The Wolf, The Owl, and The Cheshire Part 11

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Jack, Nick, and Cheshire along with their pets have made their way to the temple. All of them were exhausted and had numerous cuts, bruises, and small wounds covering their bodies. Even Sher Khan and Chaos had blood coming from wounds covering their bodies.

Chaos was favoring his right paw. A hunter set a trap and he stepped right into the trap. Jack tended to his injured paw, but it still bothered him.
Samson was resting on Nick’s arm as they stood inside the temple. They spotted a gem hovering over a pit in midair. The pit was to big to jump across.

“Well, at least she is keeping her word so far.” Nick looked at the pit. She walked over and kicked a pebble into it and listened to how far it fell.

“It looks like one of us is going to need to grab it, somehow.” Cheshire looked at the gem and was working out a solution in order to grab it.

“Well, maybe one of us can grab it, while two of us toss the other towards it.” Jack draws a knife from the collection he had and tosses the knife across the pit. It lands on the other side of the pit without any problems.

“So, who’s going to be the person?” Nick looks at Cheshire and Jack.

“I’ll do it.” Cheshire knew she could do it, if Jack and Nick could launch her high enough and long enough.
Jack looks at his friend “are you sure?”

“Yes, but let’s attach a rope to my waist, just in case.” Cheshire figures a rope should prevent her from falling deep into the pit.

“Alright.” Nick gathers all the rope they have together and tie them together.

Cheshire determines the distance she needs to jump with Samson’s help. She noticed that the gem was preventing Samson from getting near it. She hopes it doesn’t stop her.

“All right, let’s try this.” Cheshire ties the rope around her waist.

“All right.” Jack and Nick take their positions.

“On three. 1, 2, 3!” Cheshire runs towards Jack and Nick and gets propel into the air towards the gem.

Cheshire flies through the air towards the gem. She reaches her hand towards it and as her finger tips touch the surface, there is a massive explosion and very bright blinding light. Jack, Nick, and all the animals are blown backwards.

Jack, and Nick were watching as Cheshire flew through the air towards the gem. The animals were standing behind them. They watched as Cheshire’s hand touched the gem, there was a powerful explosion.

All of them, including the animals were blown off their feet and into the wall behind them. They all laid in a heap hurting all over. Just before they passed out, Jack felt Cheshire resting against him.

Clair’s Ranch:
“God, they have so much junk in here.” Ada and Alya were moving trucks and storage boxes out of the way to get to an old armor box.

After moving like forty armor trunks out of the way. They finally find the box they were looking for. Ada hands it to Alya “here it is.”

Alya accepts the box and hands it to Jasmine. “Here.”

Jasmine accepts it and places it on a nearby table. She notices the box has a lock on it made of silver.

“Does anyone know where the key is?” Jasmine looks towards Ada for an answer.

“It should be on your grandmother’s keyring.” Ada and Alya were putting everything back the way it was, minus the box they took out.

Jasmine knew she left the key upstairs in the house. She turns and walks out of the den and back into the house. Just as she enters the house. She is hit against the front of her face before she could react. She falls back down the stairs that lead to the hallway back to the den.

Blood was pouring out of her broken nose as she looked up towards a huge figure walking towards her. She fumbles to get the small alarm out of her pocket. Her back was hurting her.

She presses the button on the remote alerting Ada and Alya in the den. She watches as the huge figure kept walking towards her. She could barely focus on the figure because of the blow to the back of her head.

Ada and Alya were almost done putting everything back, when the alarm in the den starts blaring. Ada looks towards the door to the den.

“We got to secure the door.” Ada starts moving towards the door with Alya hot on her heels.

“You secure the door. I’m going out to help Jasmine.” Alya runs out the door and down the tunnel towards the house.

She mumbles the words track in Cree. She feels the tingling sensation of the magic from her totem as it transforms her. She spots a huge guy wearing an executioner mask and tight leather pants and heavy combat boots.

He was carrying a huge simitar that was glowing. He was almost towards Jasmine and was getting ready to strike her.

“GET AWAY FROM MY FRIEND!” Alya rushes the man and uses her staff to block the sword.

Sparks flew from the connection of the sword hitting against her bo staff. She could feel mystical energy traveling through her bo staff and into her gloved hands. The man stood several feet taller then Alya and was pressing the sword against her staff.

A snarl erupts from Alya’s mouth, that sounded like an angry fox. She could feel the death this man has committed. She felt the weight of the man pressing hard against her staff. He was slowly forcing her to her knees. She grits her teeth and pushes back, resisting to kneel.

Ada knew she should lock the doors to the den. But she couldn’t stand back to let Jasmine and Alya get hurt. She grabs one of Jack’s unique three-barrel shotguns and several rounds from a container. She rushes out of the den charges towards where Alya and Jasmine were fighting.

As she was running, she loaded the shotgun with eight rounds. These were ordinary rounds, but special solid rounds Jack himself designed. When gets close to where Alya, Jasmine, and the guy was fighting. She saw sparks and lightning bolts lighting up the hallway from where the sword was being stopped by Alya’s staff.

She noticed that the guy had almost had Alya to her knees. She aims the shotgun at the guy’s head and pull the trigger. She gets kicked backwards from the force of the shotgun being fired. She misses the guy’s head, and hits the ceiling above him.

Her shoulder was hurting her from the impact of the shotgun hitting her shoulder. She picks herself up off the floor and aims again towards the guy. Her shoulder was hurting her as she fired again towards the guy.

Alya felt the breeze of a slug pass by her head. She heard the sound of the shotgun when it was fired. She was lucky that the slug missed her, but hit the guy in front of her. It did nothing to him, except flatten and fall to the ground.

She figures this guy must be powered by magic like her. She could feel the death magic he possessed traveling through her staff. His magic was being countered by the magic in her staff.

“Ada, grab Jasmine and take her to the den.” Alya felt herself pressed to her knees.

Ada runs towards Jasmine and drag her prone body with her left hand. Her right shoulder was hurting like hell from the shotgun nearly breaking her shoulder blade. She knew she was going to regret it later.

Alya gathers her strength and pushes up with her legs. She could already feel her thighs protesting form the strain. She pushes back with her arms against the man with her staff.

The Executioner channels more strength into his sword and tries breaking the staff. He lifts the sword up and brings it down hard onto the staff. The magic inside of the sword tries cutting through the ancient Native American magic infused into the staff but is unable too.

“Oh, great Fox spirit lead me your strength.” Alya hopes the Fox spirit hears her plea.

Alya feels a tingling sensation again all over her body. She could feel her body changing from that of a human into a humanoid Fox person. She felt more energized as the spiritual energy is granted to her.

Ada almost stopped dragging Jasmine when she noticed Alya glowing. She watched as her friend is changed from a human into a humanoid female fox person. The suit she was wearing even changed, acting like the outer skin of the humanoid fox.

“Okay, that’s not something you see every day.” Ada manages to pull Jasmine’s unconscious body into the den.

The Executioner felt and saw the woman he was fighting change right in front of him. He presses harder against the staff with his sword. He was going to kill this bitch along with the other two females.

Alya was getting tired of holding this prick back. She lets out a growl and jumps up and kicks the guy in his chest. The guy falls forward towards her. She flips the guy over and springs back to her feet.

She twirls her staff and charges it with additional magical energies. She waits and watches as the Executioner picks himself up off the ground. Just as he swings around with his sword. She uses her staff like a pole and jumps up and kicks the guy in his chest again. She sends him flying backwards towards the thick doors of the den.

Ada hears the loud thump as the den doors shakes. She wonders what the hell happened. She goes back to tending to Jasmine. She had blood on the back of her head, matching the blood from her broken nose.

“He did a job on you, Jasmine.”

Alya presses her attack against the Executioner. She was going to take this prick down, even if it killed her. She runs forward, while extending her claws from her hands. She rakes them across his abdomen, sinking them in deep. She spins around and rake them across the mask covering his head.

The Executioner tries to block the attacks, but this Female fox person was moving to quickly. The neck thing he feels, is something sharp cutting across and deep into his throat. Just before he dies, he spots the face of the fox person leaning in close to his own “You lose.”

A smile appears on Alya’s fox face as the Executioner closes his eyes and dies. She was glad the prick was defeated. She pulls his huge body away from the den doors and walks inside. She spotted Ada tending to Jasmine’s injuries with just her left hand.

Alya feel the fox spirit leave her body. She turns back into herself and the clothes she had been wearing when she summoned her outfit. She also felt extremely drained and sore all over. She had to push herself to help Ada with Jasmine.

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