Beloved pets

The Wolf, The Owl, And The Cheshire Part 8

“Jack, look out!” Nick throws the survival knife she had in her hand and throws it into the guy’s back.

Jack scrambles out of the way, as the guy falls forward towards her. There was a gash on the side of Jack’s right leg where she had been slashed by one of their attackers. Just as Jack moved, a guy managed to get close to her.

“Where do you think you’re going, bitch.”

A Hard Thing

Today my wife and I had to do a hard thing. Our beloved half-Rottie Lab went to sleep for the last time. It broke our hearts but Delta had cancer. She had already survived one operation, but there was nothing anyone could do when it once more came back. Delta was 11 years old and had been with my wife for ten years after the dog had been rescued from a bad home. She was a big dog at near 90 pounds but was really a sweet coward. Almost everything would send her into hiding, although her bark would scare anyone. It was so deep it would rattle the windows.

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