feeling a little ... lost. I've been starting to get story ideas again and writing them, but I'm wondering if I'm really reaching my readers as well as I could. While I like telling myself little stories, the ones I write down are the ones I'm hoping others will enjoy. If there's anyone who read any of my stories and has any thoughts on how to make them better, I'd love to hear from you. :)

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still scribbling away - sort of

Sorry if I've been a bit quiet of late, but writing's been on the backburner for the last few months. I'm still doing bits and pieces occasionally, though not to any great intensity. Before being diagnosed wit MS, I used to crossdress two or three times a week, and my social life was pretty much wholly conducted en femme - I was lucky to find a group of friends who accepted, and encouraged my tv life, and in the end I even had friends who'd never met me in male guise. On becoming ill, I was determined to remain independent, and withdrew from my circle of friends.

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Cav does it again!

Mark Cavendish,(the 'Manx Express') the Columbia High Road sprinter has just taken his second consecutive stage win in the Tour Of California. At the end he left the others including Tom Boonen, for dead. He is on absolutely cracking form. This is his 32nd stage win in two years as a professional, bring on the TdF!


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Lost Votes

Tonight I started to read the newest installment of "Maiden" but had to go back to the previous chapter to Reboot my memory. I remember distinctly reading it a while back and I am quite certain that I voted on it because I have been following the author for a very long time and just love her work.

Lo and behold, I was able to vote again. So, does this mean I have yet another oportunity to double vote; or even tripple, :) for my favorite authors?

Did the thang zero its self? I really do doubt that I forgot to vote before.



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Whats Missing

Back at the dawn of desktop computers in business it was hard not to load a game on your office PC, I mean after all there were just not enough hours outside of work to play some of these games. It soon became such a problem in corporate America that companies forbid employees from installing games on their office PC's.
This lead to the birth of the "Boss Key" feature to be installed in many of the better games. Hit the Boss Key and it would throw up a more business appropriate alternate page.

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Help With Image

Three_Friends.jpg This Image was provided by Heather Rose Brown who I thank. But I am looking for a new image for book 2 of Kelly's Journey. I am looking for a red 4-leaf clover with a rose in each leaf to signify Kelly's Irish heritage, ( she has red hair and green eyes) and the song "The Rose" which she adopts as her own. There are two Images used here, the intwined roses of Reconciliation by P.B. and "The Rose" by Maggie The Kitten. But I want a new one. If any can provide the image, I'd be most grateful.

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My muse was on a hiatus

Hello everyone it is me here. I don't know if anyone noticed but I posted a story here a few months ago. I thought it was a good start at a long serial but my muse went away so progress stoped. I am sorry if anyone is upset. Well he returned from where ever he went to :) but now he seems to want me to take another direction. I have another idea for a story but I need some advice on it so I will give a few details. There was a good cartoon I used to watch way back in the 80s about a supercomputer that could project holographic images anywhere.

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13,658=>100% growth in 108 days.

The highest day ever in terms of visitor and the second highest in terms of pages at 43,739. (We had one freak day last February with just over 50,000 page downloads because of several site reapers running at once).

But 13,658 visitors is more than twice the number of visitors on October 31, 2008. A few days later FictionMania went down and BC began a runaway traffic inflation. So fast that Bob and I have spent a lot of the last three and a half months trying to keep the server from crashing on a nearly daily basis.

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What is happening with our favorite young heroine, Marcie Donner?

I don't know how long its been and I don't want to be a pest. I would like to know whats going to happen with with Maisie. Is everyone alright with Kaleigh. Last I heard, she left a blog that her wife was very down but she was coming out of it. Has there been any more complications?

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Do you know you lose EVERYTHING when you format your computer?

Please don't go off on me on how I should know these things. I worked inbound Tech support for Gateway computers back at the turn of the millennium. I do already had a keen grasp on this concept. I actually kept a log of how many grown men broke down weeping after I told them that neither their "novel" was okay or Gateway was responsible for a hard drive crash.

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Fictionmania, An Obituary

Just found this Wikipedia article on Fictionmania:

For anyone who doesn't know the history of the site, it's quite informative. One can't help noticing, though, that in its current form, it reads rather like the obituary of a well-loved senior statesman or other notable person.

Let's hope it needs amending soon, and because Fictionmania rises from the ashes.

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Standing Up to Life - Final Part Posted

I posted the final part for my novel Standing Up to Life a little bit ago, I hope you all have enjoyed reading it! I'll be posting the sequel to this novel up here in the next couple weeks once I finish working on some last proofreading bits and get it through's publishing process. Thanks for reading!
-Tiffany Shar :-)

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Angel O'Hare, Stanman63 The Field Trip

Angel and I were chatting and I was telling her about my Kelly's Journey, she challenged me to complete one of her unposted stories. Well, I accepted the challenge, then she challenged me to add the emotions to my characters. The challenge was to finish the story and make the characters real and make your readers "FEEL" the story.

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Editor Services Offered

I am making myself available to anyone needing an editor to review their writing. My native language is Texan, but I am fairly fluent in American English. All I can offer up for credentials is the fact that I got an A+ in College Freshman English with Composition back in 2003. Examples of my own writing can be found on my LiveJournal site:

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Interesting vid

AE Brain is a interesting blog by an Australian rocket scientist. Her entry for the 12th is about an intersexed woman transitioning. It is a Youtube, but there is a short write up explaining her situation.

Besides Zoe often has articles about the TG experience and stuff!



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Part Three of Standing Up To Life is up

For those who have not just gone ahead and purchased the download, Tiffany has posted part three of her wonderful book. Unfortunately it appeared so far down the list that many of her fans may miss it.

Never fear, however! She told me a few days ago she was going to try to post a segment every day. It's just not possible to do it faster for a number of reasons.

Carla Ann

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Common Decency

The California Supreme Court has ruled that a transgender prisoner can sue her guards and the prison system as a whole for their failure to protect her from sexual assault while held in the general male prison population.

The Prison system and the guards had claimed that they had no duty to protect or care for the inmates under their charge.

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standing up to life

this is a wonderful story and i would advise you to read it the story can be sensitive full of suspence wondering what the next chapter will bring but in all honesty i believe that you need to read the full story instead of waiting for each chapter to be realeased i took the opertunity to download the full story from a site called and thought it was worth paying the $3 to download it believe me it was worth every penny i paid but don't take my word for it download it and you will see what i mean i look forward to reading the next book due out in march


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A Challenge to any Newbie wanting to write a story but just

Here is a good beginning to a story I was writing. My challenge to you is to finish it! The real challenge though is...Can you give it emotion? Will the readers "FEEL" the story through the characters? Good luck and I hope this helps those wanting to write, at least a start.

Huggles All

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Blog About: 


I don't post very often

BUT, I feel that I should. I want to draw attention to Angharad's Bike series to the many readers that have come here from FM. When she first posted the series, I thought, this isn't for me. I waited for a year and a half to start to read it, and the story wasn't what I thought it would be. It's very touching and much like a column in a news paper which is published every day, except without the waste of a bunch of paper and trees. I know how hard it is to write a series and my bonnet is off to Angharad. What I'm saying is to please take a chance and become hooked.

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New stories

So I have finaly posted to big closet two stories I have written. It was sure fun writting them. I have a few more in the works as well as sequils to "Matt's Dillema" and "My Life In a Dress". I hope you all enjoy my stories. My next two are from a fathers point of view, which should be different.

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I Am Now Lady Jennifer Of Bandrum

I got my paperwork in the mail and I can now claim title as Lady Jennifer Campbell. I purchased a lease of 5 Square feet of land in Bandrum, Kingdom of Fife, Scotland. I am very happy to help preserve the land of my ancestors for future generations. I hold title in my family for 175 years and can pass it down to future generations in my family. This land is beautiful and deserves to be protected from greedy developers.

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Something New.

I'm working on a story which will be a one off, unless I post it in two parts. It will be different from anything else I've written and darker than my usual stuff. It's also a crime story. I have no idea when I'll get around to finishing it yet, I've done a first draft of about a tenth of it, but I won't be posting it in chapters and it won't be posted until it's completed. It will be posted here. That's it.


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One of those days

You ever had one of those days where you wake up and roll over to look at the clock and scream because you're going to be late for work so you jump out of bed and rush around in a blind panic trying to get ready but you still know you can't make it in time so you slam the door and call to let them know you're going to be late and get a confused silence because you've been asleep three hours and misread your clock and still have over twelve hours before you have to be at work? I hate those days.

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Beware the VELOCIBUNNY!!!

My wonderful husband, Grover, drove me to work today. On the way there we were talking about the blog "Women are Hard to Read". As the conversation went on, we then talked about the virtual whirlwind of emotions and thoughts that women go through during different parts of life. I told him I was cute and fuzzy when things are going well, but if someone I love or care for is being attacked (according to my perception) then the claws come out. He turned to me and said..."'re a Velocibunny!"

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From Tim to Kim: German pop star, 16, becomes world's youngest transsexual after sex change op

German teenager Kim Petras who became the world's youngest transsexual after undergoing an operation at the age of just 16 says she can't wait for the summer so she can try out a whole new wardrobe of tight fitting clothes.
The pop singer - born Tim - is well known in Germany for having started hormone replacement therapy as part of her gender transition by the age of 12.
Now 16, she completed Gender Reassignment Surgery in November, according to a posting on her blog.

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