8000 stories?

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We're going to hit 8000 published stories and chapters here on BC, probably before the 10th of September.

The number is a little hard to pin down since there are several types and some exceptions to types so it's not a simple job of looking at a number that increments by one every time a story is posted. And stories get unpublished and deleted, too.

Still, my best guess is that we hit 7500 last week sometime and at the rate of 60-70 stories a week, we will hit 8000 in seven or eight weeks. The neat thing to me is that last year about this time we were talking about getting to 5000 stories. At that time, 40-50 stories a week were going up on average and now that rate has increased by 50%.

BCTS is not the biggest or busiest TG story archive but it does seem to be the fastest growing. :)

Hugs to all the authors and editors and readers who make it happen,


Tell the Sun to Leave the Sky

It's impossible to have a site like this without a serious amount of high drama. By the very nature of our society the transgendered have suffered a gross and unwarranted amount of guilt and shame. The residue from those attacks and inner conflicts often results in frayed nerve endings and huge cases of thin-skin. Add a touch of the passion it takes to write and all that boils down to a mini-culture of drama queens.

Somehow Erin manages to keep a lid on this boiling pot. That's the real trick.

BC has its drawbacks; such as its strong transsexual bias (versus cross-dressing), but it can't be denied that it has managed to attract a high quality group of writers.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)


Angharad's picture

This is a tribute to Erin and her team, producing the best site on the web for tg authors and its own little community of readers and authors. Thanks for all the effort you and your team put in keeping us prima donnas happy.


