How I Became a Dominatrix Mistress

“On your knees slave.” Astrid snaps her whip at her slave and makes him yelp.

She was really getting into being a Dominatrix Mistress. She loved the money she made doing it and the power it gave her over the men that hired her to abuse them. If it hadn’t been for her skipping school one day and catching her mother doing the same thing. She wouldn’t have ever known about this. Sure, she saw it on the internet, but she never knew that people liked being treated like this.

The reason she had skipped school that day. She had just gotten in her new breast forms and wanted to try them out. She had ordered the same size as her mother’s breast were. She was already wearing her mother’s corsets, panties and garters belts with stocking to school under her clothes.

She had found them in her mother’s underwear drawer one afternoon while her mother had been late getting home from work. Her father was in the Navy and gone most of the time. So, the only people at the house, was her and her mother. She had found that she preferred girl things, instead of boy things. She had dressed up as a Fairy Princess one Halloween and loved it. She tried to get her mother to let her wear more girl clothes after that day, but she wouldn’t do it. So, she would steal her mother’s underwear and bra that she wore the day before and wear them the next day. She avoided the ones her mother had worn during her period.

At first, when she started to wear them to school under her clothes, she was excited and scared at the same time. As she did it more and more, she found that she liked it. She decided that she wanted her own undergarments. She stole thirty dollars from her mother’s purse and went and bought her own panties and bra’s. The reason she got her own, was her mother was well endowed in the breast departments. Her breast were as big as Scarlett Johansson, before she got the breast reduction.

She figured if she was going to dress as a girl and fit her mother’s clothes. That she would need breast forms as big as her mother. So, she found out her mother’s cup sized and saved up her lunch money to buy the forms. She did work around the neighborhood to earn extra money to help buy them as well. When her mother left her at the house or when she was supposed to be upstairs in her bedroom doing school work.
She would watch You Tube videos on how to tuck and apply make-up. Also, how to sit and talk like a girl.

She would observe her mother and mimic her manners and such. One day, she decided she wanted to dress fully in her mother’s clothes and skipped school. When she went back to the house, she saw her mother getting dress in a leather corset, garter and everything. She couldn’t believe how her mother looked and wanted to look like that. She had watched as four men showed up at the house during the time she was supposed to be in school. They paid her mother to whip, spank, and abused them.

She couldn’t believe these men. Some of them she knew from around town. One of the men was the principal from her high school. The other was a plastic surgeon that owns one of the best clinics in town. She just kept quiet as she continued to watch and record them on her cellphone. She saw that her mother enjoyed doing what she did. Once the last person left and her mother was in the bathroom cleaning up. She sneaks out of the house and went to the nearest McDonalds. She sat and ate some fries, while she started to put a plan together to get her mother’s figure. If she could black mail the plastic surgeon that came to her house with the video she had of him. She could get him to give her, her mother’s breast size and give her an hour glass figure. She didn’t know if he did the type of surgery she would need to have her bottom turned into a woman’s bottom. She’ll have to see if he did. She really wanted to be like her mother and have guys pay her to abuse them. Now, the question was. How could she do this and not have her mother stop her from doing it?

She sits there and taps her fingers thinking. An idea pops into her head and knew it was going to be painful. She knew if she could pull it off, she could get the plastic surgeon to do all the work on her. She finishes her lunch and rides down to the office of the surgeon.

She waits till he can see her and once she walks into his office and shuts the door behind her. She looks at him. A sly smile appears on her face.

Dr. Jettison looks at the teenage boy in front of him. He knew who he was. His mother was the woman he paid to dominate him.

“What can I do for you today Bobby?”

“Dr. Jettison, I want to know. Do you do the gender reassignment surgery for turning a male into a female?”

“Yes, I can do that type of surgery. Why are you asking?” Dr. Jettison was curious.

“Because I want you to make me identical to my mother. I want to have her figure, breast size and a smaller waist then she does.” Bobby looks at Dr. Jettison with a serious look on his face.

“Why do you want me to do that to you and I would need your mother’s permission to do the surgery.” Dr. Jettison wanted to know why Bobby wanted to look like his mother.

“Because,” as Bobby moves closer to Dr, Jettison’s desk. “I want to be able to do what my mother does to you and have her figure. I want to be identical to her, except for her nose. I want my nose to be a little smaller and I know you enjoy being dominated by her.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Dr. Jettison didn’t want to admit that he enjoyed it.

Bobby just smiles as he plays the video he had recorded of his session with his mother.

Dr. Jettison couldn’t believe a fifteen-year-old had recorded him in a session with his mother.

“Let me guess, if I don’t agree to this. You’re going to post it?” Dr. Jettison couldn’t afford for it to get out.

“Yep, but also on Facebook and LinkedIn.” Bobby knew those two sites would do him in.

“You’ll still need to get your parents permission and your recovery time will be about two weeks or more.” Dr. Jettison could do it. He might be able to have this deal work for him as well.

“I have a plan in place, but its going to hurt me a lot. I’ll need you to be nearby, so you can talk my mother into doing what I want done.” Bobby hopes he lives through the plan he was forming to get what he wants done.

“Alright, when do you want to do this?”

“How about this Friday?” Bobby figures he could get things done and no one at school would know.

“That’s fine. It will take most of the weekend to do what work you want. What are you doing tonight?” Dr. Jettison figures he could get something out of this with the young man.

“Nothing, what do you have in mind?” Bobby smile sweetly at him.

“Do you think you could get your hands on one of your mother’s smuttiest outfits and be at my house later?” Dr. Jettison figures he could make some money tonight with a few people he knew.

“Sure, it shouldn’t be a problem.” Bobby already had one of his mother’s sexy outfits he could wear. He also had the same size breast forms his mother had naturally.

“Alright, I’ll see you tonight at my place. Here’s the address.” Dr. Jettison hands the business card with the address to Bobby.

“Thanks. I’ll see you later.” Bobby gets up and leaves.

He heads straight home afterwards. He manages to sneak in without his mother knowing. He knew she was still in the bathroom as she sneaks into her bedroom and steals the thong panties she wore during her session with the men. He figures her musk might be good to have tonight. He finds the special perfume she likes to wear when she has her sessions. He waits till he hears his mother come out of her bedroom and has gotten dress before making it sound like he just got home.

“Hi, mom.” He walks from the living room to his bedroom.

“Hi dear. How was school today?”

“It was fine mom. I was wonder if I could go over to George’s house for a while, mom?” Bobby wonders if she’ll let him go.

“Sure, go ahead sweetie. I must go and run a few errands, so when you come home. Go ahead and make yourself something for dinner.”

“Okay mom. Have fun.” Bobby rushes to the window to watch his mother drive off.

He goes and takes a nice shower. He plucks his eyebrows and get dress in his moms sluttist clothes she owned. He tightens the corset he is wearing extremely tight, so it gives him a tiny waist. Wearing it was a new sensation for him. He slips the thongs his mother had wore and tucks his miniature growth, so it couldn’t be seen. He checks how he looks in the mirror in his mother’s bedroom. The breast forms he ordered matched his skin tone and gave him his mother’s look when she wore this corset. He had managed to put her 6-inch spiked heels on. He was still getting use to wearing them, but he liked the look. He sprays a little bit of his mother’s perfume on his body at the pressure points like he watched her do.

“Ready or not, here I come.” He calls a taxi cab to come and get. He slips on a long overcoat and takes the cab to Dr. Jettison’s house and pays the cab fare.

She walks up to the door and knocks. Dr. Jettison opens the door and steps aside. Bobby takes her overcoat off and toss it on a nearby chair. There were at least five other men in the living room as she walks in. She looks at all the men and the lust in their eyes. They were older men in their fifties. Dr. Jettison walks behind her and lean down towards her ear.

“I figure you could repay what you want me to do with these men tonight. Give them the night of their life.” He squeezes Bobby’s ass cheek.

“That’s fine, but after I pleased you and them, you’re my slaves from now on.” Bobby leans back against Dr. Jettison.

For the next four hours, Bobby gives the men a time of their lives. She uses every trick or things he saw from the porn films she sneaked a look at. By the time they leave, she had them giving each other blow jobs and calling her Mistress. She gets Dr. Jettison to drive her home.
She didn’t even bother to cover-up as they drove through the streets.

By the time she got home, she was tired. She walks up the sidewalk to the front door and let herself in. as she was about to walk upstairs to her bedroom.

“Did you have fun tonight, dear?” Bobby heard her mother’s voice.

Bobby stops and turns towards her mother. She notices her mother was dress in a sexy black lace teddy and sitting on the sofa. She walks into the living room.

“Yes ma’am. I enjoyed myself immensely mom.” Bobby walks over and sits properly next to her mother.

“It seems you enjoy wearing my clothes. Dr. Jettison called me and told me that you were planning on blackmailing him if he didn’t turn you into me. Is this true?” Betty looks at her son. He looked just like her tonight.

“Yes ma’am. I want to be just like you and have men pay me to torture and dominate them like you do. I want to look identical to you.”

“When were you going to tell me? After you had all the surgery?” Betty figures that was what Bobby wanted.

“Yes ma’am, that way you couldn’t disapprove of it.” Bobby felt a little nervous sitting next to her mother dress like she was.

Betty looks at her son “stand up before me and let me see how you look.”

Bobby gets up and stands before his mother and slowly turn around, so she could see everything. She stops and looks at her mother “you know, you’re going to catch a lot of grief from your classmates.”

“So., I don’t care. It’s not like I’m popular at school any way. So, will you let Dr. Jettison to make me into a girl and be just like you mom?”

“Let me think about it and I’ll give you an answer on Friday like you wanted to do. If I say no, are you going to go behind my back and find some way to do it anyway?” Betty looks into Bobbies eyes.

“Yes ma’am. I want to be exactly like you mom. As you can see, I want the same breast size and do the same type of work like you.” Bobby was serious.

“Very well. Leave your breast forms on and get ready for bed.” She stands up and hugs Bobby.

Bobby returns the hug “thank you mommy.”

Bobby heads up to his bedroom and takes another shower before heading to bed to wash all the dry cum from between his legs and the breast form.

When Bobby wakes-up in the morning, Bobby’s mother comes in with everything she wanted him to wear today. She had picked out clothes that were appropriate for a teenage girl to wear to school. She was going to see if her son meant what he said.

“Here is what you are wearing to school today. While your school today, I’m going to toss out all your male clothes and the only thing you will wear to school are clothes I give you each morning. Now, go ahead and get ready.” She lays the clothes she had out for Bobby on the bed.

Bobby gets dress under the supervision of her mother. Any mistakes she made, her mother made her redo till she got it right.

Today Bobby’s mother had her dressed in a dress and had Bobby sit down and walk around the house before they left the house. She was pleased that her son knew how to act like a proper lady while wearing a dress. She gives Bobby her own purse with some money in it and helped her put everything she needed in it. Once Bobby was ready for school, she drives her to school and drop her off.

“Have a nice day sweetie.” She kisses her on the cheeks.

Bobby had a mix reaction at school of people seeing him dress as a girl and some of the teachers didn’t know what to make of it. She went through the day experiencing different things, but by the end of the day. She was happy.

When she gets home, her mother has her strip and put a corset on her. She made sure it was very tight. She teaches her son how to move around while wearing it. She was wearing an identical one. She also has him put the same 6-inch spike heels he wore the other night on.

“Tonight, we have a few clients coming over. I want you to observe and do everything I do. You don’t speak or do anything, unless I tell you too.”

“Yes ma’am.”

The men her mother had been waiting for show-up. The men were surprised to see two women, but didn’t complain about it. Bobby walks just like her mother with the wiggle to her walk. They take the men into the room her mother normally used. During the session, Bobby is instructed what to do and has fun when the men are told to please their mistresses.

Bobby does put on a show with her mother for the men. By the time the men left, Bobby felt energized. Her mother does instruct her in how to clean the room up. So, that the next session they have, it is ready.

During the week, Bobby’s mother lets her take part in every session and by the time Friday arrives. Instead of going to school, Bobby’s mother takes her down to Dr. Jettison to get the first part of the plastic surgery done. She gets her face made over to look like her mother, her waist reduces, her hips and butt shaped just like her mother. She even gets the breast enhancement, so she’ll be the same size as her mother.
When she was partially healed form all those surgery, Dr. Jettison performs the gender reassignment surgery, making her groin area look exactly like her mother’s. Everything she wanted, and her mother wanted was done to her body. So, by the time she was healed fully. She would be an identical twin of her mother.

Which was what she wanted. When she was fully healed, she takes her GED and passes it. This way she could work as an escort and with her mother as a Dominatrix. When she is acting as a Mistress. She goes by the name of Astrid.

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