The Wolf, The Owl, and The Cheshire Part 12

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Temple At the Center of The Island:
Cheshire slowly starts waking up hurting all over. She felt herself being held by strong arms and resting against someone. She knew who it was by the musky scent of the person. She knew she was safe being in the arms of the person holding her. A purring sound could be heard coming from her.

Jack holds Cheshire’s body protectively against his body. He had woken earlier and found her still unconscious. He also realized he could feel Chaos and all his wolves again. He was back in his original body. He noticed that Nick’s owl was perched protectively over Nick as well. Chaos and Sher Khan were lying nearby. He could tell that Chaos’s paw was still hurting him.

Jack enjoyed feeling Cheshire’s body against his own. Her scent filled his nostrils making him feel intoxicated and stirring something deep inside of him. Her naked body rested against his body. He could hear a purring sound coming from her.

He starts nibbling on her neck and kissing her. He feels her respond to his kisses as she turns around in his arms and presses her body against his. Jack feels Cheshire press herself hard against his body.

Cheshire felt Jack start to kiss her. She was enjoying it as her purring became louder. She responded to his kissing and turned around in his arms, pressing herself against him and forcing him onto his back. She noticed both of them were naked as an animal lust overcame her. She wanted to fill him inside of her body. She wiggles her womanhood against his stiff manhood. She wasn’t breaking their kiss as she kissed him harder. She slowly spreads her legs and straddles his body. She moves above his manhood and slowly lower herself onto his thick, wide cock.

Before the two of them knew it, Jack felt Cheshire mounting him as she slowly sat up and looked down into his eyes. He knew her eyes had changed when the cat goddess saved her life. But now he saw that she was lost in lust.

He felt the same way as lust overcame him as Cheshire raised and came down on him. He massaged her breasts as she leaned down to continue kissing him. He felt her going slowly as she rode him. She slowly started to increase her pace.

Cheshire pinned Jack under her and leaned down to kiss him as she rode him. She starts slowly feeling every inch of his thick, wide cock as it buried itself in her body. She felt her vaginal opening stretched to accommodate his cock. She felt a desire to drive him deep into her body.

Time passes as Jack and Cheshire make love to each other. Their lovemaking was like two wild animals in the wild as each one fought for control. Sometimes, Cheshire wanted control, and other times Jack wanted control. In the end, Jack pins Cheshire down as he roughly enters hard into her body. He ends up filling her uterus and her tubes up with his semen each time.

The two of them finally fall asleep, with Jack holding Cheshire close to his body, protectively. Sher Khan and Chaos surround them, protecting them while they sleep.

Nick wakes up and notices he is naked. He also noticed that he was back in his body as well. He noticed they were still in the temple and the giant pit that had been in the middle of the room wasn’t there now. He could also feel the connection he had with Samson. He slowly stands up and looks around the room. Everything was like it was when that crystal exploded.

He spots Cheshire being held by Jack and can also smell that the two of them had sex. It hung thick over the area where they and their animals were sleeping. A sly smile appears on his face as he walks by them and out of the temple. He looks up into the sky and notices it is early morning.

He figures it had to be around noon time when they arrived, so at least a day has passed since they entered. Since all three of them were in their birthday suits. He starts going through the people they killed to find clothes and shoes for them to wear. He also figures that Jack and Cheshire are going to be hungry as well.

Samson flies out of the temple and soars above the treetops. He normally didn’t like being awake during the day, but he was feeling hungry and he knew his human was hungry as well. He spots a river and dives down to do some fishing.

Jack and Cheshire wake up and kiss each other. Cheshire felt sore and full down in her abdomen. She places her hand down on top of her abdomen to feel how it bulges out some.

“Morning you two. I have some fresh fish here and whatever rations those mercs had on them.” Nick doesn’t say anything about the sex he
smells hanging over them. He figures right now there were more important things to do.

“Thanks.” Cheshire moves over to where Nick had set up a small fire pit to cook.

“Here, I bet you are feeling hungry after being turned back.” Nick hands a large leaf he had gathered to eat off of.

Cheshire accepts the leaf and starts eating. She was extremely hungry and would be able to eat some more. She watches as Jack accepts a leaf.

Jack goes to share his food with Chaos.

“They have been fed. I fed them before I started cooking for us. Chaos doesn’t like fish, so I had to find something more to his liking.”

“Well, we did leave a bunch of dead bodies outside the temple.” Cheshire looked over towards Sher Khan and could tell he was full.

“That’s what they ate. Those two have big appetites.”

“You don’t have to tell me. You should see the food bill for all the cats living at my place.” Cheshire reaches over to Sher Khan and scratches between his ears.

“So, how are we going to handle Sataria?” Nick finishes off his leaf of food.

“The same way we handle every asshole that we go after. We are going to kill her.” Cheshire was ready to exact her revenge against the woman.

“Easier said, than done. Cheshire. She’s immortal and welds Jinn magic.” Nick knows it won’t be easy.

“That shouldn’t matter, Nick. Each one of us was touched by a god or goddess. Which makes us their avatar. I was touched by Death, you were touched by the Moon Goddess, and Cheshire was touched by one of the ancient Cat goddesses. Since I was touched by Death, I can strip her immortality away from her and make her mortal again. You can judge her and determine whether should she be allowed to live or die.”

“And I will execute her.” Cheshire was still feeling a little hungry. She grabs some of the dry jerky they had and eats that.

An evil smile appears on Jack’s face. He knew Cheshire was out for blood now and once that happens. There would be no stopping her from getting her revenge.

Nick shakes his head. He wonders if the sex between Cheshire and Jack had put her in a foul mood.

“Let me see that satellite phone.” Jack looks at Nick.

Nick digs through the stuff they salvaged pulls it out and hands it to Jack.

“Thanks.” Jack sets it for the frequency he knew his family would be monitoring and manages to get a signal.

“We have contact.” As Jack goes about sending a coded message to his family and employees.

Gina’s House, Arabella’s computer room, Montana:
Arabella was slumped over on her computer desk. She hadn’t left her computer chair since her grandfather had gone missing. Her computer starts beeping as it locks onto Jack’s and Cheshire’s chip.

Amy had come into Arabella’s computer room to check on her. Her wife hasn’t left the room except to use the bathroom and take a shower. She notices Arabella slumped over her desk and then hears the computer start beeping. A world map appears on the screen with two blinking dots blinking at a location. Coordinates start appearing on the screen as the satellite Arabella is tapped into triangulating the location.

Amy shakes Arabella’s shoulder to wake her. She shakes a little harder because Arabella is in a deep sleep.

“Honey, wake up. Your grandfather and Cheshire have been located.” Amy hits a button on Arabella’s keyboard to record the location.

Arabella slowly wakes up as the words from Amy sink into her sleep-cloudy mind. She looks at her giant screen as two blinking dots appear on an island in the South Pacific. She goes to record the information, but her wife has already done it.

“Send the information to everyone, Amy.” Arabella moves out of the way so her wife can use her keyboard without her in the way.

Jenny comes running into the computer room and notices Amy sitting in the computer chair with a sleepy-looking Arabella standing next to her. The huge computer screen had a world map up and zoomed in on an island in the South Pacific. GPS coordinates appear on the screen under the Island.

Jenny walks over to Arabella “Come on, let’s get you into the shower.”

“Okay.” Arabella lets her wife escort her to the bathroom and into the shower.

Amy glances over her shoulder at her other wives and watches them leave the room. She turns her attention back to the screen and notices no acknowledgment came from Clair’s ranch or the Den underneath. She looks up who belongs to that team who wasn’t at the ranch. There was one member who wasn’t at the ranch she could contact.

Becky’s Great Uncle’s Garage:
Becky was sitting in the office going over the bills when her cell phone started ringing. She looks at the number and notices it is unlisted. Normally, she wouldn’t answer her cell phone with the number being blocked. However, she has learned sometimes Clair would call her on a number that wasn’t listed.

Becky presses accept “Hello?”

“Becky? This is Jack’s granddaughter-in-law in Montana. I don’t know if you are up on current events about their disappearance.”

“Yeah, I am, but I’m at work. What’s wrong?” Becky leans back in her chair.

“We’ve located Jack and the others, but I can’t get in touch with anyone at the den or ranch. Can you head over there and see what is wrong?”

“Sure, can you give me a number to contact you back on?” Becky grabs a pen to write the number down.

“Here’s my number.” Amy gives Becky her personal cell number.

“Alright, I’ll call you back once I know what is going on.”

“Thanks, Becky.” Amy ends the call.

Becky leaves the office and walks into the garage area. She spots her uncle “Uncle, I have to leave for a few minutes. Something important has come up.”

“Alright, let me know if there is any trouble you can’t handle.” Harry knew Becky was working with a special group of government agents.

“I will.” Amy grabs her helmet and hops onto her motorcycle.

She rides over to Clair’s ranch.

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