TopShelf Blogs

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9 Days into my RLT. So far, so good.

Over the past 9 days, I've done things I never even dreamed I would. I've been in countless situations where something could have gone wrong, or someone could have made a comment that could have caused trouble, but none of those situations have come to anything bad, thank goodness! In fact, no one has said ANYTHING out of line or wrong, within my hearing range, at all.

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15 minutes of fame

Yesterday, around 7 am, I was driving home from work and I made a huge mistake and I hit a school bus in the rear end. I hit my head pretty good and I was having neck pain so they took me to the hospital. I had x-rays and a catscan, they thought I might have a fractured neck. Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm just going be be very, very sore for a few days. I totaled the van.

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Tragedy of the Spirit

I have returned from a semi successful surgery on my liver, the surgeons removed approx 80 % of my liver and have now placed me on a wait list for a liver transplant. I am at a point of a slow recovery here in the hospital. I have a private room and therfore have access to my laptop.

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Madam Martinique and Aunt Jane

When stanman63 mentioned in a comment on the latest chapter of my story, Madam Martinique's Finishing School, how it reminded him of a combination of Aunt Jane's Season's House (the original story appears to have written by Joel Lawrence) and Karen Page's SPA series (aka A New Style of Education, it got me curious.

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Well, I've made it through the first week of my RLT.

though not without incident. A couple of really bad things, about which I have already blogged, marred what was, otherwise, a dream for me. I am slowly coming to grips with the passing of my Mom, and I will be okay. My heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who posted comments to my blog entries about it.


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Thanks for all the positive support on my story

I'm so glad some people actually like the story I'm currently working on for Big Closet. I've wanted to try my hand at writing some TG fiction again, to try and get the bad taste out of my mouth from the last time I posted something on Fictionmania. Luckily for me, this time, People are not tearing the story up for having smoking content (yet).

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Mom passed away last night at about 11:50 PM.

According to my sister, who called me at 11:55PM. She assured me that Mom was at peace and in no pain, with her family around her. While I feel very sad right now, I also feel relieved that I didn't try to force my 'new self' on my family members while a tragic event was unfolding.

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I'm Being Murdered

Why doesn't it feel like love?

I just had this exchange with my Son. I imagine that it is nothing new to some of you. How do you put an end to this?

Dear Dad,

When I left home to join the Navy, I thought I was getting out
from beneath authority so I could be my own boss.... "At last,
FREEDOM!!!", I thought. I didn't hate you, but I thought I could do

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Naming and Anime Fans

Edeyn So, my mother recently found a list of names that were being contemplated when she was pregnant with my twin sister and I. They were absolutely convinced that they were having a girl, so they really only picked out one name (which my twin sister got, being the first-born). However, the list she found was the list my father's side of the family suggested -- they were suggesting male and female names, being cautious and such. I thought folks might get a kick out of seeing the top ten list from my Japanese/Other-Asian family. Keep in mind, this was before the anime and manga with these names for characters were even conceived of.
  • Ranma
  • Akane
  • Tenshi
  • Sakura
  • Ito
  • Makoto
  • Hibiki
  • Futaba
  • Shion
  • Megumi

For those of you that don't 'get it' -- every name on the list is the name of a character from anime or manga that is either TG or constantly mistaken for the other gender or some other type of gender 'hilarity' in the story.

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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starting is such sweet sorrow

Ever since I was very young I have told myself stories before going to sleep (though sometimes I get so involved in them they keep me awake). For the last couple of decades many of these have been about the two Bloomacre brothers - one a musician/composer/instrument maker and the other a mathematician turned mercenary - set against a fantasy background similar to Europe's wars of the reformation, where a church based on magic oppresses those who eschew it as a perversion of their faith.

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Siss International

Siss International
You have Miss International. We have Siss International. This is the next Dauphin Interactive project. It includes you.
You will present your Sissy and decide what he wears and what he looks like. You will decide what country he comes from and even what he says. Then Dauphins readers will vote Eurovision style on who is Siss International 2008

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Sweet TG Manga

Hello! While at the Crystal Hall forums for Whataley stories, I ran across a link to a Japanese manga named Hourou Musuko. It is a very sweet story of two Japanese TG students. So for unlike some this one is rated G and is pretty good. If this is your sort of thing the link is.

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Well, the interviews went okay, but the signing was a bit disappointing.

The radio spot went off with nary a hitch. The interviewers asked insightful and intelligent questions, and never once strayed from that format. I think I got at least some of our message out, as well as promoting our stories and writers.

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Dyslexia - a pain in the bum!

My broadband is back and finally working OK, (Wooohoo!)No more having to speak Outer Mongolianese to sort out my internet woes.

Anyway, I was going to start a new chapter of Working Girl. To refresh my poor memory, I went back over the previous chapter and saw that I had made a lot of silly mistakes in formatting and spelling.

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Take A Look At The Counter

At the bottom of the page. We have had over 3,200,000 people to come and view things here.

I do not know if that means totally new visitors or if it is counting everybody that comes, but that is an impressive number.

Erin has created quite a site here at Big Closet and I want to thank her for all of her hard work as well as the many authors and editors that make this place so special.

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As I said. I get nothing good without something bad to counter it.

After a day of days for me, a day in which I affirmed my femininity and my writing. After a day filled with interviews with Radio, Television, and Newspaper, a little while ago I got word that Mom is back in the hospital with what appears to be a major stroke.

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this site is one of the best I have ever sceen

IF it were taken down I am not sure what i would do. ONe thing i do know is that i would be filled with sadness. BUt i do understand how Erin feels. She puts alot of her effort into running this site and we need to appreciate that. SHe wants it to be peaceful and atmosphere where we all feel welcome. So lets please try to keep it peaceful here and show erin how much her effort is appreciated.

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Stopping the Train

I'm really considering pulling the plug on BC. It seems many people are unhappy with my attempts to keep this a friendly place to read, write and discuss TG fiction.

Recent blogs seemed to be going well then people started quitting because of remarks in the blogs. So I pulled the blogs and now more people are quitting.

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why is are so many of the best authors leaving

this week we received blogs that alys was leaving and then michelle. Now i read angel is upset and leaving. There is just so much bad news that it has made me feel so sad. I loved all of their stories. Angels was wonderful she is such a talented author i really don't want her to leave. :((

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Today will be a busy, stressful day, but hopefully, fun too.

Well, today at 9:30 A.M. I go on the air with one of our local radio station, live, for an interview about the book, the signing, and my being TG. Am I nervous? You bet your bippy I am! Then, as if that isn't stressful enough, at Noon I go to the Chautauqua Mall for a television bit about the signing!

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There were four or five blogs with some rather hot discussions going on. Lots of good and thoughtful and thought-provoking posts. Unfortunately, some people were being hurt, two authors have quit and another may quit. Some of the most hurtful comments were well-intentioned but perhaps too easily misunderstood.

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My race to be 288th

Well after looking at all the Thank You's for reaching certain mile markers here at BC I thought I would enter my one of my own. Heroes of Justice my most read story with just over 3200 hits rates as 288th in the all time most popular stories! Yay!!! I feel very much like those old TV Snapple commercials talking about their race to be number THREE!

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When it rains...

It really pours!!

I had intended on writing the third chapter of Teri/y's dilemma, but something has come up to prevent me from doing so. The 21ts of this month I had corrective surgery to repair some damage in my shoulder, low and behold I had done more damage than was originally suspected. So i will be out till some time in July as typing with 1 hand is a major pain in the backside.

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New! Oh goody.

Well, I opened the page and got the usual look, then noticed my persistent login had failed again, so I hit the button and logged in, but when I got back to the home page. things have changed. Blogs has moved, some of the ads have moved, and two stories if not more are missing. Hope you can find them or the author notices and they get reposted.

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Thanks to those who helped me acheive my first daily voting hat trick

I was pleasantly surprised to find three chapters of "Hell yeah it hurt" on the front page for daily voting.It has done far better than I would have ever thought it would have.Chapter one is now past 1900 hits and the other chapters have done good as well.I would also like to thank all those who read and commented on "It worked out for the best" I was afraid of how it would be recieved and if ma

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There are some hot discussions going on and some rants, but there's no flamewar. :)

I felt sort of annoyed last night when I went to bed at 2 a.m. about the discussion but this morning I'm pleased. We can have a free-for-all and express opinions without getting insulting. Good.


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Writing again

I'm gradually getting back into story writing. Huge story in the works which sort of revolves around a topic Eric posted on a few weeks back about liking TG stories where someone is made a copy of someone else and the wrong twin swaps back. The idea intrigued me so I started writing a story about that.

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Normal service will be resumed...

I would like to apologise to my several readers (including my dog Gemma, and cats, Biscuit and Ellie), for the infrequent updates to my stories.

It is a tale of woe to match any saga.

There I was on the Internet, surfing away merrily, a light song on my lips, when suddenly it happened.

My connection dropped.

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The first day of the rest of my life, OR, The first day of my Real Life Test.

Today was the first day of my Real life Test...officially, that is. Unofficially I began on Sunday, spending the whole day and the following Monday, Memorial Day, as my real self.

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A question for authors

I have an idea for a book based on "it worked out for the best".A book composed of real life and fiction with poems or musings and written by different authors.The common theme is it worked out for the best and of course ending in a way that really wasn't the best.It's about showing how we see things that others may view as harmless and in some cases what some may find good and how they effect u

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Totally Insane - me, I think.

Sometimes ideas just come into your head and won't go away until they manifest as bits of typescript. This was the case with the start of Bike and Totally Bonkers. Both were intended as one offs. Okay so I did a second of both, and that should have ended the matter, especially of the latter story.

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Seven minutes of terror today, at least for JPL and NASA

Late this afternooon, Sunday May 25th, the Pheonix lander will enter the Martian atmosphere and try to soft land on the edge of the North pole.

This is the sister craft to the 2001 Mars Polar Lander that crashed due to either programing errors or physical faults. Sucessfully landing on Mars is at best a fifty-fifty thing so cross your fingers.

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What I Wanted

I wanted to have through Sk8r Grrls Episode 26 (end of Book III) finished for today. Today being the Anniversary date of the first posting of Sk8r Grrls. Due to recent occurrences and guests this weekend and homework overload this weekend... I didn't get that done. I also wanted to get the Character Codex done for posting today. Another failure... however... thanks to the wonderfulness that is Heather Rose Brown... I do have something for all of you today. It'll be posted later -- around 10am Eastern time.

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The sun sets and the party really begins

After our time in the champagne room, Fallon and I returned to the couch where I ordered us another round. I should point out here that the waitresses don't get tipped out by the dancers; they get their own tips, so I made an effort to be generous. The service was quite excellent and I have always believed in tipping well.

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Champagne Anyone?

Before I get to that, I wanted to explain a bit more about the friction rooms. First, they aren't really rooms as such, more like cubicles, with a little couch and a TV. I'm not sure why the TV is there, I vaguely remember that there were naked women on it, but why watch them when I had one 'in the flesh' right in front of me?

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Procrastination, thy name is Due Date!

Yeah. So. I had some issues with my ISP. Practical upshot was that I had 15 essays, a quiz, and a 10-page research paper that I couldn't turn in. So Thursday night, I finally get the okay from my professor to turn them in late and still get full credit. However (gotta be a catch, right?). She has to turn in grades Saturday evening. So she gave me until noon Saturday (My time, Central... She's in Pacific) In about 2 hours time I did all the essays (which I'd done the readings for when assigned) including citing sources, as well as taken the test. So. Tonight was for working on the Research Paper. I find myself doing anything BUT working on it, and it's a full quarter of my grade for the class! Here I am writing a blog about writing the paper instead of writing the ding-dang paper. The topic is an engaging one, though, and I find myself having difficulty keeping emotion out and objectivity in. Bride Burning.

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So there I was

So there I was, sitting in a gentlemen's club called Scarlett's, sipping my second drink. I was aproached by another girl, a very pretty blonde, but I still wasn't quite ready to take the plunge. A short time after she moved on, the DJ called all the girls to the back, and I saw my first walk-around.

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Hi there!

Aunty Edeyn is letting me use her computer while she's doing homework tonight, but she made me promise to come here. She says there are lots of stories about girls like me, and that there is even a couple of girls that might be younger like me. I really don't know who is who though, so please bear with me. If there are any of you out there that may want to talk, please let me know.

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Well, as I sit here contemplating the Firefly fanfic, I am reminded its time to start cooking. My daughter and her family is coming into town for the next 4 days, and my niece that I raised got a car finally (the head gasket let go on her other one), so she and her family will be her every night about for a while, and my other niece I raised will be around with her family all weekend, so there will be about 20-25 people here depending on if Scotty and crew shows up, and any of my brothers show up with their families. Tomorrow is the monthly birthday get together for the May birthdays.

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Random 5 0'clock in the morning.

5:22 in the AM, and I can't sleep...well, not much anyway. Too many things running into one another in my mind. Nobody to sleep with anyway. Used to have a cat, but I let him down and had to have him put to sleep.

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It's over.

They prepped his leg and inserted the needle. It took no more than a few seconds for the drug to take effect. He breathed his last breath into my hands as I cradled his head. Just a little sigh, then his head drooped and his eyes closed and, just like that, I lost my furry pal. I brought him home in a shoe box and my neighbor and my housemate, Tina, helped me dig his grave.

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The time has come to say goodbye to my little buddy,

quicker than I thought it would. In about an hour, we will be on our way to the Vets so he can be put out of his misery. I appreciate all the wonderful, caring responses I've received over the last day or so, to my blog entry. Please don't feel obligated to respond to this one though.

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It seems like nothing good ever happens without something bad to offset it.

So I'm happier than a pig in s--t, with my RLT starting next Tuesday and the book signing on the 31st, when, out of nowhere, I get word that Mom is in hospital with pneumonia. She's just been through an amputation of her left leg, now this.

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Tomorrow I'll be leaving on vacation--or holiday as some say. I'll be gone a week, up to the Bay Area to visit my brother and I may meet a few of you at the con that's the same weekend in San Jose. I'll have my laptop and cell phone with me, so I won't be out of reach and I'll spend an hour or so a day here, no doubt.

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my b/f is a sissy

Hello every one, my name is lexi and im with a wonderfull man who is a sissy boy.. I just recently finding out abou this fetish, and I would like some Ideas, ya know like role playing, assignments, so on and so fourth. hes very embarresed with this fetish, but i want to help him to be open with what he wants. so if you have any ideas let me know.

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Author Pages in the Style of Kayleigh Way, Alpha Prototype

Yakity Blah Smakity
  Flagship Title   Series and Serials  


  Short Stories   Stand Alone Works  


Other Works by this Author can be found at:
This totally bogus example page

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The Rules of Acquisition

Edeyn Which of course, delineate the way in which everyone is free to earn Profit. It has been suggested to me that I could bundle Sk8r Grrls into a sellable product. That there might indeed be an audience for it, like the success that Cathy is starting to reap for Headlights Girl. I dunno. I mean, I love to write and would love to make it a way that I earn my living... but... okay. I know I'm good at words. I know that I (somehow) have developed an actual fanbase here... but realistically. Do you all think I would stand a chance? I've made bits of cash for years writing this'n'that for local newspapers, selling a few scattered short stories in scattered minor markets. What is the opinion of folks whether or not I'd be able to actually make a go of it?

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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Writing Frenzy

On Sunday I wrote and posted over 11,000 words on this site in three separate entries, Totally Insane;Totally Insane (Concluded) and Falling off a bike.

Quite how or why I did it, and that included help from one or two others with express proofing etc.,I don't know. Something seems to drive me, does that happen to other writers?

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Cabbages and cauliflower - update

When not quite 38 years of age I suffered a mild heart attack. After a couple of months of following doctor's orders with no apparent improvement I made an enough of a nuisance of myself to be scheduled for open heart surgery, no minor procedure in those days.
So in the May of my 38 year I underwent by-pass surgery, my first cabbage or CABG, coronary arterial bypass graft.

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Dr. Spack

I was sent this yesterday. It is interesting that the OLD Guard is refusing to die! Well, They do not have to die but I wish they would just go away!!!! Read for yourselves.

Story was posted on

Boston's Children's Hospital bills itself as the hospital for
children – and now it's also the hospital for children who want a sex

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I tried something new -- of course it went wrong!

Last night, I tried to schedule the second part of Firefly: Connecting Flight to post automatically this morning. Naturally, it didn't work. It was supposed to post at 6 a.m. Eastern Time -- and it just isn't there. And I can't find where it's lurking so i can just go to it and post it immediately!

Can anyone help me find it and get it posted, stat?

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Boiled dinner

Gabi we use a medium to large ham, turnips, cabbage, onions, carrots,potatoes and parsnips.Boil it all together in a large pot then serve it with white or cider vinegar on the side for use on the veggies.Is there something similiar to this served there?Here is a wiki link

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Tragedy of the Spirit

To All readers of "Tragedy" I will be posting the last two Parts this week. This will close out my synapse of my life. I will however at a later oppertunity post filler parts. I am to undergo LIver surgery on the 27th of May. I wish to thank all the Readers who have followed my Story. I greatly appreciate this oppertunity to share my story with you.

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Star Trek T.G.

There was an episode "TURNAROUND INTRUDER" where a woman [Janice Lester] scientist from Captain Kirk's past has found an alien device that can transfer minds between bodies.

She lures the Enterprise to where she is and forces a switch upon Kirk that luckily is seen through when the new Kirk acts totally insane.

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Are there any Firefly/Serenity fans out there?

I have a TG fan fiction I wrote that takes place after the events in the movie Serenity, which was the sequel to the televisions series Firefly. I was wondering if there might be interest here, although i will say that there are spoilers embedded in the story for those who haven't seen the film yet.

Anyone interested?

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Does anyone have links to news storys on Dr.Zucker

I am looking for links about the APA's appointment of Dr.Zucker to the dsm 5 board.Also any news storys showing him in the positive or negative and if any legal suits brought against him or medical board complaints.I'm looking for links to post in my group.Amy

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Poetry Season

It's that time of year again, when there are quite a few poetry competitions for Anglos like me. I've not entered any for the last couple of years after being placed in one, and getting outed as a poet in work (definitely non-U in an IT department). I have a few to get ready, a fairly painstaking process, so no new fiction for a couple of weeks at least.

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It seems that Ontario will cover SRS under their medical coverage.

Here's a link to the article. I wonder how much it costs to move to Ontario? Hmmmmm.

Huggles from,
Catherine Linda Michel

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Are the Welsh taking over BC? Lol

1705 British Summer Time

The top five stories for the last couple of hours are by Heulwen, Angharad, Angharad, Heulwen and Alys.

Is this a conspiracy?

Or are the Welsh writers trying to make up for the failure of their premier football team in the cup final?

Should we ever have left our coal mines?



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Musings from the beach

First let me say thank you to all who have commented on my entry from last night. I didn't really intend to bare my soul so much, it just sort of happened, but the response was very encouraging. I might need to consider a No BUI (Blogging Under the Influence) rule, however.

I'm only slightly tipsy this afternoon, so I should be safe. Hey, like Jimmy Buffet says, it's 5 o'clock somewhere.

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