South Pacific Island

The Wolf, The Owl, and The Cheshire Part 10

South Pacific Island:
Screams fill the night air as Jack, Nick, and Cheshire push to get to the center of the island. Chaos, Sher Khan, and Samson attack the guards posted at the enemy’s campsite. As for Jack, Nick, and Cheshire, they were moving swiftly and quietly. They weren’t giving the people in the camp a chance to react.

The Wolf, The Owl, And The Cheshire Part 8

“Jack, look out!” Nick throws the survival knife she had in her hand and throws it into the guy’s back.

Jack scrambles out of the way, as the guy falls forward towards her. There was a gash on the side of Jack’s right leg where she had been slashed by one of their attackers. Just as Jack moved, a guy managed to get close to her.

“Where do you think you’re going, bitch.”

The Wolf, The Owl, And The Cheshire Part 7

“RUN FASTER!” Nick was running as fast as he could in the new body he was in.

Jack was in front of him and Cheshire was ahead of both of them. She was leading them towards the river on the map. Explosions were going off around them.

Whoever was after them this time decided they weren’t going to play nice anymore. They were bombing the area with missiles and rockets. Several trees explode behind the three of them, sending them flying over a cliff and into the river they were heading for.

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