keep a pair of knickers...

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Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

... handy.

Keep a pair of parachute knickers handy - you never know when you might need them.

This could be the excuse the closeted are looking for!

Other uses?

You could always use them as a makeshift tent if all else fails!


It would be a small tent.

Angharad's picture

Why is it only woman's clothes get this treatment? I'm not getting at you Nick, but the stupid news story. And size 18-20 isn't that big, I mean it's only mumble mumble sizes bigger than my bum! Must be all that cycling, couldn't be the chocolate.



BIG pants...

I was thinking of a tent for Dormice (after someone's story that seems to go on and on), but as you say 18-20's not that big. I'd say it's probably average for normal sized women, not these stick insects they have plonking about in fashion catastrophes. I mean REAL sized women with curves, not bony protuberances where curves are supposed to be!

Now if they'd have said size 50 or 60 ish (like the big 'pants' in Brigitte Jones Diary), then we could be looking at housing a family or two of refugees...

I'm only joking.


No, It's big!

18-20 isn't big? Your fooling yourself. That's fat lady sizes!

Mr. Ram

You'd better argue that with Angharad

I'm not saying anything but if you get run over by an angry cyclist carrying a box of raging dormice, don't blame me.

Didn't you get the hint?



I shouldn't bother, I think Mr. Ram's having a senior blond moment


Doesn't this give…

…a whole new meaning to Flashing one's knickers?

(who tries not to)


“It is hard for a woman to define her feelings in language which is chiefly made by men to express theirs.” Thomas Hardy—Far from the Madding Crowd.