The Wolf, The Owl, And The Cheshire Part 7

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“RUN FASTER!” Nick was running as fast as he could in the new body he was in.

Jack was in front of him and Cheshire was ahead of both of them. She was leading them towards the river on the map. Explosions were going off around them.

Whoever was after them this time decided they weren’t going to play nice anymore. They were bombing the area with missiles and rockets. Several trees explode behind the three of them, sending them flying over a cliff and into the river they were heading for.

The water was deep and cold as they fought the current so they didn’t get swept down the river toward the ocean. All three of them were finding it difficult not to drown. Water kept entering their mouths and they were finding it difficult to fight the current.

They manage to make it up the river and to the shore on the other side. They look back down the river seeing if anyone is following them.

“I’m starting to hate this bitch and these assholes.” Cheshire was feeling pissed.

“Tell me about it. I thought Sataria was worse before. Now she just pure mean.” Nick looks towards Jack and Cheshire.

“When we finish this. I’m going to make her wish she never heard my name before.” Cheshire has never hated someone so much.

“That’s if we finish this, Ches. Sataria has it out for us and with her having magical abilities. There’s nothing she can’t do. If we had our normal bodies and abilities, we might stand a chance against her. However, being like we are, I don’t know how much more we’ll be able to take.” Jack hated to admit it, but it was getting more difficult to survive. He could already feel the body he was in reacting to the things they experiencing.

“I’ve never known you to sound so gloomy, Jack.” Nick looks at his buddy with a surprised look on his face.

“Normally, I’m not. But this body I’m in is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I’ve managed to ignore or suppress the emotions I’m feeling, but I’m reaching my breaking point.” Jack wonders if this is how his girls feel at times.

“Jack, I know what you experiencing. I’m having a hard time too, but because I grew up as a woman, I know how to deal with what you are feeling. Think how your girls felt and how they dealt with how you are feeling.” Cheshire knew it was easy for her to deal with the emotions she was feeling because she grew up as a woman.

However, all of this was new to Jack and Nick. Jack would have a better idea of how to deal with these emotions than Nick would because Jack raised daughters.

“I’m trying, Ches, I’m trying.” Jack felt emotions he had never felt before start to overwhelm him.

Nick looked at Jack and could see his best friend about ready to break down in tears. He was feeling the same, but he was trying to hold it together. He had never felt like this before and he hated it.

“Come, let’s find some shelter.” Cheshire escorts Jack and Nick into the woods and finds a safe place for them.

Once they were settled, Jack broke into tears and couldn’t stop himself. Nick follows soon after. Before long, Cheshire starts crying and the three of them hold each other for comfort.

Several miles away:
“Where the hell are those sheilas?” Bruce was looking at the drone footage as he and his men searched the area they just saturated with missiles and mortars.

“I don’t, sir.” Leo was watching the screen carefully, looking for the three bitches they were trying to kill.

The last few hunters that went after the women had ended up dead and had their equipment taken. The woman who had invited them to the island to get revenge on Jack, Nick, and Cheshire told them if they didn’t succeed. They would be turned into women and given to some men to be used like common whores.

“We got to find them. I don’t want to be turned into some Sheila and be raped.” Bruce saw what Sataria could do.

Sataria had turned some men who didn’t agree with her into women and given them to demonic-looking men. Those men didn’t wait and started raping those women right there in front of everyone. The screams from those women still echoed in his head.

“I’ll send the drones up the river and see if I can spot them.” Leo changes the directions of the drones and sends them up the river to look for the three women.

Cheshire manages to get herself under control, while Jack and Nick pass out from crying. She goes back to the river bank and erases where they landed. She looks towards the sky when she hears some buzzing coming towards her. She ducks into the woods and spots a group of drones flying towards her. She watches as they fly along the river as if looking for something. She wonders what they are equipped with. She watches as they fly by and keep going up the river. When she feels it is safe to move, she heads back to where she left Jack and Nick.

She noticed they were still asleep and as much as she wanted to sleep herself. She reloads some of the magazines they had with them and fixes herself something to eat. At least they had fresh water nearby.

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