Having come through the Rememberance day, I have a few observations to make. The statistics surrounding T life frighten me right out of my wits; making me want to hide in my room and never go out. There are some things about the killings that strike me though.
Several of them were after midnight after the tgirl had left a club alone. One was while she was walking down a country road alone. After a while I begin to see a pattern. I think about what other women that I know would do.
So, while a senseless murder is still heinous, we need to think about what we could do to keep ourselves safe. The women I know, don't put themselves in risky situations. Having said this, I must admit that a couple weeks ago I rode my bike home at nearly 1:00AM after going to a "Bassnectar" concert. I reasoned it was OK, because on a bike, one is perhaps less vulnerable. Portland is a bike town; you see lots of people on them. I reason that any perv who might attack me is likely not going to be sober enough to chase me down on a bike.
There is a core group of people who I like to call Neo-techno-hippies, who absolutely accept me, and I do my best to attend activities frequented by like minded folks. Nope, you won't see me in a red neck strip bar, though I really would like lessons on feminine deportment from some of the girls there. :)
I do not mean to minimize the monstrousness of people being murdered, so just be safe girls. :)
Gwendolyn: I think you are
I think you are absolutely right. It's something that's worked its
way into many of the stories, and I'm always glad to see it. Anyone
is vulnerable, Male or Female, and in a time when violence can be so
near to any of us, it behooves us all to remember to first make the best
choices we can.
Anyone at a higher risk, no matter how undeserved the reason for this,
needs to work at keeping themselves safe. Park on the busy street that's
father away. Don't go to pick up something after dark if you can get it
at noon the next day. Demand good character of your friends, and always
keep them close.
There is one other thing that I tell my wife and daughter. If you have
a feeling about someone, if they make you uncomfortable, or you just
feel that they are a little off -- don't apologize for it. I firmly believe
that these instincts are valid much of the time. Even if the person is
someone whom you would never believe capable of doing you harm. Even if
they never would do you harm. You do whatever you need to do to be certain
the opportunity for problems just don't arise.
It's a good message, Gwen, and something that none of us can be reminded
of too often.
As-sallamu aleykum, Gwen.
Sarah Lynn