This is what Piper posted at CSS:
Tomorrow, all the sites we host will go away. The downtime will be somewhere between 6 and 48 hours.
This downtime will be due to the fact that the current server needs to be pulled and replaced with a new server.
Also, due to issues being caused by the increased load on the current server, I will be using the PREVIOUS backups which are now about a week old. So many CyberBoard and Polling place polls will probably be lost.
Sorry about this everyone.
Just so everyone understands, this is not the server that is being used for the stories, just the cyberboard and some other auxilliary stuff, along with some other websites that don't update very often.
Outage might move...
Due to forces partially out of my control, the outage might happen on Sat the 4th instead of Friday the 3rd (today).
This does actually partially affect new stories, as all uploads and submissions are done on the primary server. Ave has gone in and grabbed everything pending, and will do so again before the server goes down.
-HuGgLeS- and thanks for posting this Erin.
Re: Outage
Don't sweat it Piper. You've got to do what you've got to do.
And all the kings horses and all the kings men didn't have the correct glue to put Humpty back together again!
Hoping you have the right stuff to, "getter done."
Thank you,