I've posted 42 episodes of Falling Off...... in almost as many days. Given its time frame, I'm aware that it is 'literature lite' rather than anything more substantial, the Beano rather than Nature. I'm also aware more people probably read the Beano than the more learned journal.
Some people appear to enjoy my tale of a seemingly powerless individual swept along by the demands of others, caught up in her conflicting desires and needs. Maybe it reflects stages most of us go through at times in our lives, when it all seems a bit directionless because the trees obscure the wood.
However, I'm also getting a distinct impression others would prefer I stopped my tawdry tale.
I shall therefore leave it in your hands: do I continue to some sort of conclusion; or do I stop taking up valuable website space? Please let me know.
Don't mind Gwen
I suspect she's just doing her curmudgeony stir the pot thing, just for the sake of it. I doubt it's really her, but she does enjoy it from time to time.
Speaking as someone who has and continues to enjoy your little ramble, do continue. I often write in a free wheeling flow type format, but I have seldom posted untweaked and certainly not in any continuous way. Lack of courage rather than thoughts.
I greatly admire the skill and style both you and Donna have brought to this fluid on the run story telling. It aint for everyone, which is perfectly fine. But many of us do enjoy it. Live is always dangerous, which is part of the fun. Keep on, please.
Keep on writing lady
It's not "literature light" ...
... it's a terrific story that keeps going strong. We care about Cathy because so many of us go through life pushed and pulled by events and circumstances we cannot control. I found an episode of M*A*S*H* this morning while wandering across the channels, and Colonel Potter said something that reminded me of what Cathy's going through: 'We don't plan our destiny. We're just lucky if we hit the pitches life throws at us."
Don't let one comment cut our time with Cathy short. Keep 'em coming, hon!
Don't stop!
The Story!
For Gwen's sake
You must continue, lest she be lynched. ::grin::
See my comment on #42 for a more philosophical rationale.
-- Donna Lamb, Flack
-- Donna Lamb, ex-Flack
Some of my books and stories are sold through DopplerPress to help support BigCloset. -- Donna
I have to agree with Donna and I already shot Gwen so there's no need for a rope. LOL.
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Valuable Website Space
The only thing that makes the space valuable is what's in it. And, whether you like it or not, dear, your scribblings make it much more valuable. Priceless, in fact.
Keep writing.
(Sound of cracking whip.)
Auntie, Continue your tale
If anyone harasses you, I or Erin shall deal with them. As long as you have us, your fan base, wanting to see you write - write. Write as long as you feel like it. When you are tired - stop. If someone doesnt like the tale - they can go read something else. But I do not want to hear of you caving in because a handful or readers doesnt like the tale and stops reading it. Some may not like it. Again - there are many other tales on this site to choose from. If they persist in pming, emailing, or posting comments putting you down - then they will be swiftly dealt with and the messages removed.
Please keep writing Auntie. I for one am sitting waiting every day for your tale.
Sephrena Lynn Miller
re: Keep Falling or What?
I do not often take pen in hand, (or in this case keyboard), but if that is what it takes, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep on writing.
Why am I thinking of Douglas Adams?
So long as you have ideas and it doesn't get in the way of Snafu, your Gaby Fan Fics and such, go for it.
Just don't "jump the shark", named for the episode in Happy Days -- American TV -- that sort of killed the series.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Your 'falling off' story is
Your 'falling off' story is interesting to read as s/he evolves. I'm certain to continue reading as long as you write. My only request is that you don't just stop without an ending. Continue as long as you enjoy the way the view comes to you then put an end.
Keep On Keeping On
This story has been absorbing, but frustrating in that you only get a small part at a time. Discipline on the part of this reader is very difficult. So whatever you do, at least give us an ending!
You Take Your Time
And do what Karen suggested. Never let your MUSE down. When your MUSE gives you a story, send it in.
May Your Light Forever Shine