Sarina’s Las Vegas Vacation

Notice: This story follows Lover of Cars and Poker.

Richie’s House:
Sarina pulls all the money she just won towards her with her right arm. A big smile was plastered on her face.

“You would think she would be losing with her left arm in a cast.” Richie looks at Sarina as she pulls her winning towards her.

“Hey, my arm is the only thing broken, not my brain.” Sarina hurt her arm at work while pulling a front end off a Honda Accord.

She fell backwards on her ass and a bunch of rims that were stacked nearby fell and snap her left arm in three places. It’s only been three days since her accident and James and Richie informed her that she needed to take some time off or she was going to lose it.

“When is your flight to Las Vegas?” James looks at Sarina as she arranges the chips.

“Tomorrow afternoon at four. I’m going to be gone for five days.” Sarina thought she would try her luck at poker in Las Vegas.

“Well, why don’t we call it a night after three more hands.” Richie hopes he last that long.

“Fine with me. You guys know I’m going to use what I win here in Vegas don’t you?” Sarina smiles sweetly at her friends and boss.

“Yeah, yeah. Now just shut up and play.” Richie deals the cards since Sarina couldn’t.

Sarina felt sorry for the guys and loses the next two hands on purpose. On the last game the pot was getting big. Sarina listens to everyone as they bet. She looks at her cards and held four ace’s with king high.

“I’ll see your bet and raise you two hundred dollars.” Sarina tosses in her chips.

“Don’t do it Fred, she’s baiting you.” Jamie has figured out that when Sarina has a good hand, she bets high.

Fred looks across the table at the petite light brown hair woman sitting across from. She had a nice collection of chips in front of her from the seven hands she had won. He tries to read her but doesn’t get anything from her.

“Oh, come on, Fred. I don’t have all night.” Sarina smiles sweetly at Fred.

“Read them and weep.” Fred lays down his hand. He had four queens, jack high.

“I hate to do this to you, Fred.” Sarina lays her cards down and the smile on her face gets bigger.

“I told you to be careful, Fred.” James couldn’t believe the cards that Sarina laid down.

“I can’t believe she beat me again.” Fred sits back in his chair in disbelief. He watches as Sarina rakes the chips towards her.

“Look at it this way, Fred. It’s going to a good cause.” Sarina winks at Fred as she separates the chips and count how much she won.

She started the game with five hundred dollars and won close to five thousand dollars from the game. She was hoping for a big haul, because she was going to use it to play poker and blackjack in Las Vegas.

“If you say so. I want a rematch when you get back from Vegas.” Fred liked how spunky Sarina is.

“She might not have any money when she comes back.” Richie looks at Sarina when he says that.

“You might be right. The people there are card sharks.” Sarina hands her chips to Charlie to cash out.

Afterwards she bids everyone good night and drives home in her latest addition to her collection. The Rat Rod she rebuilt from the remains of one that someone sent to the junkyard she worked in. It was in bad shape when she got her hands on it and after putting a new motor,
transmission, seats, windshield, and a few other odds and ends. The Rat Rod was better than any of the other ones around.

Sarina drives home and park the Rat Rod in the garage. She had to have the garage expanded to store a few more cars she has acquired. She was paying close to four hundred dollars in car insurance, so she needed to win big in Vegas.

She checks her luggage and make sure she has everything she was taking with her. She was excited to be flying on an airplane for her first time. Plus, she was looking forward to seeing how she measured up against some of the professional poker players in Vegas.

She tucks the money she won at Richie’s house in a secret compartment in her purse. She strips out of her clothes and take a nice relaxing bath, since she couldn’t get her cast wet. She hopes the pins in her arm doesn’t set off the metal detectors at the airport.

Sarina slaps her alarm clock when it goes off. She was off and didn’t have to be up to catch her Uber until one in the afternoon. She goes back to sleep. She wakes up again around noon time. She rolls out of bed and does her morning business. Her mind was still asleep.

Sarina makes her bed and gets dress. Since the weather was a little cool outside, she puts on a nice blouse and a pair of slacks to wear. She slips on a pair of ankle boots that had a two-inch heel. She moves all her luggage to the foyer and make sure everything set properly to turn on and off.

Fifteen minutes till one, the Uber driver shows up. The person driving the SUV was a heavy-set black woman in her late twenties. She helps Sarina load her luggage into the SUV.

“Thanks!” Sarina gets in the back of the SUV.

“You’re welcome.” Ruth gets back behind the steering wheel.

“So, how long are you to be gone?” Ruth saw that the destination was the airport.

“For only a few days. I’m going to a meeting in Vegas.” Sarina knew to tell people exactly how long you’re going to be gone.

“I’ve been to Vegas before and lost most of my money.”

“What did you play?” Sarina was curious.

“The slots mostly. Remember to be careful if you play them.” Ruth learned her lesson.

“Thanks, I’ll do that.” Sarina sits back in the seat and relax as Ruth takes her to the airport.

Once they arrive at the airport, she gives Ruth a glowing review and a twenty-dollar bill for a tip.

“Thanks, Ruth.” Sarina waves goodbye as she hustles to get inside and go through the security check.

She checks her bags in and stand in line to be cleared. She shows her driver license with the star in the corner that is required to enter federal office buildings and airports. The NSA security officer scans her cast to make sure she wasn’t carrying anything inside of it.

They do pull her aside and have her wait for a few minutes along with several other people, but after a few minutes she is allowed to go. Sarina wonders what that was about as she rushes to the waiting area where her gate was. She looks around and watches as a few young kids run around, instead of staying with their mother.

After waiting for an hour, the plane starts to board. Sarina was feeling excited because this was her very first time flying. As she locates her seat, a middle-aged man comes up to her and ask if she wouldn’t mind trading his first-class seat with her so he could be close to his wife and kids.

“I don’t mind if the stewardess doesn’t mind.” Sarina didn’t mind being upgraded.

A stewardess comes up to them and approves the trade. Sarina follows her back up to first class and sits down next to an older gentleman.
The seat was next to the window. She makes herself comfortable and fasten her seat belt.

She listens to the stewardess as she explains everything. Afterward the stewardess asked what she would like to drink and eat. Also, if she would like a hot towel.

Sarina was loving the treatment she was getting. When the plane start taxing and lift off the tarmac, Sarina felt her stomach lift as they headed for the open skies. Once the plane was in the air. Her stomach felt normal. A huge smile appears on her face as she pulls her MP3 player out and listen to some music through her headphones.

Since it was going to be five hours before she lands. She pulls out the Popular Mechanic magazine she brought with her to read. She had a few others with her to keep her entertained. She also had a note pad with her to write ideas down for the next rat rod she was thinking about building.

Sarina pops a pain pill in her mouth when her arm starts hurting her. She asked her doctor to prescribe a pain pill that wasn’t addictive. She didn’t want to become addicted to Oxy or Methadone. She knew some of the mechanics that she works with were addicted to pain pills or cocaine.

After a few hours Sarina falls asleep. Just before they were schedule to land, a stewardess gently wakes Sarina.

“Ms. We’re about to land. You might want to put your stuff away and return the tray to the upright position.”

Sarina looks at the stewardess through sleep filled eyes. She shakes her head to clear the cobwebs away.

“Thank you, ma’am.” Sarina goes about putting everything away and returns the tray to its proper position.

Sarina braces herself for the landing and was amazed how smooth it felt. Once the plane came to a stop and they started letting people off.
She waits and finally exists the plane. She heads down to where her luggage should be arriving. She grabs a cart and when the luggage starts coming out, she grabs her bags and load them on the cart. She walks outside to flag a cab down.

“Where to ma’am?” An older gentleman looks at the young lady.

“The Bellagio hotel, please.” Sarina couldn’t wait to see what she was getting herself into.

“Yes ma’am.” Arthur knew the Bellagio had one of the best poker rooms around.

“Is this your first time in Vegas, ma’am?” Arthur looks at the young woman in the rear-view mirror.

“Does it show?” Sarina looks at the driver in the mirror.

Arthur chuckles before answering “a little. So, what happened to your arm if you don’t mind me asking?”

“A bunch of rims fell on it and broke my arm in three places.” Sarina wishes her arm hadn’t been crashed like it had been.

“Ouch! What were you doing to cause that to happen?” Arthur was curious what this young lady did.

“I work in a junk yard pulling parts. Normally, I’m a little bit more careful, but whoever stacked the rims, did a half ass job stacking them. I’m just
lucky it was my left arm, instead of me.” Sarina heard her arm snap when the rims fell on it.

“I would never take you as someone who worked in a junk yard. You look like more of an office worker.” Arthur saw how cute the young woman looked.

“Thanks, but I would get bored doing paperwork or answering phones all day. I enjoy being around a lot of steel and such.” Sarina has always had a thing for fast cars and working on them.

“Well, I hope you have a good time here in Vegas. A little advice, know when to walk away with money still in your pocket. I’ve seen too many people lose their shirts playing them slots and playing those game in these casinos.” Arthur has seen a lot of people become addicted to the games.

“Thanks, I’ll remember that.” Sarina had already decided how much she was willing to lose.

Arthur finally pulls up in front of the Bellagio hotel. “Let me help you with your luggage.” Arthur gets out of the cab to help Sarina.

The Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada:
“Thanks, Arthur. Here’s my fare and a little something for you.” Sarina gave Arthur thirty dollars over the fare.

“Thank you, ma’am.” Arthur pockets the money without looking at it. He shuts the trunk and gets back into his cab.

Sarina goes inside the hotel and is amazed at all the slot machines on the way in. She saw a few she wanted to try out after she checks in. She approaches the reception desk.

“How can I help you, Ms.?” Brenda spotted a young light brown hair woman with a cast on her left arm standing before the counter.

“I would like to check in please.” Sarina smiles at the middle age woman. She noticed the woman’s name was printed on the gold name tag on the woman’s chest.

“Your name?”

“The reservation is under Sarina Gibbs.” Sarina watches the woman as she types her name into the computer system.

“I have you booked in room 523 for five days.” Brenda grabs a room card and program it.

“Thank you.” Sarina watches as Brenda programs the card and checks her in.

“Can I see your Id, ma’am?” Brenda wonders how young Ms. Gibbs was.

“Sure.” Sarina shows her id card.

Brenda looks at it and notices she Ms. Gibbs was twenty-one years old. She hands the card back to Ms. Gibbs. “Thank you.”

“Any time.” Sarina knew why Brenda wanted to see her id.

“Here’s your room card, and if you need another card. Please let us know.” Brenda hands the room card to Sarina.

“Thanks, I will.” Sarina tucks the card into her pants pocket.

“Enjoy your stay, ma’am.” Brenda smiles as Sarina walks off.

“Thanks.” Sarina heads to where the elevators are.

While Sarina is waiting for the elevator, a man dressed wearing a black cowboy hat, dark jeans, shiny new cowboy boots, and western style shirt stands near her. He stood a good foot and a half taller than her. She smells the aroma of cigar smoke on him, along with the male perfume he was wearing. He was clean shave and had short black hair. She could tell he spent a lot of time outside like she did.

Damon notices a young light brown short hair woman with a pink cast on her left arm standing at the elevators. She had a luggage cart near her. She was a foot and half shorter than him. He could smell the light scent of jasmine coming off of her. She had dark skin like him from spending time outside in the sun.

Damon wonders how she broke her arm or did someone do it to her? He follows behind her when the elevator doors open. He avoids the luggage cart as he enters.

“What floor are you on?” Damon looks towards the young woman.

“Fifth floor.” Sarina looks at the gentleman and loved his western accent. She could tell by his accent that he was a true cowboy.

Damon pushes the fifth-floor button and then his floor, which was the tenth floor. He looks at her as the elevator travels upward. “First time visiting Vegas?”

“Yep, I’ve never been here before.” Sarina smiles at the gentleman talking to her.

“Well, I hope you enjoy your stay.” Damon liked how the young woman looked.

“Thanks.” Sarina notices the elevator stopped at her floor.

Damon smiles at the young woman as she exits from the elevator with the cart. He wonders if he’ll see her again. As he enjoys the ride up to his floor.

Sarina locates her room and unlocks the door with her key card. Once she is inside, she unloads the cart and leaves it outside her door to take back downstairs. She unloads her clothes and arrange everything the way she likes it. She covers up a yawn as she decides what she wants to do first. Her stomach reminds her that she hasn’t had anything to eat for the past seven hours.

“Food, first.” Sarina takes two hundred dollars from the hidden compartment inside her suitcase.

She heads back down to the lobby and goes to find some food. She plans on enjoying herself after she finishes eating. She has dinner at the Prime Steakhouse.

After dinner, Sarina was starting to feel a little tired. She catches a show, instead of playing the slot machines. After the show Sarina heads back up to her room and pop a pain pill after changing her clothes and lying in bed. In no time at all she is off to la, la, land.

The next morning when Sarina wakes up, it’s around noon time. Sarina looks at her cell phone and notices what time it was.

“God, I can’t believe I slept so late.” She takes a quick shower and get dress.

Instead of wearing her ankle boots, she slips on a pair of low heels instead. She checks herself out in the mirror and grab her purse and heads downstairs to grab some quick breakfast and to play the slots. She couldn’t wait to see how well she does with the slot machines.

After breakfast, Sarina tries her luck with the slots. She ends up putting twenty dollars into one machine and ends up winning twelve hundred back after a few hours of playing. She tries her luck at a more expensive machine and wins a big jack pot.

Sarina knew it was just pure luck that she managed to win fifty-five thousand dollars on that machine. By the time she quits, she has total winnings of seventy thousand dollars. She heads upstairs to her room and order room service for a late dinner. She also pops one of her pain pills into her mouth. Her left arm started to hurt while she was playing the slots.

The next day, Sarina does some exploring instead of staying at the hotel. She wanted to see some of the sites in Las Vegas and visit some of the drag lounges. She promised the girls at the bar she performs at that she would visit some of the drag lounges in Vegas. So, Sarina spends the day visiting the lounges and meeting new people.

By the time she arrives back at the Bellagio Hotel, she was worn out. The thing was, she was enjoying herself. Her left arm only hurt her a little bit today.

When Sarina wakes up the next morning, Sarina tries her luck at blackjack. She does pretty good at the blackjack tables. She ends up winning four thousand dollars. Some of the people she played against were amazed at her skill.

After her winnings, she calls it a night, because tomorrow she was going to see about getting into a private poker game. She orders room service again and while she is waiting, she calls the front desk and inquire about playing in the private rooms. She finds out that she needs at least twelve hundred dollars in order to be invited.

She makes arrangement with the front desk to show she has the cash to play. Afterwards, she counts her money and when her food arrives, she gives the waiter a tip. After eating, Sarina takes a pain pill and passes out from it.

Private Poker Room, Bellagio Hotel:
Sarina checks her appearance before leaving her hotel room. She decided to dress up and had her money in a small clutch hanging by her side. She had the required amount and a little extra just in case she lost all the money.

“Alright girl. This is the big time. Let’s see how well you do against some professionals.” Sarina takes a deep breathe before leaving her room.

She goes down to the front desk and ask for the person she was told to talk to. It was an older gentleman and he seemed friendly.

“Are you Ms. Sarina Gibbs?” Allen looks at the young light brown hair woman standing on the other side of the counter.

“Yes sir, I am. Are you the person I’m to give my cash to?” Sarina was feeling a little nervous.

“Yes, I am, but I need for you to read this agreement and sign that you understand the rules and regulation.” Allen hands a piece of paper to Sarina to read.

Sarina reads the piece paper carefully to make sure she doesn’t misunderstand or miss anything. She notices that the hotel takes the necessary taxes out and will give her the receipt for how much they took. After reading everything over, she signs it.

Allen looks the form over to make sure everything that needed to be initial was and that it had the signature and date on it. He scans it into the computer system and file it away.

“Your money?” Allen looks at Sarina waiting for her to compile.

Sarina digs the money out and hands it to him. She watches as he uses a machine to count it. After the machine verifies the amount, she is handed a tray of chips.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Now, if you will follow me.” Allen leads the way to the private room.

Sarina carries the chips with her as she follows the older gentleman. She wonders how busy the place will be. As she enters the room, she notices there were several games going on already. Waitress were carrying drinks to the table for some of the players.

At one table Sarina spots the cowboy she encountered in the elevator along with two other men. Allen leads her over to the table. “Gentlemen, may I introduce Sarina Gibbs. She’ll be your forth player.”

Damon looks at the young woman he encountered a few days ago and smiles. “Ma’am.”

An older gentleman that looked like uncle Jessie from the Dukes of Hazzard greets Sarina. The third man, whole was dressed like a government agent just nods his head towards Sarina.

“Gentlemen, thank you for letting me join you.” Sarina sits down directly across from the cowboy.

“A cutie like you is always welcome to our table. I hope you don’t mind losing your money, darling.” Damon smiles at Sarina.

“We’ll see.” Sarina hopes she is ready to seriously play. She steels herself and let the dealer at the table deal the cards.

Sarina loses the first four hands. Not because she was trying to learn the men tales, because the men were just that good. She was going to have to up her game.

“Are you sure you know how to play?” Frank looks at Sarina when he says that.

“I do. I’m just warming up.” Sarina starts getting serious.

The next six hands she starts wiping the table with the men. The guy that asked her if she knew how to play was the first person she wiped out. The next person with the Jessie Duke looks alike. She left him with ten dollars to his name.

Sarina looks at the cowboy “Do you want to continue playing or take a late lunch break?”

“I can go for a nice steak. We can always come back and play some more.” Damon liked how Sarina came back and showed she wasn’t a shrinking violet.

Both leave the room after cashing out their chips and having the taxes taken out. After receiving a receipt for the taxes, they head towards a steak house Damon found the other day. As Damon and Sarina are walking “so, how long have you been playing cards?”

“Since I was a teenager. My uncle taught me how to play. I uses to play for fun during lunch when I was in high school.” Sarina takes a bite of the steak she ordered. The damn thing cost seven-five dollars, but when she bit into it. It melted like butter and tasted extremely good.

Sarina was watching Damon eat his steak and she saw how much he was enjoying the steak. He had ordered a home brew beer to go with his steak dinner, where she ordered a nice wine to go with hers. She had a baked potato and a small salad, where Damon had a loaded potato and collars with his meal.

After dinner, they went dancing for a while, but headed back to playing poker. The private poker room didn’t close at all, and they ended up playing all night. Sarina lost a large amount of money to a professional player. However, just before she was going to call it a day. She wiped the floor with him and took all his money.

He had made a mistake and she jumped on it. She leaves him a hundred-dollar chip.

“Thank you.” She didn’t know if he lost on purpose or by accident.

He just smiles at Sarina as he watches her leave the room. She was tired and her left arm was hurting her. She rides the elevator with Damon, and he escorts her to her room.

“Call me when you wake up. We can go out dancing and enjoy ourselves.”

“Sounds good to me.” Sarina stand son her tip toes and gives Damon a kiss.

Damon returns the kiss. He holds her, so she doesn’t fall. After a few minutes he stops kissing her.

“Go get some sleep.” Damon kisses Sarina one more time before releasing Sarina.

“I will.” Sarina takes her room card out and open her door. She puts a little sass in her walk when she walks by him.

Damon smirks as he watches Sarina walk into her hotel room. After she was inside, and the door was shut. He heads upstairs towards his room to grab some sleep.

Sarina takes a pain pill and before she could even get undress, she falls on the bed sound asleep in her thong panties and matching lace bra. Sometime during the day, the hotel maid finds her passed out and helps rearrange her on the bed. It wasn’t the first time she has found a guest passed out.

When Sarina wakes up nine hours later. She finds herself on top of her covers still in her panties and bra. She figures between how tired she felt and the effects of the pain pill. She passed out without getting under the covers.

She stumbles into the shower and takes a shower to wake up. Once she was awake, she calls Damon and arranges to meet him downstairs in the lobby. She puts on her sexist undergarments and dresses as sexy as she can. She was planning on having some fun tonight.

The next morning Sarina wakes up sore between her legs with a salty taste in her mouth. She was naked and laying on top of someone. She looks and notices that she was lying on top of Damon. He had his arm wrapped around her waist.

There was a stickiness between her legs and her butt cheeks, which hurt. Her head was hurting her and so was her left arm as well. She wonders what stupid things she and Damon do last night. She turns her head to look at her left hand and saw she had a huge ass diamond ring on her ring finger.

When she goes to get out of bed, Damon’s grip tightens on her waist. He pulls her over his naked body to the other side of the bed. Sarina feels Damon loosen his grip as he gets out of bed and stumbles towards the bathroom to relieve himself.

Sarina looks around the room while waiting for him to finish. Her bladder was ready to release its contents. She spots a wedding dress, her panties, and a bra she didn’t remember wearing. Her head felt like someone was banging drums on the inside of her skull.

Sarina couldn’t take the pain any longer and looks around the room for her purse. She spots her purse laying on the floor. She slides out of bed and crawl on all fours over to it. Every movement she felt pain from both her holes. Just as Sarina reaches her purse.

“Didn’t you get enough last night?” Damon saw Sarina on all fours near her purse. He knew she was hurting as much as he was. She pounded his cock like she hasn’t had sex before.

“Hun?” Sarina grabs her purse and sits back on her heels as she pulls her bottle of pain pills out. She notices she only had a handful left.

“You might not want to drink anything with alcohol after taking those.” Damon remembered what happened when Sarina took one last night. She had bumped her injured arm and took one to kill the pain.

Sarina looks towards Damon from the floor “Did we get married last night?”

“Yep! I tried talking you out of it, but you were sure you wanted to do that. Plus, it didn’t help that I was as drunk as you.” Damon walks over and helps Sarina off the floor.

He studies her as she tries to stand. He knew she was hurting from her holes. She had anal sex last night with him for the first time.

“Thanks, but I need to pee.” Sarina was getting to the point where she couldn’t hold it anymore.

Damon smirks when he notices Sarina doing the pee dance like a little girl. He escorts her to the toilet and lets her do her business in private.

While Sarina was in the bathroom, he checks his cell phone and notices a message form his butler letting him know his parents were coming to town in a few days.

He knew his parents were going to check to see if he has finally found someone. He knew if he hasn’t his uncle would inherit the family business and that would be a mistake. Because his uncle was bad at business. He wonders if Sarina will go along with a plan he was hatching, since they were married now.

Sarina had her head in her hands and couldn’t believe she went out and got married last night. How stupid could she had been. She also wonders what else she did last night. She checks her body to make sure she didn’t get a tattoo as well.

She finishes peeing and wipes herself. She tenses up when the urine hit some tears near her anal opening. She wonders what she did to her anal opening as she flushes the toilet. She washes her hands as she walks out of the bathroom in the nude. It was to late to feel modest.

“Are you sure we’re married?” Sarina looks towards Damon to see if he was joking.

“Yep, it was real. Here’s the wedding dress I bought for you last night.” Damon holds up the wedding dress.

“I feel so stupid.” Sarina palms her forehead.

“Hey, I’m not a bad catch. Look, I have a proposition for you.” Damon wonders if Sarina will go along with it.

“Not that I’m in any position to disagree, but let’s hear what you have to say.” Sarina sits down on the bed. The bed looked like someone had a lot of fun last night.

Damon takes a breath and slowly let it out. “My folks are coming back from their European vacation and is expecting me to be married by the time they arrive. If not, they will give the family business to my uncle who has no business skills. If I announce that me and you are married.”

“You get to keep the business. But what if they found out me and you got married here? What do I tell them?” Sarina thought this sounded like a cheesy romance novel.

“Tell them we have had a long-distance romance and we finally decided to come to Vegas and get married.” Damon knew his parents might want them to get remarried at the family mansion.

“You know this sounds like a cheesy romance novel. How long do you want to keep these charades up?” Sarina wonders if it would work.

“For six months. If things don’t work out, by then we can get a divorce and go our separate ways.” Damon watches Sarina trying to figure her out. He knew it was almost impossible to read her. She had a good poker face.

“This is playing with fire, but what the hell. It’s a deal.” Sarina stands and walks over to Damon.

Damon smiles and wrap his arms around Sarina. He looks down into her eyes “thanks. Besides, we would have to wait twenty days before we could get a divorce any way.” As he kisses Sarina before she could respond.

Sarina and Damon spend the rest of the morning getting to know each other and having more sex. Later, in the evening they go downstairs and play some poker against some new players.

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