TopShelf Blogs

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New at this blog thing...

A little about me:

Torey is a persona of how I'd like to see myself. She's a soccer mom with two teenagers who have her pulling her hair out, or its going to turn gray before its time.

But she loves her kids. They keep her centered. She doesn't know what she'd do without them. She's a single parent who struggles very much to get by.

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The FT and Miss Vera

On the first page of this weekend's magazine in the Financial Times is an article on Miss Vera's who runs 'a finishing school for cross-dressers'.

It's all getting so very main stream. The Financial Times! Who'd have thought it. Must be all those bankers with fat purses and time on their hands.

It can be read on


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Wishes Fulfilled, Chapter One Illustrated


Thanks to Erin, I have a way to share PDFs! Hopefully this won't have any browser issues. Anyway, if you want, you are welcome to have a peek. This is probably not the final version. At the very least, it will have a cute little cover and all that. Again, I would love an editor as well as general criticisms/critiques, so if you are so inclined, please drop me a note or share here:)

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10,000 Posts!

In about a month, BC will hit 10,000 posts. That's not stories, stories+chapters will be a little over half of that because posts includes blogs, forums, title pages, announcements, links and images. But posts is the easy number to count. :) There are about 1500 stand-alone stories and 350 serials with close to 4000 chapters on BC. Exact numbers aren't really possible because of sloppy coding.

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I hope people are following the "Skin Horse"* comic I now syndicate at the bottom of the blog pages. :) Today's fan-drawn episode features Tip, the crossdressing hero(ine) of Skin Horse and Wil Smith as MiLBDs so I've added it to the bottom of the front page, too. :)


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Kelly's Journey

I have been rewriting Kelly's Journey as readers asked, but I have a bit of a problem. :-) I am finding that my muse is having me to go back and add even more to what I thought was a completed chapter.

I fully intend upon posting the story, but should I change the Title since it is a saga, or keep the Title? I could call it the Kelly Chronicles too.

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Petard Reference in Novel

I'm reading Elizabeth George's Inspector Lynley novels as I liked the TV series, and it's been long enough since I've seen the shows and my brain is small enough that I don't remember who done it. Anyway, one of the suspects said, "Hoist with my own petard" ("Payment in Blood" Ch 13) in response to being questioned about a previous lie that had been exposed.

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Charlotte's Tale

In writing Bike and Bonkers, plus a few other bits and pieces Charlotte has been a little neglected. I plan on remedying that as soon as possible - it might also get one or two of you off my back. So please don't start on about Snafu, I'm well aware I haven't done any of it for ages, but I can only do so much at once and I have worked 12 hour days for the last few, so be thankful that Bonzi has been able to help me write what we have between us. He's the hardest working cat in Christendom (so he tells me).

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The Parallel Blog - 3

I'm thinking of taking suggestions on the story. Well, it should be obvious where things are going or why post on BC and SD? ;>

So how about some suggestions? Like, what Drew's name should be, what should Mom's name be? They can't use their own names, even if Drew would be perfectly fine for a girl.

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Bugs Murphy

The main hit counter for stories is working, the daily one is not. The story scheduler is not working correctly, either. The 100 comments is not working, as I said before.

No idea why, but we're also throwing some errors in the error file that seem to have to do with loading of some software.

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You Know...

I posted the second (technically fourth) Writers' Challenge on Saturday, and so far no takers! :(

Maybe if I acknowledged some kind of 'winner' of the last one, but it really isn't that kind of challenge.

Very well. The winner is... all us readers lucky enough to get to read your stories! The prize? A duck!

@< @< @<


Melanie E.

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I just read Kaleighs blog and it set me to thinking. I've been working like a dog, but when I haven't, well, I've been reading. Stories here and on paper, kill the trees. I finished a wonderful novel by Ted Bell, kind of like a Tom Sawyer story, and now I haven't been able to put down a silly little thing by John Grisham, Playing for Pizza.

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Where are we from?

Me being an inquisitive little devil I got to thinking again.

As I doodled away drawing matchstick men and girls on a piece of paper (not as good as Lowry, but I live in hope) whilst waiting for my digestive juices to awaken; I thought to myself a somewhat profound thought....Where do we all come from?

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Hoodwink at Fictioneer

Hoodwink, a character I created for my Promethean Universe, will be appearing on Fictioneer in occasional vignettes dealing with his struggle against Brass Nails. I just posted the first one earlier today.

I won't promise how often I'll be doing these, and they're very short, but I'll do them as often as I can.

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An telephone GBLT interview

A few weeks ago, there was an on line GBLT survey. But I just got word of a study being done by a professor in Illinoise. His email is below. Apparently he has not had enough response to his original query and really needs us. This may not be suitable for some of you for security reasons, but hopefully some of you will respond. Enjoy.


[email protected]

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German in Rough Waters

About the German usage in Rough Waters: PB was under the impression that all the translations had been double-checked by a friend in Germany, who runs a German language TG story site. But apparently some fell through the cracks. For this I am sorry. I was made aware of that fact a week or so ago, and just today received the corrected German for RW 7.

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My Muse is on holiday

Hi Everyone

I have now got at least twenty stories in varying degrees of compleation. My muse has gone on an extended holiday and I just keep coming up with these stories and then I am unable to continue them for one reason or another.

Is anyone out there into collaborating with me?

I would love to see these stories finished.

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As this is titled I am having a time dealing with some confusion with life. First there is something missing in my story and as hard as I try I can't seem to see what it is. Secondly I recently found that my brother is SEVERELY Trans-Phobic... This does not bode well with me being who I am, then suddenly his demeanor changes around me and he is more protective and somewhat supportive of me.

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Transsexual wins lawsuit against Library of Congress

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A former Army commander who underwent a sex change operation was discriminated against by the U.S. government, a federal judge ruled Friday in an important victory for transgenders claiming bias in the workplace.

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A Good Question

On Thursday I was sitting with my friend Anne in a pub drinking a milky coffee, Anyway, after we had managed to catch up on what we had being doing over the past two weeks since we last met, the subject changed to what we were reading at the moment. I mentioned that I was just finishing off 'The Lost Continent' by Bill Bryson and was just going to start 'Labyrinth' by Kate Mosse. I admitted that I was sidetracked as usual by reading some stories from this site, when she asked me a good question.
"Why do you read TG fiction?"

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Which Should I Post First?

I have a few chapters of two stories: Kelly's Journey that I've rewritten and King Of The Rim. Both are posted here at Big Closet/Top Shelf.

Kelly was written for the contest. I've rewritten Kelly's Journey because readers want to know more about Kelly and her Family and friends. And I did King Of The Rim because I saw that it lacked depth.

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That Seductive [Create Content] link

Looking for new comments is addicting. They fell off all too quickly, so I grabbed a story from my [author] directory (there's more where those came from) and posted it. As a bonus, I think I figured out how to properly post the HTML stuff.

Well, sort of. It didn't like my indented paragraphs. Oh well.

Ray Drouillard <-- carrying sign that says "I Write for Comments."


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Runaway Google Attack

The site went down this morning for a bit and when I brought it back up it seemed to be under a denial of service attack. So, I took it down and put up an error message while I investigated. Turns out it must have been a Google crawler that got a wild hare and kept hitting the same page, several thousand times.

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Surgery Today

I went to see the surgeon that operated on my leg last Thursday, I expected for him to clean out the dead tissue then.

He scheduled an operation for this Thursday. He says that it will be same day surgery meaning I return home that day.

I am due at the hospital at 9 A.M. I do hope that there are no complications.

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Margaret Cho Talks Back To Gay-Hating "Christians"

I never knew that the funny, irreverent Margaret Cho had her own online blog, but I'll be watching it from now on!

Here, she laces into homophobes who claim "Christian values" as the basis of their hatred and "righteous intolerance":

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Back In The Hospital Thursday

I went to see the surgeon that operated on my leg last Thursday, I expected for him to clean out the dead tissue then.

He scheduled an operation for this Thursday. He says that it will be same day surgery meaning I return home that day.

The leg is improving. I can see where it is healing around the wounds. Thanks for the prayers.

May Your Light Forever Shine.

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Blighter's Rock

For those of you awaiting the next AuntieGretasode, I owe an apology; I am suffering from that occasional Author's Curse, Blighter's Rock, or more correctly Writer's Block. This is something that happens to me from time to time and is caused by a break in the connection between my characters who tell me what to write and myself.

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"Forced" Transformation Stories

I tend to like stories that have some sort of transformation in them. Seeing how people cope and adapt in unusual or changing situations is very interesting.

One thing that bothers me about this sort of story is that usually the changed character comes to terms with their changes. This is a wonderful thing, but it leaves me with a problem... I couldn't do it.

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Today is a day that needs to be remembered

One year ago today, my baby brother died in the hospital, never having regained consciousness after being run down in front of the high school.

I am providing links to two blog entries I made about the ordeal, one the night he died, and one from 7 weeks later. The entry from 7 weeks after the fact was mostly my reflection on the man my brother was becoming.

The Death of Michael Galyen

Yesterday... and... Tomorrow

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Honesty is not always the best policy.

These past few months have been interesting to say the least. After everything that has happened to me this summer I have finally started to be more honest with myself. But to tell you the truth, being honest with myself only adds to my pain. I acknowledge the fact that I am transgendered. I want to be a woman.

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As my life begins to Jell

The Road To Haifa has made me really introspective.

I'm not finding Eli's reaction to Sarah strange at all. Since the devastation and smoke in my own life has begun to clear, remarks from my siblings, past aquaintances, and an old boss all point to one thing. It was always there right before their eyes; clear to them; unseen by me.

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Emotionally dead or normal?

Somehow my muse has gotten me to examine the normalicy of interpersonal relationships as far as ones parents are concerned. In reading a story recently I found the author was extremely distraught over the loss of her parents; it took months for her to begin to function relatively normally again.

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Trans Express -- A Different Kind Of Bus Journey?

I find the name of this bus inspirational, at least from a fiction point of view.

I first saw it go by a couple weeks ago when I was driving through a neighborhood in Brooklyn. On Saturday, we were out doing a bit of shopping in that same neighborhood when I spotted the bus again. My wife had her camera with her, and this time, I was able to get some pictures.

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Kelly's Journer-An Update

A few readers have asked for more on "Kelly's Journey," and to tell the truth, even though it was complete, I wanted to go back and add in the parts that had been left out.

Well, I have been working upon the revised version and I must admit that it is a challenge. I am adding in where Kelly and his Daddy are bonding and then how his death hurt Kelly.

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Trying so hard to understand CAIS.

This is perhaps a touchy subject for some, but I really want to try to learn more about the point of view of a certain 46XY Complete Androgyen Insenstivity syndrom person I know. Apparently she did not find out about the problem until she was like 17 years old. She was raised as a normal girl.

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SKYPE and other 'puter problems

My once carefree web surfing seems to have gone extinct and I am not sure why. I am not a computer geek, but I enjoy what I get into and I love writing and reading stories. Several weeks ago Microsoft said it was going to stop supporting XP, then last week SKYPE offered me a new version.

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Mac OS-X 10.4+ Users

I use BBEdit from Bare Bones Software, possibly the best programmer's editor for the Mac, but have recently learned that they introduced a freeware product they call TextWrangler, which has a considerable subset of BBEdit's functionality. It has spellchecking, of course, and can easily accommodate American, British, Candian, and Australian versions of English using downloadable dictionaries.

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Cycling Curiosity

My spouse and I were out walking our dog a couple of days ago. As we approached an intersection, a cyclist rode up on the opposite side of the street, stopped, and promptly fell over (fortunately onto some grass). She said that she was alright and had forgotten that her shoes were attached to the pedals. I know about tow clipless pedals.

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Sexy Winos

Lately there have been ads in the left column from "PWG" that are trying to sell wine accessories. So far they've all featured some kind of scanitly clad bombshell holding a glass of wine.

Is it just me, or does anyone else's brain automatically give the image a TG caption? I usually imagine something like "Does my body fascinate you? Drink the elixir and you can look like this, too."

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Kelly's Journey- Another Look

When I penned my story Kelly's Journey, I thought that it was complete as is, but from comments made, I feel that there is more to tell about her journey.

So I have a question, I completed the story for the contest and I wonder if I should expand upon the story. I can see where i can expand it and add to the story.

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Proofreaders Editors and the likes are needed

OK so I just finished writing the first story I am going to publish and I need some help in the profing deprtment . I am in desprate need of the fallowing :

1X Editor
1X proofreader

And a whole lot of end audience :).

The story isn't that long ( 2,400 words or so) but I want to do it right.

So please feel free to P.M me or response here.


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Health Update On Stanman63

Currently, I am recovering and getting stronger. A nurse comes by once a day to check out the leg. She unwraps the cast ans cleans the leg and then rewraps it. I am currently taking several meds to help with the healing and am going to see a fw other docs about the leg. I am feeling better and I hope to be able to start writing again soon.

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Darla Raspberry anniversary

This month was the anniversary of Darla Raspberry's death. Not sure what to say, just that I still think of her/him just about every day. (I am her ex-wife.) Just that I am changed forever, and so is her son. That we have learned first hand the terrible mental and physical effects that were caused, most likely, from a lifetime of living in denial.

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Over the hill - conclusion.

I'm sure I'm boring you all stiff, but I have just completed another ride up the ridgeway, this time on my race bike - something a few days ago, I wouldn't have believed I could do. This bike is higher geared than the others, with only a compact chainset instead of the triple. It goes faster but takes more effort.

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Some, if not many of you, don't know Scotty, but he has been an unofficial ambassador to many of the 'girls'. In the past year or two, Scotty has traveled to several of the girls homes to visit and, in a few cases, to get them out of their houses or wherever they live, and out into public for a meal, or just a drive. Some of them had never ventured out of their places of residence en femme.

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