Those nice people at The Daily Express, have found another way to stir it up, without picking on individuals.
They don't however suggest how much binge drinking or smoking cost the NHS - that's in billions.
PS they forget how the man who owns the paper made his money - pornography.
Right wingers...
Hi Angharad,
that article will certainly stir some comments and surely will also show the worst of our society again. Yet, in my opinion, I wouldn't worry to much about it. Unfortunately I don't know enough about NHS policies, but just one question - How many adventure sports men and women are treated on their self inflicted injuries every year? They surely way more and it's much more expensive.
>> There is not one truth only out there. <<
>> There is not one single truth out there. <<
Sour Grapes...
It sounds more to me that a single reporter has just taken a single health care workers comment, and blown it all out of proportion? They are noted for doing such things to make a name for themselves at others expence! However, they don't realize the flip-side that they are asking for... I would ask, that an artical be written... suggesting that ANY self inflicted, birth defect that's not a life-threat, sports players injury, and self abuse type injury, now cost cash out of pocket... they can't have their cake and eat it too!
here in the states, it's $42,000.00 or so for surgery, not counting mental health prof., drugs, and all the cosmetic stuff that goes with it... electrolisis cost about $60.00 and up per hour here... and let's be real here!... the amounts they charge are just abuse of us in a different way! 'I.E.' charging all that they can get away with! and making it mandatory... that all these funds be payed up front! Most insurance will not cover this... how many young people have such funds to work with while such a medical intervention would give them quality of life, at the BEGINING of their lives... instead of the END?... that leaves many younger people over here with the thought that the takeing there life is the only AFFORDABLE option? OR... sex for cash? to pay for it...
Education... for many, the point of such people who write such drivel in the news... just proves they don't even have any... or slept through it perhaps?
That story doesn't make much sense
They talk about approximately 150 SRS operations a year, less than one a day across the entire country. Then they put in a line like, "Sorry the x-ray department can't take you because all we have time for is dealing with sex change patients." I don't know about you but the only x-ray I've had out of this was because the clinic I went to was hoping to do a long term study on female hormone replacement on M2F's and its long term effects on bone density. I only ever went the once because they ran out of funding to continue it. I'm also sure that much as here (Canada), those in the UK with good jobs and good employer/personal medical insurance benefits are taking care of themselves when it comes to hormone replacement therapy, not the NHS (taxpayer).
That article is deliberately stirring the anti T* pot by twisting minimal facts and probably taking statements by hospital staff way out of context. Irresponsible and completely unprofessional journalism without a doubt.
yeah right
"No chance, all we are doing at the moment are sex changes on the NHS".
Want to bet that NO ONE said anything like that? Notice there's no NAME given for this "quote". This piece appears to have been written with the sole purpose of attempting to influence public opinion to that of the writer's own, and that is a common and regular tactic in the media. In this case, the objective is obvious; I believe it's a deliberate and purposeful attack to cause bias, resentment and prejudice against transsexuals, attempting to hit the "common people" in their most sensitive area - their wallets.
I worked in TV for 16 years, and have also been personally interviewed many times during my music career and I can tell you that they rarely get it right, and reporters OFTEN write their reports to project their own viewpoints, when there's a political aspect to something, even jogging frame-by-frame through video (there are 30 frames per second in video) to find a frame for a still photo that shows their subject in an expression that they want. You'd be amazed at the really odd expressions everyone makes for a fraction of a second, while just talking or looking around... and it's very easy to find a frame that shows a person making any kind of face you desire, from eyes half closed and looking dazed or out of it, or a "guilty" look, to confident and strong, within a few seconds of video. Then just print it and they have a "photo" of the subject with an expression that matches the slant they're putting to their story. It doesn't matter how innocent the conversation, you can find any expression you want in a minute of video of a "talking head". This way you can make your subject look any way you choose. The media takes advantage of this, the general public isn't even aware it's possible. Or, fabricate a quotation from some unnamed source. "Must be true, it's on TV or such-and-such magazine". I'm certainly not saying that all reporters and media are like this. Just too many.
Interviewed Dozens of Times
It's been years since I worked on a college paper and studied journalism. I'd like to offer a defense for the reporter who wrote this horribly slanted article, but I can't.
All I can say is that over the years I've been interviewed dozens of times and had much the same experience as grlygrl. Reporters seemed to have written their stories before they talked to me and were looking for affirmation of their opinion, or a sensational quote the editors could pluck and place under my photo.
Another trick journalist use is to pull a quote from some left or right extremist rag and use it as a valid source. The Wall Street Journal often gives credilibility to quotes from far right newspapers and magazines. Then other "journalist" quote the WSJ as if they originated the quote. I'm sure the same thing happens on the left.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I've figured it out!
The article was written by a perve that has a strong thing for pre-op transsexuals and it just upsets him to no end that there won't be as many around if they manage to have their SRS.
I've often wondered if in places that do not accept us or not grant recognition and rights to us as females then we should go topless when we work in the garden, mow our lawns, ride our bicycles and go to the public pool, anywhere you would see a man without a top we should go there as well, I mean after all, to them we are males right? If they object then men would have to cover up as well because there are certainly men who have breasts or fat chests. They cannot have it both ways.
Give em stick
I went and had my say on there. Grrrrrrrrr!
Nasty muck-raking teenage scribbler
This list shows the sort of pond scum he is; about twenty titles and six abstracts gives you a pretty clear picture.
As it happens I might be much less than the usual seven degrees of separation from him; if I am closer enough I will do what I can to blight his life.
"Don't get mad, get even!" (Can anyone supply the source?)
Read my comments there.
I believe an objective reporter is as rare as an honest politician. That is why I don't buy newspapers. Bloody pandering to the ignorant by scaremongering, spreading rumors and hearsay and also presenting irrelevant and/or personal information to sensationalize their agenda. But then again, if they write objective articles kept in context, they would not sell newspapers.
Mind how you go, when they come for me, they'll find me no easy prey - Jay
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => <= note new address
Not surprised :(
Not that I read that kind of paper anyway, but judging by the kind of stories they put on the front page, it seems as though the Express has been trying to outcompete The Daily Wail for several months now...
And The Wail's editorial policy broadly fits in with Chicken Licken's world viewpoint - "The sky is falling in! Society's falling apart! We're paying more and more in taxes and getting less and less benefit! We're all dooooomed!"
Oh yes, and that particlar paper had to briefly pull all its website polls, after a psychologist noted the questions were very leading (resulting in him setting out with colleagues and readers of his blog to deliberately vote "the wrong way")
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!