Used Knickers!

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I occasionally notice an advert for 'Used Knickers' and my mind boggles. I mean it's bad enough handling other people's, even family members, when I do the washing, and that's just chucking them in the machine or fishing them out.

I tried to imagine who would want used ones when loads of shops do rather nice new ones of all colours and descriptions - I suppose I should know, there are all sorts of stories involving creative use of rancid panties, but just seeing an advert for it brought it out of the shadows of the dirty mac brigade and into the mainstream.

Do I see Marks and Spencer offering hermetically sealed bags of used underwear or lingering lingerie? I don't think so, somehow. Still if it means mine don't get knicked (is that why they call them knickers?) off the clothes-line, then some good might come from it.



I wonder how used?

I really wouldn't want anyone even to see my worn out (US type) knickers (actually I call them plus twos or just plusses) as cycling tends to be hard on garments covering the nether regions and I have numerous pairs of shorts that are 'winter only' to be worn under longs.

I noticed the advert too. It just shows how non-judgemental Google is (at least when not in China). As for M&S adding used knickers to their product line, I suppose in the current hysterical economic climate anything is possible. I visited the ladies underwear department only last week accompanied by SWMBO and noticed, with some relief, that the electronic gadget department is located strategically adjacent as a refuge for embarrassed husbands. So I browsed the DAB radios rather than the used knickers :) Now if I'd been on my own ...


And here I thought...

Knickers had something to do with Knickerbockers...

But, I understand there's a big market for "used" drawers allegedly owned / used by celebrities...

A Big Draw?

Angharad's picture

So who are these celebrities with big drawers?



Queen Vic's Knicks Auctioned!

A pair of Queen Victoria's knickers were sold at auction in Derby (UK). They were knocked down to an anonymous Canadian lady for £4500, about $9000.


There was another pair of Queen Vic's drawers sold back in the 1960, and they were pictured in The Sun being modelled by two Page 3 girls—one down each leg! I tried to find it on Google, but sadly I failed. But it puts a new meaning on the expression "trying to get into someone's knickers".



“It is hard for a woman to define her feelings in language which is chiefly made by men to express theirs.” Thomas Hardy—Far from the Madding Crowd.

Queen Size

laika's picture

Gee Gabi, I didn't realize Victoria was so zaftig (hard to tell from the little figure on my gin bottle).
Somehow I don't feel quite so bad now about my own, uh, regal largesse.
~~~hugs, Laika

What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.

Me Neither

I can sympathise fully, Laika.

“Tubbies of the world unite!”




“It is hard for a woman to define her feelings in language which is chiefly made by men to express theirs.” Thomas Hardy—Far from the Madding Crowd.

it's much worse than you can imagine

rebecca.a's picture

the japanese are very much into the used knicker phenomenon. when i lived there it was actually still legal to sell them (gak!). although it's illegal now, the fetish continues on:

mango faux used panties! even though japan never really surprises me any more, this kind of thing still squicks me.

not as think as i smart i am