In my wildest dreams I never thought that one of my series would be so popular.
Not to belabor the point or try to get votes/reads/comments, but the Sissy series didn't do too well when I first posted it. It seems to be one of those series that gets popular by age. Then I had my Mindy series up here, and while there was a small TS element in there, it really didn't do well at all. I don't think five people read it.
I was pretty much expecting the same for the Samantha series, but I think it's safe to say that just about everyone likes it. So much so that I'm noticing hits on old Sissy stories, probably from interest in reading what else I have written.
My only response is "thank you". I can't say enough how it touches me to see people actually enjoying what I write.
By way of reward, I'm throwing this post open to questions. As long as it doesn't expose plot points coming up or contain spoilers, I'll answer the questions you have truthfully and fully. And if it does contain spoilers, I'll say so.
So, any questions?
Sam's Story
I can't speak for anyone else, I like Samantha's Story because I can relate to it. I imagine that's true for the others but who knows? Most any of us could be Sam, and many of us would have loved to have met Millie Porter and her husband's church. This is the way a good church would/should be. People who care about people, not judging them.
The story is progressing at a nice pace, and my only concern at this point is the inevitable confrontation between Sam and her parents. Not that it seems she'll lose much, but she can't afford to lose anything.
Where did the drawing come from? The girl is so pretty. I do notice her nose seems a bit small, or not well defined, but that doesn't hurt the beauty in the picture.
I really don't have a questions, I like the pace, and I am willing to stick around and see how it all goes. Of course, I'm rooting for Samantha, she deserves to have things go right in her life.
Please do continue. :-)
Karen J.
"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin
I'm on Gaia Online and I
I'm on Gaia Online and I roleplay a lot on there. I've been looking at other user's artwork and the stuff they have in their signatures. I had commissioned a drawing of my character from one lady, mainly based on the sketch that I use for the graphic and three other sketches. They were all wonderful like that. I paid a lot of "money" for it and what I got was not anywhere near what I thought it was going to be. But she had worked nearly 40 hours on that one picture and I couldn't say "it's crappy, take it back". I let her think I loved it and snagged the sketches she did. They have been on my HDD ever since.
I took the sketch and played around with the gamma saturation and changed it some. But it's not my work, and as I'm not planning on publishing it for anything....
If I knew the girl's name I'd most definitely give her credit and a link, unfortunately it was nearly 2 years ago.
May the Stars Light Your Path
Maid Joy