TopShelf Blogs

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time of year

It's that 'time again. Just past one of the worst parts of the year when I'm alone and I'm, again, waiting for my scores on the exames. Lucky me, the're only 2 but ,aaargh, the waiting is more stressfull then the exames themselfs.

I'm starting to think that the 'waiting'thing is really not for me, bwah.

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As I think about my own SRS and the attendant frustrations, I wonder if Penile inversion is the best route to take? Perhaps it would be best to do an intestinal resection because, what I am hearing, is that lubrication is better and dilation much less frequent after the initial healing period.

Owing to my own lack of diligence perhaps, dilation continues to be about as much fun as scrubbing the toilet. So far, there is absolutely nothing fun about it. All this is simply a question, and a little whining on my part.

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Achille's Heel.

Those of you who read my sagas will have observed the regular occurrence of the ersatz complaint, either at the protagonists or by them in a self declaration. I see it in the works of other authors as well, and I've also known it in real life with other transgendered people. It's a very common phenomenon -- the feeling that despite all your inner drivings, you're still different to biological women (or men) and therefore inferior.

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What the heck was that movie called?

Okay, this is as good a place as any to ask. I've been wracking my brain trying to remember the name of this movie because it's a really good example, to my mind, of what makes not just a good transgender story, but a good story in general. I'm hoping someone here has seen it and can tell me the title.

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belated hoppy news rear (giggle)

a belated happy new year or hoppy news rear, yes my lil sides running rampant a little bit to enjoy life. things are getting into perspective and fun again for me and i am starting to see the fun in things and life.

alot of it is i get down over the holidays as i am so far away from those i consider my true family and friends and it gets me down.

to all of you i wish a good 2009 and may all your dreams come true or as many as possible this year

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Hidden Gifts - NOT Abandoned

For some reason (that is beyond my understanding) several people seem to have gotten the mistaken idea that I've abandoned this story. This couldn't be further from the truth. I do admit to falling way behind where I expected to be, but it's far from abandoned. (1st draft of Chapter 13 is complete, and 14 has been started - barely). (Historically, once I get a chapter close to where I want it, it generally takes two weeks to get through my four overworked editors and finally get into a shape where I can consider posting it. Sorry, but that's just what it takes, even with e-mail.

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IE 8 Beta

I got an email from a friend I spent 3 weeks with in Thailand, urging me to download IE 8 Beta. Well, I trust her not to send me something bad, at least not willingly. There seemed to be a healthy financial incentive to do it too.

Well, I downloaded it about 2 hours ago and am now back on Firefox, feeling quite cross about my experience. I am emotionally laying on the floor kicking my feet and throwing a tantrum. :( Severely bummed

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Block and Tuckle

Like all us here tend to do, I am as of right now suffering from a bad case of Writer's block. Sadly, it's not just on one or two but ALL my stories. Add to that that the flash drive I use for saving them has gone AWOL, costing me a few days' work (I had a backup past that, thank gods) and my writin's not doin' too good.

I'm also re-re-re-rereading Tuck, so that's a bit time consuming as well. I hope to have more of Cassie and Miriam out by mid-February at the latest. Wish me luck, please!

Melanie E.

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Super mega kewl special announcement mew ^-^

Well for all of you who know, Sephrena, and me have been dating kind of on again off again for quite a while now. We've been at each others throats like cats and dogs for quite a while mew, but we always seeemed to come back, some force seemed to hold us together, on november 13th, near my birthday, I realized that force was love mew. So we started our relationship again, and this time, it became something more. Then while Sephrena was in Thailand, I got a call from her, and she proposed to me, and I said YES! WERE GETTING MARRIED MEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I see the quote "Life is hard. It's harder when you're stupid." being atributed to a Sir Charles Panther, who seems to use it as a tagline in several book reviews on Amazon dot com, digging a little further back it was used by John Wayne in "Sands of Iwo Jima"

Semper Foo Foo

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Server Woes

With FM down, traffic growth at BC has been penomenal, Bob and I have both spent 20 to 30 hours a week in November and December tweaking and tuning the server and software to keep the site up. Today, we're probably going to set another record for traffic, it looks like we will break 12,000 visitors and get close to 45,000 pages. This is still less than peak loads at Storysite and much less than at FM. BC's software is flexible but CPU and Disk Access intensive compared with FM and SS; we've got plenty of bandwidth but we're flogging the server eight-to-the-bar to keep up.

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Why did I Worry

I registered with BC a month ago after being one of the guests for a very long time and it is through reading many of the stories and the blogs here that it has given me the courage to stand up and leave My Closet. I first came to believe I was different when I was eight years old and at twelve knew what was wrong, but then believed there was nothing I could do about it.

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SRS Opinion

My son sent this to me, and I don't know how to respond, except that I disagree with it. I am sending him the link to this blog so that he can see what you all think.


Sunday, April 24, 2005 -
Surgical Sex by Dr. Paul McHugh
Paul McHugh is University Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University.
Copyright (c) 2004 First Things 147 (November 2004): 34-38.

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New Story

Hi to all friends and readers out there. I have a new story to launch. However before I do I would like to know if some of you can remember a story with a boy called Alex and his future wife called Christine. I can not remember the Author however my initial story is based on that. There also is an apperance of Drew Bond. The parts with Drew/Gaby in have already been seen here and on Look forward to your replies. I wish you all a very happy New Year.

May the power be with you Sharp.

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Delay on Maiden by Decree

As much as I love Deirdre's antics and the way she gets into trouble without even trying, it will be a while before I get much more done with her story. I've had a death in the family, with all the attendant hooraahh, paperwork, and obligations needing to be seen to. Probably next week, I'll be able to get back to writing.

I apologize to those of you who have been waiting, but take heart. Deirdre isn't near done yet! *evil laugh*

Just wait for the mayhem I have planned. Wait for it, wait for it...

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It's not the authors fault

Okay mew, one of the things I've noticed on transgendered fiction sites ((not necessarily this one mind you, however I feel this needs to be said)) is that sometimes the author is blamed for the content of the story and that's just wrong. I haven't yet experienced this on this site so far, or at least none that I currently remember mew, but still I wish to give a message to those who may not understand the nature of the muse. We cant help it, or at least in my case I cant help it mew. My muse is pure evil, and delights in torturing others, boy and girl alike.

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My Weird Winamp, and New Year's Resolutions

A wise lady said something to me about a year and a half ago: "Don't rush it." It's taken me that long just to come to grips that I'm not "just" a crossdresser, that there's so much more to my personality; so much that I've buried and reburied, only to have it come clawing its way back to the surface like something out of an episode of Buffy.

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hell, look inside my head thats where the signs point

the season of joy they call this, not much joy to be found for me this year.To use another over used phrase physician heal thy self, sometimes my gods you cant over the last two weeks i have managed the grand total 4 hours sleep in 14 days and have tried all i can to sleep but the images and nightmares are always there. A raised fist, a loud voice, the scorn, the words all eating away at me from the inside out. I prided myself on having a tough outer skin being there for others helping them through.

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Bonzi 'n' her, wish our readers a very merry Christmas

Neither Bonz nor I can believe you've allowed us to continue this tale for so long. In fact, you've stopped me from finishing it once or twice. So here we are at episode 500, with loads of plot lines to follow, assuming that is the general wish of the readership - all three of you - that Bonzi and I continue boring the pants off you and contributing towards the respite of severe insomnia in some readers.

So we'll keep going a bit longer if required. Until then, from the Bonz and his mum - A Very Merry Christmas to you all.

Angharad & Bonzi.

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Anything For A Moped

I am reading the story in Crystal's Story Site "Anything For A Moped", by Dawn De Winter, and I find it very confusing. First of all, Kyle makes a deal with his mother that he can buy guy looking clothes in the girl's department, and nobody would know the difference. Then his mother adds to the deal, that Kyle wear a sports bra, and panties, but that he should watch his movemets or the bra would ride up. Then he gets to playing hoops with his friend Jason, who immediately says he is playing like a girl, and yet, Kyle is watching his movements so he is not discovered.

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The use of contractions

Recently someone who was critiquing my work informed me that I needed to use more contractions. I have thought about that for a while. I am trying to finish a short story I am about to post; trying to use them, and have come to the conclusion that I simply do not like them. It is not my voice! For a reason that completely eludes me, I find them distasteful!

It would be like my speaking in a Texas drawl and swearing. While there is certainly nothing wrong with the Texas drawl, or not much wrong with colorful language in very measured use, it is just not me.

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Saving mankind from Homosexuality & Transsexuality

The Pope has urged the Catholic Church to stop the slide into blurring of sex roles and to stop the destruction of mankind through homosexuality and transsexuality. He rubbishes gender theory which is an artificial concept.

He doesn't however rubbish the myths and fairy tales his whole empire is built on. How much longer have we got to stand by while these out of touch imbeciles pronounce on issues they neither understand nor have any right to speak about?

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Two steps forward, three steps back

I received another call from my brother. My mom is now spending every night in the hospital. He will not be coming out for Christmas. He has a good chance for a turn around, but he needs to walk around to get his body moving. This is needed to get bodily functions moving normally. There is fluid build up in the lungs. Pneumonia has not set in yet. They are going to try to find the next blockage.

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Logging in

Strange. I visited the site just now and got a message that I wasn't authorised to access that page. I logged in and got the usual 'Home' page. As an experiment, I logged out again, and lost the 'Home' page. Never happened before. Does this mean that only people with usernames and also logged in can access the site now?

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My Love... & HATE

I would like to say that I have been transgendered all my life, but when I was growing up, it was something that wasnt even talked about. There was no internet; web; or anything that we know now. There was only the print, and you were looked down on if anyone but your MOTHER caught you with a Penthouse Forum. I think that the magazines were the first that any of us had in finding out that there were others like us.

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life this christmas really sucks

well this christmas i get to spend it sleeping on the floor at my sister with all my stuff in storage. also i have to spend my birthday on christmas eve all dressed as a guy since i have to share the basement with my siblings and it will be my golden birthday this year as i will be 24 on the 24th. so yeah no dressing as my self instead i have to wear all guy clothes and i hate that. so yeah im kinda homeless till january so i have to crash at my sisters house till some time mid january.

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You Are What You Read?

Here are two reading lists, one of men's "must reads" from Esquire, and one of women's from Jezebel. Can we assume someone's gender orientation by whether they've read more of one list than the other?

[credit goes to Slog for this one]

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Phone update to my friends here

Well I just received a call from my brother this afternoon (Friday, the 19th). Right now it is wait and see mode. My dad will be let out this Tuesday in time for Christmas. They want to make sure he is regaining his strength before he is released. They will do the biopsy on the liver before he is released.

They have to analyze it to determine what type it is first. We won't know that answer for a week. So, I will be down there from Christmas to New Years. I won't have access to a computer during that time. My parents refused to get involved in that.

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Muse issues

I just wanted to let you all know that Caitlin isn't talking to me right now, so there will be a bit of a delay in Sorority Boy. Hopefully she will dain to talk to me soon. Several other stories are running through my head right now and that could be part of the problem. If you go to ad look for poetheather1 you can see what has been occupying my time as of late.

Hopefully you will all hear from me soon.

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i9 need to start blogging properly really i do

well i really need to get back into blogging and keeping my emotions in check.So much happens to knock me back and forwards 18 months into official RLE anmd some times i still hate my body. I cant get away with looking really femme as the body doesnt fit. To be honest I look like a diesel dyke but freak it I am who I am.

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