The Christmas Elves

“Tammy, I love what that magical wreath did to me.” Sara loved her new elven body as she looked at her reflection in the full-length mirror.

“I’m glad you like your new body because I hate what it did to me.” Tammy walks up and stands next to Sara.

The magic from the ancient Christmas wreath they found had changed both. Where Sara was turned into a five-foot-six-inch busty, curvy female elf, she was turned into a female elf who resembled Judy from the Tim Allen Santa Claus movies.

“Oh, come on, Tammy. You have always loved playing the elf in the Christmas shows in high school and being Santa’s little helper at the mall.”
Sara looked at her friend’s reflection in the mirror as she stood beside her.

“I know, but I was five and a half feet tall. Now, I’m at least four feet tall and have nice round-shaped breasts. I look like my sister when she was in high school.” Tammy couldn’t believe she looked like the elf Judy from the Santa Claus movies, except with a better-looking chest.

“I wonder what else we can do?” Sara looks over towards the Christmas wreath lying on her bed.

She noticed it had lost some color and was slowly turning brown. She thinks of a sexy Christmas-themed lingerie set. She feels a tingling sensation as the lingerie she thought of appears on her body. It was exactly like she imagined it would look like. It had a thong crotch area with a tiny triangle piece covering her vaginal opening and a thin red string that ran up between her butt cheeks to the back.

“Oh, I like this.” She picks Tammy up and holds her in her arms like a child. She kisses Tammy on the lips.

Tammy was amazed as the lingerie Sara imagined appeared on her body. She watched in the mirror as it constructed itself out of thin air. Then she was startled when Sara picked her up, held her like a child, and kissed her.

They have been close since they met in high school but never kissed. Sara/Steve has always been secretive about wearing women’s undergarments. She, on the other hand, loved to cross-dress and secretly wore panties and such under her clothes. Most of her clothes were made for women anyway. She hated men's fashions because nothing looked right on her slim frame.

Tammy feels Sara’s full breasts pressing against her modest one. She notices that Sara smells like peppermint and fresh pine. As for her scent, she smelled like freshly baked cinnamon cookies.

“That’s weird.” Tammy manages to catch her breath after Sara kisses her.

“What’s weird?” Sara loved holding Tammy and feeling her pressing up against her busty chest.

“You smell like peppermint and fresh pine.” Tammy leans in closer to Sara and sniffs her neck.

She was right. Sara smelled like peppermint and fresh pine. She leaned back to look into Sara’s elven-like eyes and noticed they were the color of snowflakes.

“And your eyes look like the color of snowflakes.”

“Are you sure?” Sara was curious.

“Yeah, see for yourself.” Tammy points towards the mirror.

Sara steps closer to the mirror while still supporting Tammy. Her hands were supporting Tammy’s buttocks, while Tammy had her legs wrapped around Sara’s waist. She looks in the mirror and notices her eyes are the color of snowflakes.

“Awesome! Let me see what your eyes look like.” Sara looked into Tammy’s eyes and noticed they looked light blue. They were the color of a cloudless day.

“What do my eyes look like?” Tammy was curious.

“See for yourself.” As Sara moves closer to the mirror.

Tammy saw the light blue color of her eyes. Where Sara had deep red hair, and her hair was the rich, deep color of melted chocolate.

“This is so weird.” Sara couldn’t believe how sexy she looked, even while she held Tammy.

“So, what will we do about our driver's license?” Tammy was worried because no one would believe them if they told the truth.

“Let’s see if the magic we were given will work on our licenses.” Sara puts Tammy down and walks over to her wallet.

Tammy follows behind Sara as she walks over to Sara’s dresser. She notices that Sara’s hips have moved more like women's now.

“Sara, you might want to be careful around men because your hips look cute when you walk.” Tammy knew that if she were still a male, she would watch how Sara walked.

“Are you sure?” Sara wanted to see how she looked from behind.

“Oh! I’m sure. You have a very sexy style of walk that would be the envy of every woman.” Tammy knew she was feeling jealous.

“I’m going to have to record myself walking.” A smile appears on Sara’s face as naughty ideas fill her head.

The two of them stop in front of Sara’s dresser drawer. Sara found it at a thrift store for sixty bucks. It had an old-style oval-shaped mirror attached to the back of it. Sara strung Christmas-style lights around the mirror.

Sara opens her wallet and touches her driver's license with her finger while imagining what it should say instead. The same tingling sensation travels through her body and into her wallet. Every card in her wallet with her old name changed to her new name, Sara Winters.

She pulls out her driver's license and looks at it. “Nice!” she says as she shows the license to Tammy.

“I wonder if it also changed everything in all the computers.” Tammy looks at the driver's license and wonders if it did.

“There’s only one way to find out.” Since most of them are in her name, Sara picks up her tablet and checks the DMV, bank account, and utility bills.

Tammy watched as Sara checked different sites and noticed everything had been changed on those sites. When Sara checked her credit score, it was extremely high.

“Man, I think I’ll change my information as well.” Tammy knew she needed to improve her credit score. She had financial problems, and her score
was five hundred seventy.

“The thing is, what should we do now?” Sara looks down at Tammy for an answer.

“That’s a good question. We could help underprivileged and homeless kids and such.” Tammy knew where a few homeless kids looked for food and begged.

“I agree, but we can’t go out wearing lingerie except under our clothes.” Sara touches her dresser drawer and changes all her clothes inside it.
Afterward, she walks to her closet and changes her clothes and shoes.

“Let me go and get ready. I know the mall will be calling me again to come in and help Santa this year.” Tammy turns and starts walking out of Sara’s bedroom. She looks over at the wreath that turned them and notices it was almost entirely brown.

Tammy didn’t want the wreath to disappear or die if it was alive, so she walked over and gave it some of the magical abilities it had given her and
Sara. She watched as the wreath turned back to its bright green color.

“There, now you look better. I bet you’ll feel better with fresh air and sunlight hitting you.” Tammy picks the wreath up and carries it to the kitchen.

She makes up some plant food for her plants and sprays the wreath with the mixture. Afterward, she hangs the wreath on the front door of the house they are renting. They can buy the house, but they are renting it for now.

After mounting the wreath on the front door, Tammy steps back to look at it. She had covered her body with an emerald green dress and matching slippers for her feet.

“There you go, Mr. Wreath, and thank you for what you gave me and my friend.” Tammy knew it was the wreath that turned her and Sara into elves.

Tammy watches as Holly starts growing on the wreath. A smile appears on her face. She is happy that the wreath is thanking her. After everything it did for her and Sara, she wants it to remain healthy and happy.

When she returned, she headed to her bedroom to shower and change. She needed to go to the mall and talk with Mr. Goodie about playing the elf again. She knew Sara was in her bedroom, trying on some of the sexy lingerie she liked and changing in her dresser drawers.

“Sara, I’m heading to the mall. Do you want to come along?” Tammy enters Sara’s bedroom and spots her wearing a sexy elf outfit.

“I’m going out with some friends. What do you think?” Sara turns around, showing off her sexy body dressed in the sexy outfit.

“You look very sexy and have changed since becoming an elf.” Tammy knew Sara had never been like this before.

“How so?” Sara was wondering if something was wrong.

“Well, you’re acting like some of those rich girls that like to show off their bodies. You have never been like that before.”

“Really?” Sara wonders if Tammy was right.

“Yes, it’s like someone turned your sexy and slutty dial-up.” Tammy walks over and sits down on the corner of Sara’s bed.

“You might be right, Tam. Now that I think about it, I have never been like this before. I guess it's just more freeing being who I am now.” Sara knew she was enjoying being a female elf now.

“Well, just be careful and take precautions. We don’t know what could happen if you fool around with a male without protection.”

“I promise to take precautions.” Sara figures she could go by the pharmacy and pick up a few condoms.

“Okay, now I’m going to go and change and head to the mall.” Tammy stands up and walks out of Tammy’s bedroom and into her own.

She takes a nice warm shower and washes her long chocolate-colored hair. She notices it has gotten a little lighter in color, but it still matches the color and silkiness of melted chocolate. Tammy liked how her hair surrounded her head. It hid her eleven-shaped pointed ears.

Tammy puts on a red skirt with a green ruffle top, a ribbon bow, red ankle boots, and two-inch heels in her hair. She grabs a purse she bought long ago and hides it in her closet. She had to hide her girl clothes when she lived with her parents.

She was able to use some of her magic to make a bra fit her better. The one she had before was for when she dressed up and used prosthetic breasts to give her a female look. Tammy checks herself out in the full-length mirror in her bedroom.

“Dam! I look cute.” A smile appears on Tammy’s face.

She grabs her purse and walks out of the house to Mini Cooper. She bought the car two years ago after her first major gig at the mall. She had to
readjust the seat because she was shorter now. She’ll also have to stop and grab a pillow to give herself more height.

Tammy pulls out of the driveway and drives towards the mall. She loved shopping at the mall, especially during the holidays. Many of the shop owners had big sales going on, and sometimes, they had discount sales going on as well. One year, she bought herself a necklace she had wanted for so long but was out of her price range. When it was marked down, and the store was giving a thirty percent discount that day, she had enough money saved up to buy it.

It takes her a good thirty minutes to arrive at the mall. She parks in the North section. Kohl's is one of the mall's anchor stores. On her way out, she buys several items from the store.

She enters Kohl’s, goes through the store, and takes the elevator to the second floor, where the mall management offices are located. Tammy stops to check her appearance before entering the management office and approaches the receptionist.

Kimberly looked up and smiled because she recognized who was standing before her. “Tammy, what can I do for you?”

“I’m here to talk to Mr. Goodie about being the elf this year for Santa.”

“Well, I know he will be thrilled you have shown up. Oh, by the way. We have a new person playing Santa Claus this year.”

“What happened to Earl?” Tammy was used to working with Earl.

“He retired and moved to Georgia. He said he was tired of the cold weather.” Kimberly knew Earl had been complaining a lot about his joints.

“Well, I hope he has a good retirement. So, who will I be working with this season?” Tammy was curious.

“Ask Mr. Goodie when you talk with him. I’ll let him know you’re here.” Kimberly sends a message to Mr. Goodie.

“Thanks.” Tammy walks over and sits down in one of the chairs.

She knew Mr. Goodie would be here soon. While sitting there, she wondered what else she could do to help the less fortunate and people experiencing homelessness. She wanted to do something for the children.

After waiting a few minutes, Mr. Goodie enters the reception area and spots Tammy waiting for him. He smiles because of how cute she looks. He can’t get over how she resembles Judy from The Santa Claus movie.

“Tammy, it's so good to see you. Are you here to tell me you’re still willing to help Santa this year?” Mr. Goodie has gotten good reports about

“Yes, sir. I will help Santa again this year if you want me to.” Tammy stands to shake Mr. Goodie’s hand.

“That’s good. Let’s return to my office and have you complete some paperwork.”

“Lead the way.” Tammy follows Mr. Goodie when he starts walking back to his office.

Half an hour later, Tammy leaves Mr. Goodie’s office and heads towards the food court to grab lunch. She wonders what Sara is up to as she sits at a table and enjoys her lunch. She gets Hunan Beef and asks for it to be slightly spicier. She also receives an egg roll and fried rice to go with it.

After Tammy eats lunch, she goes by the angel tree and grabs a few angels with wishes for different kids. She looks at them and buys the items she wants at the various stores. She buys a few extra items to accompany the request. She’ll wrap them up when she gets home.

Tammy also buys several packs of wrapping paper to wrap the gifts. She carries everything to her car and puts everything in the hatchback area. She gets in the car and drives to the grocery store to buy groceries for the house.

By the time she returned home, it was getting dark. She noticed Sara’s car was missing.

“She’s probably enjoying her new body with her friends.” Tammy has met some of Sara’s friends.

Tammy takes everything into the house. She takes the gifts to her bedroom and puts the groceries in the kitchen. She figures she’ll make ham for Christmas dinner.

By the time everything was put away, it had gotten dark outside. She made cabbage pizza for herself. She saw the recipe on YouTube. She cut some cabbage slices and put some olive oil on them. She spread some pizza sauce, cheese, and pepperoni slices on them. Finally, she baked them in the oven.

While they are baking, Tammy makes some instant sweet tea. She prefers brewed sweet tea, but the instant sweet tea would do. While the veggie pizza is cooking, Tammy waits for it to be ready. She already had her glass of tea poured with ice in it.

After eating her dinner, Tammy wraps the gifts she bought, ensuring they are marked for the right person. By the time she was finished wrapping gifts, it was nine at night. She covers up a yawn and sets the gifts aside to be dropped off tomorrow. She gets ready for bed.

Around midnight, Tammy is woken up by Sara entering the house. She wonders what has gotten Sara so giggly. She gets out of bed and takes a peek. She notices Sara is half undressed and leads a good-looking guy towards her bedroom. Tammy shakes her head and heads back to bed.

When Tammy wakes up the next day, she spots several articles of clothing belonging to Sara scattered on the floor leading to Sara’s bedroom. Her nose picks up the smell of the cologne from the guy still lingering in the air. She wonders if her senses have been enhanced because she was turned into an elf.

Tammy peeks in on Sara and spots her in bed with the guy she brought home last night. He was spooned behind her, holding her to his body. A smirk appears on Tammy’s face as she gets ready for work. She’ll be meeting Chris for the first time today. He was the new Santa this year.

After Tammy is dressed in her updated elf outfit, she grabs her small purse, which looks like a pouch, carries the gifts she wrapped last night, and puts them in her car. She drives towards the mall and parks near the East entrance.

Tammy carries the gifts into the mall and places them under the angel tree. She hopes the kids receiving the gifts enjoy them. She also stocks up on candy canes, ensuring plenty of sugar-free candy canes for diabetic kids.

When she approached Santa’s setup, she was amazed at how well the night crew set everything up. There was a little house for them to take their break in. It also served as Santa's dressing room. She always wore her elf outfit to work and when she left.

The other elf working with her took all the pictures. Tammy puts her water bottle in the house and start getting everything ready. She knew Santa was supposed to arrive at ten when the shops started opening.

Parents started showing up early to wait for Santa. Tammy saw Chris duck into the house to change into his Santa suit. While he was doing that, Tammy did some simple acrobatic stunts to entertain the kids. She loved seeing the smiles on their faces.

When Santa was due to come out of the house, a huge announcement was broadcast all over the mall to inform the shoppers. Christmas music started playing as Santa walked out of the house and was escorted to his chair by Tammy and the other elf she was working with.

The other elf’s name was Bernard, and he dressed like the character from the Santa Claus movie. Tammy escorted Debbie, a little girl, up to Santa and helped her onto his lap. By midday, over forty children and some preteens had shown up to have their pictures taken with Santa.
Bernard was kept busy with pictures, and when Tammy could, she took over taking photographs to help Bernard out.

“Tammy, did you bring any of your famous cookies?” Bernard knew Tammy made yummy cookies.

“Not today, but I’ll bring some tomorrow and the rest of the week.”

“Okay, how about running to the cookie factory and buying us some cookies? Your perfume is making me hungry.” Bernard couldn't get over how Tammy smelled like freshly baked cinnamon cookies.

“Okay, let me see if Santa wants anything.” Tammy makes her way up to Santa.

“Santa, I’m running to the cookie factory to buy some cookies. Is there anything you would like?”

Chris looks at Tammy and can’t get over how she looks like Judy from The Santa Claus Movie. He notices they currently don’t have any children waiting to see him.

“Some milk will be nice.” Chris knew he had to keep up the appearance of Santa, and Santa didn’t drink soda or coffee.

“One milk coming up, Santa.” Tammy smiles at Chris as she leaves him.

She walks over to the cookie factory and purchases two dozen mixed cookies. The cookie factory gives her a ten percent discount on her purchase. All the stores in the mall give Santa, herself, and Bernard discounts when they visit their stores.

Tammy returns the cookies to the house and fixes a plate for Santa. She also pours his milk into the unique mug just for him. The pottery shop makes specialty mugs for the people playing Santa.

Around one in the afternoon, they shut down for an hour and take a lunch break. The three of them have lunch together in the food court. The mall gave them meal tickets they could use at any of the vendors in the food court. If they went to any of the restaurants in the mall, the restaurants would only give them a discount on their meal.

While the three of them sit at the food court, Bernard looks towards Chris. “How long have you been playing Santa, Chris?”

Chris looked at the young man dressed as the head elf from the Santa Claus movies. He was amazed at how closely the young man resembled the character in the film.

“Going on ten years now. I started when I was fifty years old.” Chris loved giving back to society.

“Why do you do it?” Tammy was curious.

“Well, I like seeing the joy in kids. Why do you two dress as elves from the Santa Claus movies?’ Chris was curious.

“I was born looking like Judy from the movie, except my chest is a little bigger than hers.” Tammy loved Christmas.

“As for me, I liked how the character Bernard looked. So, I decided to become him full-time. As for this one, she has always been like Judy's character. Just don’t drink Tammy’s cocoa. It's too rich and sweet for my blood.”

“Hey, it’s supposed to be like that.” Tammy liked how she made cocoa.

“How long have the two of you been doing this gig?” Chris was curious.

“Since high school for me. I was in the drama club and loved playing mystical creatures.”

“Same for me. My father used to do photography for the different Santa’s over the years, and I learned from him.”

“Sounds like you two enjoy what you do. I noticed that you do acrobatics tricks to entertain the kids, Tammy. Did you study acrobatics in school?” Chris looked at Tammy and loved how she smelled.

“I took acrobatic lessons from a woman named Beverly Cummings. She taught different styles of dance and basic gymnastics moves. Mostly, it
was just tumbling, cartwheels, and floor acrobatics. She didn’t have a full-fledged gym setup. Still, I was thankful for what she taught me.” Tammy missed Mrs. Cummings. She was a great teacher.

Chris noticed what the time was. “Well, we better get back to work.”

“Let’s go and have some fun.” Tammy was in a joyful mood.

The three of them returned to work and worked until the mall closed. Tammy cleaned up the area while Bernard put the photography equipment away. When Chris offered to help, Tammy and Bernard said it wasn’t Santa’s job.

When Tammy arrived home, she noticed the living room was packed with toys, coats, food, and other items. She saw Sara in the middle of everything, dressed only in a lacy lingerie teddy.

“Okay, where did all of this come from?” Tammy was curious.

“From several wealthy businessmen and their families. They wanted to help out after I used magic to entice them.” A playful smile appears on Sara’s face.

Tammy shakes her head. She wonders why Sara has changed them since the wreath was changed.

“Can you help me with these gifts and such? I have a list of families to which most of this stuff is going.” Sara knew she would need help.

“Sure, let me change out of my work clothes and into something more comfortable.” Tammy steps into her bedroom and changes clothes.

Afterward, she walks back into the living room and helps Sara. They work most of the night getting everything organized and wrapped. By the time they are done, Tammy can get a few hours of sleep before she has to be at the mall. During the night, she makes her famous cookies to take to work.

For the next couple of weeks, Tammy works her butt off at the mall, entertaining the kids. She also grabs as many angels as possible off the tree and fills the request with a few extra gifts. When she gets home after work, she helps Sara with everything she brings home.

In the barrels around the mall, she buys toys, coats, shoes, gloves, and other items kids could use or need and puts them in the barrels. By the time Christmas day arrives, all Tammy wants to do is sleep. She knew Sara was spending time with some friends over at their house.

While she lies bundled up in bed, she looks at the fiber optic Christmas tree in her bedroom. A smile appears on her face. To her, this has been the best Christmas ever.

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