Unusual viral ad campaign

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Tampax has a fictional blog / video series about a 16-year-old boy who suddenly has "girl parts down there."

Find it here.


A different take

I can't look at the videos, my Internet connection is too slow. But I read the blog entries. Interesting that the attempt to seek medical assistance seems to have gone no further than a talk with the school nurse. I think most any guy I know would be screaming mad and looking for help like right away!

Damaged people are dangerous
They know they can survive

Definitely following this

I doubt it's gonna turn into the typical TG story plot where the guy becomes a girl, but it still looks like a lot of fun to follow. Le sigh, if only it could happen to one of US, huh? :P

Melanie E.

I dunno

He has problems with his weight, his pants are getting tight, thats gotta be his hips filling out, He may have some other problems appear soon. And he is getting into chick flicks, bonding with his sister, and crying rather easily. All that suggests that he has the internal plumbing to go along with newly-acquired sex organ. How long before his parents notice? Or is that "her" parents? ;-)

Damaged people are dangerous
They know they can survive

Typical perils of periods

That would be the bloating and emotional outbursts associated with PMS. The blog skips over the time period between periods, but I bet if it were to cover that time his pants would fit fine. Gotta give 'em credit for brand placement, too. It's done subtly enough not to intrude on the story, but it definitely is there. Since the story just skips over the entire backstory of how he became a 'boy with girl parts down there', never giving us an explanation, I don't think they're going to worry much about the prolonged effects of female hormones on the male body, either, though that's poor writing considering that basically everything the blog focuses on has to do with the effects of female hormones. Then again, there are women who have very strong masculine secondary sex characteristics, with little in the way of female characteristics. That could be the explanation behind why he continues to present completely as male short of his privates.

Melanie E.

Very Nice Blog

Well, this is very cute and I think that who ever is doing it has a lot of talent and should keep it up.

I will not go to face book to say that to them however.


Very clever,

Angharad's picture

advertising gets sneakier by the day, but Tampax are still uncomfortable.



Are you sure? I mean

Are you sure? I mean according to that video all you have to do is pop a Tampax up there and *poof* your worries about having your masculinity ripped away disappears. I mean that's some powerful absorbing action. :/




Write the story that you most desperately want to read.

*dies laughing*

(‐^▽^‐)オーホッホ Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! (^_____________________^)

(*gets better...* But that's still just so funny.)


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