Island Survival

The Wolf, The Owl, And The Cheshire Part 7

“RUN FASTER!” Nick was running as fast as he could in the new body he was in.

Jack was in front of him and Cheshire was ahead of both of them. She was leading them towards the river on the map. Explosions were going off around them.

Whoever was after them this time decided they weren’t going to play nice anymore. They were bombing the area with missiles and rockets. Several trees explode behind the three of them, sending them flying over a cliff and into the river they were heading for.

The Wolf, The Owl, And The Cheshire Part 4

Cheshire runs as fast as she can with two hunters on her heels. She wasn’t as fast as she used to be ducking and dodging the tree limbs and roots. “Come on, just a little further.”

The two hunters chasing Cheshire fire at her and barely miss her. The bullet hit the tree limb right above her head. He goes to fire again and suddenly is hanging upside down by his feet. The other hunter that had been chasing Cheshire runs right by him. A grin appears on his face.

The Wolf, The Owl, And The Cheshire Part 3

London, England:
“Mom, come quickly!” Mouse was holding onto Zoey as the younger girl fought her to get loose.

Mouse had scratch marks on her forearms where Zoey had dug her fingernails into her forearm and drew blood. They were having breakfast together in the kitchen when out of the blue Zoey started acting weird. Zoey upended the kitchen table like it was nothing and then started attacking Mouse.

The Wolf, The Owl, And The Cheshire Part 2

Clair’s Ranch
Clair and Gina were doing everything they could to locate Jack and Nick. Clair had called Robert to inform him that his father had disappeared right out of her house. She tried to explain to him, that she had no idea how his father had just vanished out of her office.

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