R*I*P Michael Jackson

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The King of Pop Music passed on today, and now, the music and entertainment world will mourn an icon of music equal to the legendary King of Rock, Elvis Presley.

Growing up, I enjoyed the music of the Jackson 5 and laughed at their cartoon on Saturday mornings. His personal life has caused quite a lot of debate, and the infamous court case has labeled him with many bad labels.

For all of his musical greatness, he was as infamous about his exploits with his Neverland ranch and marrying Lisa Marie Presley. Daughter of Elvis.

My question is this;' Should he be here? Was he a T.G.?


There Were Alot Of People Who Wondered

jengrl's picture

There were a lot of people who wondered if he was TG. He was a Jehovah's Witness for most of his life and that may have prevented him from coming out as Trans. Some conspiracy theorists had even came up with wild notion that he was doubling as Latoya on several occasions. His voice and facial feature were not considered masculine.



Puddintane's picture

He was subjected to what amounted to "forced feminisation," chemical castration, by his parents and handlers so as to retain the boyish treble which made them so much money for as many years as possible.

We see the result, a young boy robbed of his childhood, which he tried to recapture for the rest of his life.







A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style

Thanks for the Music Michael.

sonai67's picture

It is sad to know that Michael has passed on to be with the greats.. Elvis, Bing, Louis, and the others of the music world that have so much shaped our lives with song, and music.

Fare well Michael, you deserved better, but now are free.

Sonai67 four months and 8 days older than Michael.

Sing a New Song Michael.


well thats three

I have always heard it happens in threes. Ed McMahon, Farah Fawcett, and Michael.

Showing my age

I suppose it says a lot about my age when I say I'll miss Ed McMahon the most. I had this picture in my head of Ed at the Pearly Gates, which are being held open by Johnny Carson and he is saying, "And now, He-e-e-r-e-'s Ed!".

You helped keep a whole generation entertained, and for that we thank you.


Damaged people are dangerous
They know they can survive

He might ...

kristina l s's picture

... have been a little odd and eccentric, especially more recently, perhaps even getting odder and eccentricer.. er... Controversy sort of grew with that. Can't say I was really a fan but he was at his best a genius performer and wrote some classic pop songs, Billie Jean for one. Whatever the reasons or truth of it all he deserves a nod for that at least.

On the other idea I remember reading a story, most likely on FM, that had the main character obviously based on MJ and doing the transition and continue performing thing. Pretty good, but I can't remember more about it.


Hi Stanman63, I have to

Hi Stanman63,
I have to agree with you, we did lose a "giant in the entertainment business" with Michael's passing. Regardless of his private life and the various "antics" seen, he was an extremely talented and progressive entertainer, both in song and dance. Many people tried to imitate him and none came close and most likely it will be really, really long time before someone does. The only ones I can think of are before him and that is Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, and Sammy Davis Jr. (all three "song and dance" men and all noted for their "inventive styles").
It was surprising to me to see three well known people pass away in one week, as it seems that the "three's" when they do come seem to have always been a little more "spaced out" in time. Ed, Farah and Michael will indeed be missed by many. May we all say a little prayer for them AND their families who will miss them.
It does seem that the families and their grief, get overlooked a lot of times when the person passing is a well known "public figure".
As to the TG comment, I do believe he was, but his early stage life, family, and religion kept him from "expressing himself" until he got older and really started with the plastic surgery. If you look at the final photos of his face, he was trying very hard to get feminine facial features and it just might have gone to far.
Take care and be well, J-Lynn

I hate to say this

but I believed the court charges against him, so I will not be mourning his loss. I do feel for his family they are still his kin. That is the best I can do.


Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.

The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune


Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.

The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune

I was never a fan of

KristineRead's picture

I was never a fan of Michael, not even the Thriller album or video did much for me, though I recongnize them as landmarks.

There is no question in my mind that he was seriously disturbed, and that the fame that he had from such a young age was mishandled terribly, and that he was never given a chance to grow up normally.

I am saddened for his family, I am saddened for him, not for the loss of a "POP Legend" but for the loss of a life that had much potential, and seemed to burn out way to young.

I am saddened that his adult life never reached the potential of a full human person, that to me is tragic for anyone.



I see Michael Jackson in a different light

With all the hype in his life the one song he did that I liked was "Ben" As Michael progressed in his career my music choice was country western.
I've never been a fan of his, I do believe he was a child in an adult body and being around young children he had the chance to be thta child he missed.
I think the accusations about him being a pedophile were drummeed up by some unhappy sychophant.

Michael was surrounded by people who took advantage of his naivete'. As wise as he was with music he was just as unwise with money.

The fans are remembering him for all the things he did with his music. I believe his person life was rife with tragedy.

I was watching CNBC last night listening to people who had been around him since he became popular. The stories were horrendous.

There is no doubt he was TG. He had problems identifying his own life. I'm quite sure one of the sychophants that called him friend told him he woud not be popular if he became a female. Michael Jackson was all about being the center of attention, after all he was the bread winner for the Jackson Five. Word is dad was ruthless with all of the boys on the road.

Once Michael went on his own there was not a lot of contact with family members.
Maybe his death is the peace he was looking for? He at one time told a reporter he did not think he would live past forty.

Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow

Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.

He should be here

It's been documented that he occasionally cross-dressed as an Arab woman to avoid the press.