Finding One's Self

Sam extracts herself from the group of men she went to bed with last night. Her anal opening was hurting and there was cum dripping out of it. She couldn’t believe she allowed three men to uses her like she did. Not that she regrets what she did last night. She enjoyed every moment of it.

She gathers her clothes up and gets dressed as quietly as she could. She looks at the time and notices she had an hour to get home and get ready for work. She calls an Uber and have it meet her outside. She takes all the money she made last night and stuff it in her bra.

The Uber driver arrives as she gets in. She still looked a mess, but she didn’t care. Once winces when she sits down on the back seat. She opens her purse and pop a few aspirin into her mouth to help with the pain from her anal opening.

By the time she arrives at home, she rushes to get ready for work. She takes a quick shower to remove all the dry cum on her body, and some of the alcohol that had spilled on her during the sex she had. By the time she was ready for work. She had ten minutes to till she had to be there, which meant she couldn’t stop and get a cup of coffee.

By the time she arrives at work and clock in, she was only a minute late. She logs onto her computer and start working on the files she needed to input into the system. Since the record company she works for didn’t mind them working through their lunch hour, Sam works through her lunch hour and clocks out early from work.

No matter how much soda she drinks or how many energy bars she snacked on, she was still feeling run down. Instead of going out afterwork like she normally liked doing, she heads back to her apartment. She stops at KFC and grabs some dinner. She munches on the fries that came with her dinner as she drives.

By the time she arrives home, she had eaten all the fries that came with her dinner. She walks towards her apartment and enter. She kicks her shoes off, leaving them by the front door. She walks over to her sofa and sit down. Sam turns the television on and watches The Big Bang, while she eats her dinner. The ache she felt earlier in the morning coming from her anal opening, has subsided.

After dinner, Sam changes out of her work clothes and into a pair of pink shorts and an oversized t-shirt that droops down exposing her shoulder. She looks at her reflection in the mirror and wonders if she has been making the right decisions about her life. She was working for a company that treated their employees like crap and wouldn’t hire any more people to help ease the workload. Her department along with several other departments were behind in their workload.

Her department supervisor was a major asshole that sucked up to the big wigs. She couldn’t recall how many times she has seen the asshole kissing the asses of some of the other higher supervisors at the company. She was entering three hundred and twenty files a day at the company, and it wasn’t enough for her section supervisor.

Rumor had it that the company was going to start downsizing soon. The word was that they were going to start eliminating certain departments and combining other departments together. Since she has only been working for the company for two years, she knew she’ll be the first that they let go. It didn’t bother her that much, because she had a trust fund her grandfather left her. Plus, she had money she saved from her side hustle.

Sam walks back into the living room and lays down on the sofa and cover her legs up with the throw blanket. She grabs her tablet off the living room table and start looking through the numerous emails she received.

While Sam is reading her emails, she gets a text from her agent asking if she wants to make some money tonight. Sam looks at the text and wonders what the job is. She types back yes.

A few seconds later, her agent informs her to be ready to be picked up by Carlos and to wear her skimpiest lingerie and just a jacket. Sam wonders what type of party this was going to be. She puts her tablet on the living table and walks back into her bedroom and put on a sexy bra that had the centers cut out for her nipples to stick through. She puts on the matching garter belt and fishnet stockings. The final item she puts on is a tiny black thong panty that held her penis in.

She does her face up real sexy like and by the time she is ready to be picked up. She puts on a light tan full length jacket that covers up her body. On the inside hidden pocket, she puts her id card, her bank card, and just in case she needs it. She brings her cell phone as well. She puts it on vibrate just in case.

She waits for Carlos to signal her that he is waiting outside. Once she receives his signal, she walks out of her apartment and down to a black Lincoln Continental with all the windows blacked out. She gets in the back and notices there were three other ladies in the car.

Sam didn’t know of them, and she noticed they were dressed like she was. She smiles at them and sit back in the seat. Wherever they were going was taking them at least an hour to get there. When they finally arrive, they are escorted from the Lincoln into a very nice mansion.

Sam noticed one of the girls gawking at the place. A smile forms on her face. This wasn’t the first time she has been to a place like this. When all of them enter the house, they are met by several dressed in sexy French maid outfits and wearing ball gags, except one black hair woman.

Anisa examines the eight shemales that were being escorted into the house. Some of them looked pretty, while a few looked like they would need some surgery to make them look more like women.

“Ladies, you will take your coats off and put your hands behind your back. One of these maids with blind fold you and secure a ball gag in your mouth. Afterwards, you will be guided to a room, where you will entertain the men in that room. After you are done, you will be given a black credit card that will have your payment programmed on it.”

“Why do we need to be blindfolded?” One of the ladies standing near Sam ask.

“Because these men don’t want you to know who they are. Any more questions?” Anisa looks at the women to make sure.

“Good, now put your hands behind your back.”

All the women, including Sam put their hands behind their backs. Sam feels a pair of fur lined handcuffs securing her wrist. A ball gag is inserted in her mouth and her eyes are covered up by a black masked. She feels herself escorted by one of the women with gags in their mouths.

After a few minutes, she is escorted into a room and secured to a bed spread eagle by her wrist and ankles. Afterwards she hears the maid exit the room. She lays there on the bed wondering what she has agreed to.

What seems like she as been waiting for a while, she hears the door open and turns her head towards the sound. She feels a rough set of hands grab her chest and squeeze her little titties roughly. She didn’t have much breasts growth. She feels the ball gag removed from her mouth and a set of rough lips pressed against her lips kissing her roughly.

The person kissing her is rough with her. After a while, she is made to kneel on the bed, while her wrist and feet are secured again. She feels her hair grabbed and is made to lean her back. A penis shape gag is shoved into her mouth and secured. A liquid starts entering her mouth and sliding down her throat.

The next thing she feels is a huge object poking at her anal entrance. She could feel a cold liquid being applied to her opening and then something huge is thrust into her anal opening. She tries screaming as she feels her anal opening being teared to accommodate the huge object.

Her body shakes as the person behind her pump in and out of her anal opening. She feels something sharp being inserted on each side of her neck. She starts feeling light headed and warm, as whatever was injected into her body starts circulating inside her body.

The object in her mouth is replace by a huge thick penis, as she is forced to accommodate it. Sam could tell another person had joined whoever was roughly using her from behind. All she could hear were grunts as she was roughly used by both men.

She feels her ass slapped hard by whoever was behind her. She wanted to scream from the pain, but the guy using her mouth, had his manhood so far shoved down her throat, that she had to breathe through her nose. The guy behind her increases his pace as she is pounded from behind roughly.

She feels something sharp secured around her neck. It felt like tiny needles penetrating her skin. She loses all sense of time as her body is used by the two men. Her mind drafts as whatever was being pumped into her body makes her forget everything.

She passes out and falls into a deep sleep. Her body felt so good and the dream she was having was so pleasant. She didn’t want to wake up from it.

The weeks and months pass by as women in white nurse uniforms take care of the pregnant women they have been assigned to. They panicked when they hear explosions going off outside the room they were in. The next thing they know, several people wearing black tactical uniforms enter the room.

Sergeant Kane and his men couldn’t believe what they were seeing before them. There had to be over twenty pregnant women of different ethnic groups laying on hospital beds with IV bags and machines hooked up to them. The intel he received hadn’t included all of this.

“Rook, Snake secure this room and get Doc up here. Angelo, Hatchet, and Skin Dancer, round these nurses up and find out what the hell is going on here.”

“Right away Serge.” The five men start doing what they were ordered to do.

Sergeant Kane steps out of the room and check on the rest of his men as they went about rounding up the rest of the people they had to fight to get where they were. The intel he was given hadn’t included what he found in the other room. All he and his men were told, that there were citizens being held hostage and they were to recover them. Nothing about a bunch of pregnant women.

Sergeant Kane locates his communication expert hacking into the computer system of the building they were in. He walks over to his expert “what did you find, Reese?”

“Nothing explaining what they were doing here, boss.” Reese looks at his commanding officer.

He had his specialized gear plugged into the computer system of this place. If there was anything of importance, his gear would find it. All of it was custom made and built by him. Not even the pentagon or NORAD had equipment capable of doing what his gear could do.

“Are you sure, because there is more going on here then we were told.” Kane didn’t like being kept in the dark.

“If there’s anything of value here boss, it isn’t on the main system.” Reese has gone over everything in the system.

“Go up to the next floor and see what you can find. I want whatever system they have torn apart.”

“You got it, boss.” Reese unhooks himself from the system and heads upstairs to the floor his boss just left.

Kane gets reports from the rest of his men informing him they have captured and secured the rest of the personnel in the place. They have also found a large amount of cash and caches of weapons as well.

“Alright, make sure everything is secured and tagged for the forensics team to go over.”

“You got it, boss.”

Kane heads back upstairs to where the pregnant women were. He spots Doc looking at a tablet he found. He walks over to Doc “what were they doing, doc?”

Doc Crane couldn’t believe what he was seeing and what was told to him by the nurses taken care of these women. When he hears Kane’s voice, he looks over towards him.

“We stumbled onto a breeding farm, Kane.” Doc couldn’t believe what he found.

“A what?” Kane wanted to make sure he heard the doctor right.

“They were using these women to breed genetically engineered babies.”

“Damn! What were they genetically engineered to do, Doc?” Kane was standing near Doctor Crane.

“Boss, you won’t believe this, but you and Doc better look at this.” Reese couldn’t believe what he had found on a separate computer system that wasn’t part of the main network.

“What did you find, Reese?” Kane was curious.

“Some of those women over there, hadn’t started off as women. They were turned into women and then impregnated afterwards.” Reese brings up several files of the women they found. One of those women happened to be Samantha McCoy.

“How is that possible?” Kane had a confused look on his face.

“There are a few ways, that I know of. There’s been some recent development of certain drugs on the black market that can change the gender of the user or in some cases feminize a male or enhance the beauty of a naturally born woman.” Doctor Crane has been keeping up with the development of the new drugs.

Kane shakes his head in disbelief. Who would want to do that to themselves. He looks at Doc “can we moved these women to a standard medical hospital?”

“They can be moved. All the women are being kept unconscious, I guess to not cause the nurses any problems.”

“Or to fight back, Doc. If I was a woman and found myself strap to a table and pregnant. I would want to tear the head off whoever did that to me.” Reese couldn’t understand how someone could do that to people.

“Request more medical help, so we can transport these women to a safe place before we wake them up.” Kane figures it would be safer for the women and for his men as well.

“On it boss.” Reese sends the request out.

Several Days Later:
Sam wakes up and the first thing she realizes, she is in some sort of hospital room. The next thing she notices is the weight on her chest and her belly. She looks down and spots two small humps and one large one where her belly should be. She starts to panic as the machine next to her alerts the nurse’s station.

Several nurses come rushing into the hospital room. One moves to her side “easy ma’am. You’re going to be okay, but I need for you to calm down.”

Sam looks at the older women “where am I? what is going on?”

“You’re in a hospital room at St. Marcy and you’re here because you are six months pregnant.”

Sam looks at the woman “How can I be six months pregnant? I’m not equipped like a woman.” Sam was confused and frighten.

The nurse gives Sam a shot to help her relax. The shot wouldn’t do any harm to the baby inside of the woman.

“I’ll let your social worker know you have woken up so she can explain everything to you.” The nurse helps ease Sam back against the mattress.

When morning arrives, Sam wakes up again and notices a woman with short black hair and lightly tanned skin sitting next to her bed. She looks at the woman “who are you?”

A friendly smile appears on the woman’s youthful looking face. She looks at Sam “how are you feeling, Miss. McCoy?”

“Confused. Who are you and what have you done to me?” Sam wanted answers.

“Well, my name is Kady Blake, and you are at St. Marcy hospital in the maternity wing. As for what happened to you, well this might be a little hard to understand.”

“Try me.” Sam wanted answers.

“Well, what is the last thing you remember?” Kady wanted to see if Sam experienced the same thing as all the other women did.

“The last thing I can remember is having sex with two guys and a collar with lots of needles being secured to my neck, after that, nothing else. Now, what has happened to me?”

Sam looks directly at Mrs. Blake. She noticed the wedding ring around Mrs. Blake’s ring finger.

“Well, I don’t really know how to explain this to you. However, you might want to start thinking about what name you might want to name the baby in your belly and if you want to keep it.” Kady didn’t know how she should tell Miss. McCoy she was having a baby.

“What do you mean, I’m having a baby? That’s impossible. I wasn’t born with the equipment to carry a baby. I was born male, not female.”

“Well, Miss. McCoy. You are no longer a male, but a fully functional woman with a baby in your womb and six months along.” Kady watches Sam’s reaction.

“How is that possible?” Sam wanted to know how she ended being turned into a woman and being pregnant.

“Well, here’s a working theory and so far, everything you have told me and the other women that were found with you told me. The collar that was put around your neck allowed a drug produce by a company called Ajanta Pharma was used on you and several other people like yourself. Once you were changed by the drug, you and the other women were being used to breed genetically engineered babies.”

“How is that even possible?” Sam was confused even more.

“I wish I knew, but some how the drug they used rewrote your DNA and caused your body to develop female traits. Normally that wouldn’t be possible, but some how they managed to do it.” Kady knew several of her great grandmother’s companies were looking into how they did it.

“So, someone turned me into a woman, just to breed a baby? That’s a little hard to believe, Mrs. Blake.” Sam was having a hard time believing that story.

“Tell me, Miss. McCoy. Why is it so hard to believe? People like you or in your line of work would be perfect test subjects. If they took a woman off the streets and did something like that. The woman’s friend or family might want to locate that woman. But if someone like you,
disappeared. No one would really miss you that much. Also, how many of you would enjoy being turned into a woman for free without having to pay the high cost for the operation?”

“But I never asked to be turned into a woman. Or to have a baby either.” Sam was ready to cry.

Kady hands Sam some tissue. She noticed Sam’s eyes tearing up.

“I know, and it isn’t right what those people did to you.” Kady knew she wouldn’t had wanted someone to do that to her, if she was like Sam or her cousin Sasha.

“Thank you.” As Sam accepts the tissue. She wipes her eyes and blows her nose.

Kady just watches Sam as she wipes her eyes and blow her nose. Now that Sam was awake, she’ll have to learn how to deal with the increase hormones her body is producing thanks to her pregnancy. Also, what she wants to do about the child she is carrying inside her womb. So, far some of the other women she has spoken with were putting their kid up for adoption when the baby is born. The rest were going to keep their baby and raise the child.

After Sam finishes crying and blowing her nose several times. Her and Kady talk for a while to determine what she wants to do. Kady promises her that she’ll get a genetic make up of what was done to the baby she was carrying inside her womb.

Over the next few months, Kady tries to locate everything that belonged to Sam. She manages to recover a lot of Ms. McCoy’s stuff. She had to repurchase some of the items, but the expense came from a special fund that had been established for Sam and the other women.

During this time, Sam and the other women who were impregnated started to get to know one another. Sam discovers that some of the women where with her that night that everything happened. How they had been contacted by the same agent Sam used and taken to the same address. How they experienced the same thing Sam had experienced.

The women are moved to a nice apartment building that has physical security and the type you needed a code to get into the place. If they ordered out, the camera at the front door to the place would let them see who was delivering their items.

As for what she was going to do with the baby she was carrying, she hadn’t made up her mind yet. She knew several of the other women were going to keep their child. There was only three people she knew that was part of the support group she belonged to that decided to give their child up for adoption.

She made a new best friend among the women that had been turned like her. Her name was Penny and the two of them came from the same city, but different areas of the same city. Where Sam had dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and medium size chest. Penny had dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and a bigger chest then she did.

They both were the same height and the same age. Penny uses to be a female impersonator but did some side jobs like Sam herself did if the price was right. Her agent was the same agent that Sam used, which Kady informed her had disappeared.

Another woman that became friends with Sam and Penny was a woman by the name of Elizabeth Norm and she had dirty blonde hair, but mismatched eyes. One eye was hazel and the other one was brown. She stood shorter than Penny and Sam, but her chest was the same size as Penny’s. She was recruited right off the streets.

All three of them were eight months along. Sam and Penny were having boys, where Elizabeth’s baby was a girl.

Sam was the first one to give birth, followed a few days later by Elizabeth. It took Penny another three weeks to give birth and she was hating every minute of it. It was a difficult birth, because of how big the baby was.

Penny’s birth canal wasn’t big enough to accommodate the delivery of her baby. She had to have help to deliver her baby. All three of them had been given classes on how to carry for their newborns. Also, baby supplies had been given to them as well. There was a nurse that came by the first three weeks to check on the ladies and to help them.

Afterwards, she only came by two times a week to check on them and several other women that lived in the same apartment complex as they did. Sam, Penny, and Elizabeth found out that one of the women that had been changed and lived in their apartment complex gave birth to four babies, but one of them had been born black.

The women that said they were putting their baby up for adoption, did and the babies went to a nice family. Sam wanted to stay home and take care of her baby full time, knew she needed to find a job. The private agency that was helping them would provide childcare so if any of them wanted to work, they could.

Elizabeth defiantly wanted to work. She was going crazy staying home and caring or the baby girl she gave birth too. She wanted to be around normal people. The agency that owned the apartment complex and has been helping them, helped her get a job at an auto parts store. They needed a full-time cashier and the paid was pretty decent. They also had good medical and retirement package.

Penny managed to get a job at a jewelry store as a salesperson. The pay was okay, but the commission was better. The manager of the place liked how she looked.

As for Sam, she managed to get a job at a cell phone outlet. They trained her how to do minor repairs and transfer of pictures and such from one phone to another. They also understood she was a new mother and might be late sometimes.

Sam, Penny, and Elizabeth normally took their lunches around the same time and would meet up to eat. They would compare notes on how their day was going and how sometimes they wanted to tell the customers off.

After a few weeks of working at the cell phone store, Sam meets a gentleman that came in to upgrade his cell phone to one of the newer ones. He was handsome and charming, and they start seeing each other.

Penny meets an engineer that worked near the store she does. He is charming and handsome as well. Sometimes Penny and her new boyfriend would double date with Sam and her boyfriend.

As for Elizabeth, she starts dating the head mechanic at the parts store she works at. He didn’t mind her having a child already and loved kids. Sometimes the three of them would go out together and do things. The girls feel they were lucky to find men that understood them.

As for Kady, she checks on the girls staying at the apartment complex. The building was owned by one of her relative’s real estate companies. She and her husband had been one of the couples that adopted the baby of one of the women who had been impregnated by the same people as Sam, Penny, and Elizabeth had been.

The private agency Kady’s cousin owned kept an eye on the place and the women who lived there. They wanted to see if anyone came looking for the women, like they did at another safe house. This time around everything was being kept close to the vest.

That way nothing is leaked, and they could control the information better. Kady’s cousin hopes nothing happens, but the people who sponsored what happened to the women had a lot of money tied up in the operation and the babies. Genetic samples had been taken from each baby after they had been born to see who had fathered the children.

So far, they had twenty suspects that Kady’s cousin was investigating. They had to move carefully on those suspects, because they had a lot of influence both finically and in congress as well. When they have all the information they needed, they planned on bring each suspect in for questioning.

As for Sam, Penny, and Elizabeth, they had no idea of what was going on and were enjoying living a normal life.

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