TopShelf Blogs

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Phone Numbers in stories

Certain countries set aside phone numbers for fictional use.

For the UK, OFCOM (UK regulator) have information here. See

Only 555-0100 to 555-0199 are now reserved, though other 555 numbers are used in some films and tv shows. Reference: section 4.6 of

Australia has a series of set numbers reserved:

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The Boy in the Dress

David Walliams, star of Little Britain has just been interviewed on BBC Radio 4's kid programme Go 4 It about his book The Boy in The Dress which has been illustrated by Quentin Blake.

To listen:— and find Go 4 It for the next 7 days.

The Book and a CD is available from Amazon see:

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Tragedy Of The Spirit Challenge

Melanie Dixon has sent me Melissa Dawnw Northe's [Prairie_Girl64] latest story. I have edited the story, but we both feel that there is much more to the story as Prairie Girl did not complete the story and left behind notes on the outline on how to complete it.

Melanie thinks that Prairie Girl's friends and fans may want to contribute to the legacy of Tragedy, and has offered to open up the floor and issue a challenge to everybody here at Big Closet-Top Shelf and Stardust to complete the story using the notes below.

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Blagojevich in the Server

Neither Bob nor I have any idea why the server went down at the slowest time of the night but we didn't find out about it till we got up this morning. Took over half an hour to get the thing to reboot.

I've decided to blame Governor Blagojevich of Illinois for corrupting my server. He seems to be able to deal emotionally with things like that, nothing upsets him, apparently. With everything else he's accused of, I'm sure we can slip another crime onto the docket and no one will notice.

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ISP Problems

My ISP, Time Warner, is having some problems maintaining service in this area. It's possibly related to either the fires or the recent rain or both. They say they should have it fixed tomorrow but they said that before, so who knows? As it is, I'm online for varying periods and then down for half an hour to an hour or three while they try some more bubblegum, clothespins and duct tape. They're actually pretty good at this so I figure I'll get a credit on my next bill and they will have it fixed by this weekend.

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Any interest in a site for discussing philosophical and political matters?

Hi folks,

a few weeks ago Angharad posted a very interesting question about transsexual people and terrorists. Unfortunately that discussion was stopped very early. I guess it was to avoid any flaming which surely would have come soon.
But like I said, it would have been very interesting to discuss that matter a bit further. I came to the conclusion that this site might probably not the best place to persuade such a philosophical exchange.

If there is any interest in having such discussions in depth, I'd like to provide a forum for that.
There will be of course rules to avoid unneccessary flaming or even hatred.

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Crimes Against the Website

I just had to write a PM reply to an author who felt very confused. She posted a story that several commenters admitted was well-written but the very existence of the story was attacked by several prominent posters here -- attacked on moral grounds. The gist of the comments were that the story should not have been written since the actions depicted in the story were immoral.

What the Fuck, People????!

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Tragedy Of The Spirit

GOOD NEWS!! Melanie Dixon gave me permission to post Prairie Girl's story Tragedy Of The Spirit over at Bob Arnold's Stardust. I also asked and got permission to post it from Bob Arnold. I posted the first of her chapters today and will continue to post every Sunday just as I post Maddy Bell's Gaby stories on Wednesday's for her. Thanks Bob.

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Does Anyone Know?

What is happening with FM? I check every day but just get the "This page cannot be displayed". While BC is my favourite site I miss FM. There were stories there that I did not like but there were many that I did. There was always a degree of cross-pollination with authors posting on both sites and I would hate to see it disappear for ever.

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Bike 484

I honestly don't know if I shall post tonight, I feel quite wretched and my sinuses and eyes are quite painful. I know it's only a heavy cold, but I really do feel yuck. I know I should have a better antivirus program.

Bonzi won't stand in for me, his toes are still sore from yesterday - besides his writing is better than mine and I don't need upstaging by a cat, however clever he is.

I'm going back to bed.


(Keeper of the can opener).

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A Third Sex In Rural Mexico

Dating from pre-Colombian times, native people in parts of Mexico recognized a third sex, men who believed they were women, and accorded them an accepted place in society. Despite the efforts and attitudes of their Catholic conquerors, pockets of this acceptance still survive.

An article in the Sunday New York Times "Week In Review" section, dated tomorrow:

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The Silly Season is upon us.

I have no problem with adults who want to dress up in school uniforms, but this one went too far and reaped the rewards. This sort of thing must make the British look barmy to the rest of the world. See the link below.


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mammograms - worse than the credit squeeze!

Oh the joys of womanhood! I had to go for my breast screening mammogram today. I should be used to it by now, it's my third one plus an extra last time when they found an anomaly and I had to go to the hospital for further boob squashing.

For those of you yet to enjoy such delights, imagine catching your boobs, one at a time in a printing press, then because you enjoyed it so much, you shut them in the door - one at a time again.

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It's my birthday

Yeah, the anniversary of me popping into the world. Last year I was on sick leave and did three episodes of Bike. Who would have thought a year later I'd still be writing the bloody thing! I suppose a handful of you like it, so I'll continue a bit longer - but there'll only be one episode today - I'm working all day - actually it feels a bit flat.
Better get off to work (said with unbridled enthusiasm) :(


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A real body-swap story

I suppose it had to happen sometime - body swaps hit the mainstream media. A Reuters news item entitled Swedish researchers create body-swap illusion tells how they fooled subjects into believing the image they saw on a video monitor was their own body. The last couple of paragraphs are intriguing:

Finally, they tried a full body swap between two volunteers and it worked.

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Sephrena Has Toxic Shock Syndrome!!!!!!!

Oh FUDGE just when I find out everything's okay, I just got a call from Sephrena last night saying that she has toxic shock syndrome, and they caught it just in time, but she won't be back till hopefully today. Apparently she told me mew that the pads she was using for her post operational care were giving her a severe allergic reaction, and caused the swelling to intensify, the doctor is doing his best to care for her, but please keep her in your prayers, I'm really worried mew ;_;

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Employee trampled to death opening doors at Walmart

It's amazing this hasn't happened before. Today in search of the perfect sale, 2000 people in line at a Walmart in Queens pushed and broke open a door that an employee was trying to open. The employee was knocked down and trampled.

I hope it was a damn good sale, because the cost was too high.

Our thoughts are with this person's family.


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My First story is written but not typed

hey I am working on a story right now about a guy who has always wondered what it would be like to be a girl. He gets the chance to be a girl for a day. At the end of the day he doesn't want to be a boy again he wants t stay a girl. Keep checking in for more updates.Dan\Kim

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Thanksgiving And My 38th Birthday

Today was a day of double meaning for me. I celebrated Thanksgiving with my entire family together for the first time since 2001 and it is my 38th birthday. I know I have a lot to be thankful for with having my family together, but on the other hand I feel down because I haven't been able to achieve the goals I had for my transition. When I originally set out living fulltime in 2005, I had a goal of having my SRS completed by this year. 2008 has been a nightmare for me both personally and professionally.

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just who is crazy?

In many cultures transgendered individuals are reviled, as are those with different sexual orientations to the majority. On the whole, I suspect most of us are more danger to ourselves than to others. I saw a paper which suggests mental illness and self harming, including suicide is higher amongst GLB individuals. It didn't mention transgendered, but I should imagine it's similar for the same reasons, pressures and stresses from the majority to either conform or be persecuted.

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Stories Observations

Well, having become a TS author, I have to say that I like it. I find myself checking my stories about 40 times a day (literally) and seeing how many times they have been read, how many votes that have been garnered, and if any comments have been made.

I'm finding out that I LOVE comments.

I'm a bit disappointed that the most recent chapter, Sissy's Debut, hasn't seemed to be as well received as the other chapters.

I do have more that needs to be written. I know where the next two or three parts are going to say, and the story is shaping nicely.

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A series worth seeing

I was watching yuotube the other day and discovered a series by accident. It follows the lives of beauty contestants, their hopes and loves, and how they got to where they are now. Chapter twenty-four is a very emotional experience.
The series can be found at and is titled Gender Blender. It is very well done and well worth the $9.99 for a months unlimited viewing, Arecee

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Being Safe

Having come through the Rememberance day, I have a few observations to make. The statistics surrounding T life frighten me right out of my wits; making me want to hide in my room and never go out. There are some things about the killings that strike me though.

Several of them were after midnight after the tgirl had left a club alone. One was while she was walking down a country road alone. After a while I begin to see a pattern. I think about what other women that I know would do.

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Server Rebuild (StorySite, CyberBrats, GabyZone, and More)

Just an FYI for everyone. I'm not sure when, but sometime this week I will be bringing down the server that hosts StorySite(dot)Org, GabyZone(dot)Com, TGFiction(dot)Net, CyberBrats(dot)Net/Org, ReluctantPress(dot)Com, and several other sites.

The reason for this downtime will be to upgrade the server, update the OS, and get rid of the annoyances left behind after a ferociously pathetic wave of script kiddies trying to break the server.

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FINAL WORDCOUNT: 1 , 5 3 7 , 1 1 9

I am... The Lexivorous Word Witch

74 Adventures at an average of 19,947 words each, and a 61,041 word wrap up...

My hands hurt. My head and back hurt. But I've got a hugified grin.

So, I made it... if you feel like supporting the National Novel Writing Month folks, go check out my Fundraising Page and give as little or as much as you want!

And the math worked out for you folks that want it...

(19,947*74) = 1,476,078
1,476,078 + 61,041 = 1,537,119

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She's alive!!!!

SHE"S ALIVE!!!!! Sephrena is ALIVE!!!! MEW!!!! I'm so happy! I got a call from her mother this morning letting me know that SEPHRENA SURVIVED HER SRS!!!! SHE'S ALIVE YAAAAAAAAAY!!!! Meeeeeeeow this is wonderful!!!! Oh also, for those that have been wondering, nope she's not available, and yep we're dating ^^
*huggles everyone in the closet and out of the closet, and anyone in the near vicinity to death* YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!

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Cold in the Head

Looks like I'm not going to be getting some of the things I wanted to do this weekend accomplished since I woke up with a head cold. I have to take care with these things because they can turn into bronchitis and pneumonia for me very quickly so it's off to the drugstore for stuff and then maybe back to bed.


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Firefox's blackbox

Is there anyone out there who knows how to get rid of the black rectangle/black box that overlaps the stories? It happens with firefox, i've seen it on multiple machines, and have had the problem on both xp and vista.

It's not selectable, i can get to the text beneath by copy pasting it, but it detracts from an otherwise very good reading experience.


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Small Problem

I log on to BC as usual-no problem, and then I go to My Account. That's OK and then I try to get into the Tracker function. The software tells me I have to reconfirm my user name and password, which I do. The info bar says "login successful" and returns me to My Account, so I try to access Tracker again, and back to reconfirm password, etc.
This has just happened today. Is it me or is anybody else experiencing the same glitch? Everything else seems to be normal,

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A Hearfelt Thank You

Thank you so much to everyone who came out for the Day of Remembrance gathering at the Nova Party Line. I can only speak for myself, but I found the evening very poignant; there was sadness to be sure, but there was also inspiration and hope. We had a good turnout and some very good discussions, and even though we were 'preaching to the choir', I think we all gained something from it.

As I said to everyone as the night drew to a close, here's hoping for the day when no one will come out for an event like this, because we won't have any names to add to the list.

Hugs to all

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Well, we are moving in with friends for a couple months while our application for Section 8 housing goes through. That's the three of us, our roommate is another story, and the four feets are going to be displaced for a while.

Currently sitting in a house with no water, and no heat. The floor heaters are doing a decent job keeping us comfortable, but I want my water back on.

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