Anika Gets Married

Anika stands in front of the mirrors as she admires herself in the wedding dress she picked out. She was still amazed at what the Blue Lace drug had done to her body with Jack’s blood added to it. Something about Jack’s blood has physically changed her. It had hurt like hell as his blood coursed through her body.

“I think that’s the one for you, mom.” Justice couldn’t believe that Ron and Anika had adopted her. That had been a year ago, and now she was calling Anika’s mom.

“Justice is right, Anika. That dress looks perfect on your body when Ron sees you wearing it. He will want to strip you right there in front of the preacher." Gina looked at her aunt as she stood in front of the mirror.

Gina had brought her little girl Misty with her to New York. She was still recovering from the operation. She had to correct her color blindness and weak bladder. Bart’s wife had used the same nanite technology that fixed Julia’s injuries a year ago.

To fix Misty’s problem, Bart’s wife had to do a blood transfusion. So, Gina donated her blood to correct Misty’s congenital disabilities. Plus, she wanted her aunt Anika to meet her newest niece.

Anika looked at the price tag and was shocked at the price. She knew Jack was picking up the cost of her wedding. He had picked up the cost of Jamie’s wedding and Aylin’s wedding.

Gina noticed her aunt’s reaction to the price tag. She felt the same way with her wedding dress “auntie, remember dad said to get whatever dress you want. He’s paying for everything.”

“I know. I don’t want to break your father.” Anika looks at her reflection in the mirror.

“Fat chance of that.” Gina knew her father had much money.

“Just don’t make us wear some ugly bride’s maid dresses, please.” Jamie was careful picking out the dresses for her and Taskhtali’s wedding.

“What, are you saying the ones I picked out for you ladies to wear were ugly?” Gina looks towards Jamie and Taskhtali.

“I’m pleading the fifth.” Jamie wasn’t going down that road with her aunt.

“What do you think, girls?” Anika looks at her newest daughters, Elizabeth and Heidi.

“I think you look like a princess.” Heidi had a smile on her face.

“I agree, mom.” Elizabeth loved how Anika looked.

Anika looks at her two newest daughters. She adopted them, along with their older brother, a few months after adopting Justice. Ivan and Ron bonded right away. It took the girls a little longer because they came from abusive families.

“Well, since you think I look like a princess. I think I will.” Anika smiles at Elizabeth and Heidi. She was upfront with both girls and their brothers about what she does. They have also met Jack and his family as well.

Anika goes into the changing room and takes the dress off. She couldn’t believe that she was getting married since she became a woman. She told Ron everything about her past and what she did by taking the blue lace drug with her brother’s blood in it. The drug had done wonders to her body but also changed her. She was just like Jack in many ways. His blood made her something different.

After Anika changes and pays for the wedding dress and accessories, she and every one with her head towards the restaurant they have reservations at for lunch. Chef Brandis, Shigeko’s husband, owned it.

A smile appears on her face when she enters the restaurant and notices Shigeko’s daughter at the hostess station. Anika leads everyone up to the station “hey, Angela. How has your day been?”

Angela looked up and noticed it was Anika. She walks around the station and hugs Anika. She feels Anika hug her back. “I’m doing fine, Aunt Anika.”

Gina smiles when she hears Angela call Anika aunt. She does this because that would make Angela a niece of her father. She feels Misty grab her hand.

Gina looks down at her youngest and smile at her. She wraps her arm around her and holds her against her side. She has Misty against her body as they are led to a table for all of them.

Later In the Evening:
Ron stands and watches as Anika gets ready for bed. He loved what the drug did to her body. She looked like a model before, but now she looked like a supermodel with her new curves. He walks over behind her, wraps his arms around her body, and kisses her neck.

Anika loved being held by Ron. She wiggles her butt against his groin. She shivers when he kisses her on the neck. When he did that, it made her want to do anything for him or him.

“What’s put you in a frisky mood?” As Anika shivers from Ron kissing the other side of her neck.

“You, you look so beautiful just standing here.” Ron loved how Anika looked in her baby blue nightgown.

The way her womanly curves cause the nightgown to hug her body. Her breasts had gone up by two cups and were as round and firm as cantaloupes. Her nipples were stiff and poking against the silk material of the nightgown.

Anika turns around in Ron’s solid arms and kisses him. Their tongues start dancing together in each other’s mouths. She feels Ron pull her closer to his body. Her hands roam over his dark tan, muscular body.

The two of them walk over to the bed. She turned around and fell backward onto the bed, so Ron was on top of her. She could feel Ron’s weight on top of her. When the drug changed her, she decided she wouldn’t take any birth control. She’ll give Ron as many children as he wants.

Ron inches up Anika’s nightgown. He could feel her sliding his boxer shorts down. He touches her hand, grips his manhood, and starts moving her hand up and down. He kisses her more passionately as his hands move up to her breasts.

Most of the night, Anika and Ron enjoy each other’s bodies. Ron is buried deep in Anika’s vagina when they finally fall asleep. He holds her in his arms while they sleep.

Justice wakes up early and goes to wake Ivan up as well. She checks on Kiera in the nursery first. She noticed her little sister was still asleep.
Ever since the first day she met the little girl. She has been amazed at how quiet Kiera always seemed to be. She wasn’t a fussy baby and only cried when she was hungry or needed her diaper changed.

Ivan pops his head into the nursery and spot Justice looking at Kiera. He wonders if something is wrong “is everything okay?”

“Everything is fine, Ivan. I was looking at our little sister.” Justice tucks the blanket around Kiera.

“Oh?” Ivan has only known Kiera for a short time.

Justice turns and leaves the nursery. She knew Ivan was behind her as they grabbed their jackets and walked outside to tend to the horses, chickens, ducks, and goats. Ivan loved helping his older sister with feeding and caring for the animals. The only thing he hated was cleaning the horse stalls out. However, Ron and Anika gave him and Justice excellent allowances for caring for the animals.

His sister helped Anika around the house by dusting and vacuuming the rooms. They were all responsible for their bedrooms. The game room was his and Justice’s responsibility. They were to ensure that all their games were put away and that controllers were with the unit.

At first, when he and his sisters came to live out in the country. He thought they were going to be used for slave labor. He heard from some kids at the orphanage that a family who lived on a farm adopted kids. They were told to do all the work on the farm like slaves.

That wasn’t the case when he and his sisters were brought to the ranch. Ron and Anika told them the rules if they helped around the house or with the animals. They needed to be careful around the animals and in Ron’s workshop. Otherwise, they were allowed anywhere on the property and in the house.

Ivan liked helping Justice with the animals and playing games with her. She even showed him a few tricks on her computer. She wasn’t like most teenage girls he knew. She was nice to him and his sisters.

He didn’t know he would have two older sisters until they showed up with their significant other spouses. He learned that Aylin and her husband, Mark were MMA fighters. His other older sister Jamie was a bounty hunter and entertainer. Her wife, Taskhtali, worked at one of the museums in New York City. She specialized in Egyptian history.

They came down a few weeks after Ivan and his sisters decided to let Anika and Ron adopt them. They meet their Aunt Katelyn., Ron’s younger sister. She was in the military and flew in from Germany. She stayed for a few weeks, getting to know them.

Ivan and Justice feed the animals and ensure their water containers are complete before returning to the house. When they walk into the house, they smell bacon cooking. They step into the kitchen and spot their siblings, Anika and Ron, cooking breakfast for everyone.

“Hey, kids, we have Western omelets for breakfast.” Anika figures the kids would prefer a home-cooked breakfast instead of cold cereal.

“Can I get jalapeño peppers added to mine, please?” Ivan loved hot and spicy foods.

“Got you covered, kiddo.” Ron knew Ivan loved jalapeño peppers.

“You guys are crazy.” Elizabeth looks at her adopted father and her brother when she says that. Among her siblings, she was the oldest.

The sibling’s pecking order in the house went to Justice, Elizabeth,Debbie, Ivan, Heidi, and Kiera. Justice was seventeen years old. Elizabeth was fourteen years old. Ivan was thirteen years old, Heidi was eleven, Debbie was ten years old and Kiera had just turned one year old.

“I agree with Elizabeth that you guys are nuts. Now, where’s the hot sauce?” Justice likes hot sauce on her eggs.

A smirk appears on Anika’s face when Justice asks for the hot sauce. She munches on a piece of crispy bacon. She couldn’t believe she was getting married in a few weeks and was the mother of five kids. That wasn’t counting Aylin or Jamie, either. She knew Aylin had adopted Jamie as her sister.

After breakfast, everyone goes for a horseback ride. Ron’s property wasn’t too far from a popular park where you could go horseback riding, hiking, or even mountain biking. No motorized vehicles were permitted in the park unless the person was disabled. Ron and Anika rode alongside each other as they watched the kids. Kiera was in a harness on the front of Anika’s chest. She had to readjust it because of her breasts’ growth.

“How long will your sister be staying?” Anika looked at Ron as they rode.

“She’s willing to stay for as long as we need her. She’s got some time saved up and wants to get to know the kids.” Ron had already spoken to his sister.

“Aylin and Jamie are willing to stay and help her.” Anika knew Aylin and Jamie would watch the kids while she and Ron were on their honeymoon.

“I’ll let her know. So, how are you feeling about us getting married?” Ron looks at Anika to see how she feels.

“As most brides do, just weeks away from their wedding.” Anika was nervous and concerned. She has never felt like this before.

A smile appears on Ron’s face at Anika’s answer. He knew she did a lot of dangerous missions and was calm under fire. However, he had never seen her so nervous, even when they adopted Ivan and his sisters. She was cool as a cucumber as they were interviewed and background checks were done on them.

They arrive at the starting point and get off their horses. Ron helps Anika, while Ivan and Justice help Elizabeth and Heidi. They walk around some to relieve their legs. Ron knew the kids would be sore because they had never ridden as far as they had.

“If you kids want a snack, I have some in the saddle bag.” Anika watches as Ivan and the girls walk over to her horse and grab the snacks inside the saddlebag.

Justice hands them out. It was pacts of trail mix and granola bars.

“Thanks, mom.” Justice smiles at Anika.

Ron watches as the kids enjoy the trail mix. He made sure it was made up of their favorite dry fruits, nuts, and raisins. He looks over and notices that Kiera is watching everyone. He wonders what she is going to be like when she gets older.

He couldn’t believe he had found such a wonderful woman in Anika. All the women he has ever dated were nothing like Anika. She was mysterious, dangerous, kind, and loving. That was a rare trait in itself.

Anika watches the children while she enjoys a bag of trail mix herself. She wonders how Jack and Debbie do it with as many kids as they have. She looks around and spots Ron examining something. She gets off the tree stump she was sitting on and walks over to where Ron is.

“Watch you looking at?” Anika was curious.

“I thought I spotted something.” Ron brushes aside the dirt and spots a silver coin. It was rather significant.

He picks it up and looks at it. He couldn’t believe what he had found in the dirt.

“I don’t believe this.” As Ron turns to look at Anika and Kiera.

“What?” Anika was curious.

“I just found an 1804 silver dollar.” Ron rubs the cake on dirt.

“Okay, that is weird.” Anika knew those coins were rare.

Ron couldn’t believe what he was looking at. He pours some water onto it from his thermos.

“I wonder how this got here?” Ron couldn’t believe his luck.

“I don’t know. Maybe we should play the lottery.” Anika looks at Ron with a smirk on her face.

Ron shakes his head as he stands up and puts the coin in his pocket. He looks over at the children. “All right, kids, let’s mount up and head home.” Ron helps Elizabeth and Heidi get up on their horses.

They take the trail they took, getting to the entrance, back home. Justice led everyone since she usually goes horseback riding when she isn’t in school. Ivan was behind her while his sisters were between him and Ron.

Anika was glad her horse had just followed Ron’s horse. She didn’t have to concentrate so much on riding. She remembers the first time she rode a horse. Jack had taken her and several other NSA agents out into the field for his training. They had ridden all day long, and none of them had any riding experience on horses.

They would be at the campsite for the next two weeks when they reached the site. Their calf muscles and asses were hurting. She had a hard time walking and had to walk bow-legged. She hadn’t brought any aspirins with her, and there weren’t any in the first aid kit either.

Those were the worse two weeks she had ever experienced with Jack for a while. Anika continued watching the kids ensuring they weren’t doing anything wrong. By the time they arrive back at the ranch. Ron and Justice help the other kids with their horses.

Anika enters the house and grabs the tray she had already made up before going horseback riding. She takes the tray outside and sets it over by the grill.

She knew Ron loved grilling. She gets the grill set up and ready for him. She walks back into the kitchen, grabs a pitcher of sweet tea, and brings it outside.

The rest of the afternoon and evening, Ron and Anika spend at home with the kids. They arranged the outdoor furniture so they could watch
movies outside. They bring the popcorn popper outdoors, make popcorn, and watch movies until ten o’clock. Afterward, Anika gets the kids ready for bed.

Ron and Anika kiss each kid on the forehead and tuck them into bed. Once everyone is tucked in, Ron and Anika go to bed themselves. They were going to have to get up early the next day.

In the coming weeks, Ron and Anika are busy with last minutes items for the wedding. With everyone flying in and needing sleeping accommodations. Anika has her assistant to help her with her family and Ron’s family. They booked the bed and breakfast establishment near them to accommodate some of Anika’s family.

They also made arrangements at some of the hotels in town for Ron’s side. Mark, Jamie, and Aylin were getting all the booze and helping the catering company set up the huge tent. Charlotte, Taskhtali, and Ron’s sister help Anika get ready. Debbie, Julia, and Alyona were looking after all the kids.

Anika’s team was double-checking the property for trouble. They were decreet about their activities. Bart and his family had flown in. Everyone was confused when they saw the twins. Each girl was dressed differently, but they were surprised that there was a copy of each girl.

Julia and her younger sister ran to Aylin immediately after seeing her. They missed her and hugged her tight. The two girls introduce their looks likes to Aylin. Afterward, Aylin introduces Bree to the sisters. Julia and her sister noticed the wedding ring on Aylin’s hand.

“When did you get married?” Julia was curious.

“Last October on Halloween night.” Aylin knew everyone thought she and Mark were crazy getting married on Halloween night. However, she
didn’t care and had a Halloween-style wedding.

It was a small wedding with just friends and some family members. Terry had given her away to Mark. Aylin didn’t want a big production. They had gone to Hawaii for their honeymoon while Anika and Ron looked after Bree. Jack paid for everything as his gift to them.

Once everyone got a chance to meet everyone. When the ceremony begins, Anika’s Uncle Sheamus walks Anika down the aisle. She was going to ask Jack, but he suggested Uncle Sheamus.

She and Ron exchanged the vows that they had written. The Priest that was officiating the marriage smiled when he heard Anika’s vows. He thought it was well-written and straight to the point.

Ron recites his vows to Anika, bringing tears to many women watching the wedding. Even Ron gets choked up while reciting it. He could tell Anika was deeply in love with him.

After both parties say their vows, the priest announces them as husband and wife. When he says that the groom can kiss the bride, Ron doesn’t
hesitate. He wraps his arms around Anika and kisses her deeply. When he stops kissing her, she’s a little flustered and out of breath.

The wedding reception begins, and the band starts playing. A dance floor had been set up for people to dance. All the married men at the wedding dance with Anika. Most of the women from both sides of the family dance with Ron.

The kids even join in on the fun as Anika’s and Ron’s adopted children dance with their cousins or new relatives from overseas. Jack and his wife watch everyone as he sits near his uncle Sheamus.

“You know, fellows, if I was an assassin and wanted to get even with our family. This would be the place to do it.” Charlotte looks at her brothers and uncle.

“They would have to be extremely stupid to do anything. There are too many killers here, and I know Anika has already thought about that.” Bruce looks at his younger sister.

“Plus, no one is crazy enough to attack this family.” Terry had come walking over to where all the Bounty’s were gathered and talking.

“What makes you say that, Terry?” Charlotte looked at one of Anika’s teammates as he stood nearby.

“Because most of your enemies know you Bounty’s go scorched Earth when it comes to family.” Terry takes a sip from his wine glass.

“That’s why they wouldn’t be stupid to attack. They know what we would do in return.” Bruce knew he, his brother, and his sisters would get revenge.

Charlotte watched the crowd when she noticed Zoey go up and hug Aylin. She was curious why Zoey hugged Aylin because she hugged her when they first arrived. She motions for her other daughter Ashley to come over.

Ashley spotted her mother motioning for her to come over to her and her uncles. She walks over to her mother “what’s wrong, mom?”

“Nothing, sweetie. Do you know why your sister hugged Aylin?” Charlotte knew Zoey and Ashley were close.

A smile appears on Ashley’s face. “Aylin is pregnant, and she doesn’t know it yet.”

“How do you know that, Ashley?” Bruce looks at his newest niece.

“Zoey showed me the picture she drew on the way here on the plane.”

“How does she know?” Bruce looked confused.

“Zoey can predict the future, and she uses her artistic skill to either paint what will happen or draw them in her art book.” Charlotte looks at her older brother. No one outside the family and her department knew about Zoey’s talent.

“You’re joking?” Bruce looks at his little sister.

“Nope, she can predict the future. That’s why she was almost killed over here. She’s safer in England under SIS protections.” Charlotte protects her daughter as much as she can. Even when Zoey is at school, there are MI5 agents looking after her.

“Plus, she’s safer in England with all of us looking after her.” Sheamus liked Zoey a lot. She was very talented and kind.

“You knew, Uncle Sheamus?” Bruce looks at his uncle with a puzzled look on his face.

“Of course, I knew. Nothing goes on in this family I don’t know about. That includes what happened to Sophia.” Sheamus found out his granddaughter got turned into a dark elf and was married to the woman dancing with her.

Debbie had a smile on her face as she leaned against her husband. She looked out towards the dance floor and spotted Rae dancing with a boy from Ron’s side of the family.

“Looks like Rae is enjoying herself.”

“I noticed. So are Alyona and Silva.” Jack noticed his other two daughters dancing with some other boys.

“I wonder how long before they find their perfect match and move out?” Debbie was going to miss her babies when they got married.

“You sound like you will miss your daughters, Debbie.” Charlotte looks at her sister-in-law when she says that.

“I will. Won’t you miss Mouse when she gets married and moves out?”

“Marriage isn’t in the cards for Mouse. Zoey already showed me that Mouse will be staying at MI6 until the day she dies protecting the nation.” Charlotte had hoped Mouse would find someone, but it wasn’t in the cards for her.

“Things could change, and it might happen.” Debbie didn’t believe things were set in stone. She thought that the person makes their destiny.

“It might, and you’re right. She still might meet the right person. I do miss my husband a lot, and as much as I would like to get remarried. I don’t think I’ll ever find someone like John again.”

“Yeah, he was one of a kind Count.” Sheamus liked him.

The reception goes well into the night. The kids were taken into the house and tucked in. All of them were going to spend the night at Ron’s
place. The adult said they would come by in the morning to pick them up.

St. Lucia, Three Days later:
Anika looks out from the balcony of the hotel they are staying at. Jack had arranged everything for her and Ron. She was naked and sore from the many hours they had spent in the last two days having sex. She closes her eyes and enjoys the breeze coming off the ocean. She missed the children but enjoyed the time she and Ron were spending together.

Ron wakes up and spots Anika standing on the balcony in her birthday suit. He gets up out of bed and walks over to her. He felt sore from all the lovemaking they had been doing since they arrived. He could feel the welts Anika left on his back from digging her nails into him last night.

He couldn’t believe how primal she was, and he was. It was like something had possessed him, and he wanted to make her submit to his dominance. He wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her neck.

Anika moans when Ron starts kissing her neck. She loved being held by him and what they did last night. She doesn’t know what came over him and her last night, but whatever it was, she liked it.

“Your brother has good taste.” Ron looked out towards the ocean while he held Anika close to his body.

“I know. I love it here.” Anika leans back against Ron.

“Don’t tell me you are regretting becoming a mother.” Ron knew Anika loved kids as much as he did.

“No, I don’t regret adopting Justice, Kiera, Debbie, Ivan, Elizabeth, or Heidi. Social services were going to split their family up, and I couldn’t let that happen. Besides, I helped Aylin become the woman she is now.” Anika is proud of Aylin after everything she has accomplished. She is still a little crazy, but nothing like when she came to her attention.

Anika turns around in Ron’s arms and kisses him on the lips. She reaches down and notices he is stiff. She stops kissing him and leans back “here, let me take care of that for you.” As she kneels in front of him and starts kissing his penis.

The two of them end up spending the next two hours making love. Afterward, they take a shower and fool around some inside the shower. Once they manage to get dressed, they go out and enjoy the island.

By the time they have to leave and head home. They make out before they go. A smile appears on Anika’s face as she places her hand over her abdomen. Her eyes flash gold behind her sunglasses as they catch a cab and head home.

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