I have been looking at some of my work and deciding how my personality molds my own stories to reflect a part of me. I had often thought that a professional could write on almost any subject and make a success of it.
I, on the other hand write about my inner most desires.
A while back, I was talking to my counselor about why I need to be punished. We decided that for me it is a way to feel secure and owned. This is probably abnormal, but so what, I have nothing to hide anymore; no church boards to fear, no employeer to satisfy.
I really think I am entering into a period where I will write much more. I hope others enjoy it.
We all need the right write rite
When I saw the title of your blog, I thought it might be about Aardvark's Batuk saga. ::grin::
You go for it, girl.
-- Donna Lamb, Flack
-- Donna Lamb, ex-Flack
Some of my books and stories are sold through DopplerPress to help support BigCloset. -- Donna
A need to submit?
Leigh Richards
I must be dense as I always saw you as the laughing girl in the pictures getting off on some poor schlubs embarrassment and abuse.
Are you saying that you see yourself as the laughee?
I am very confused. This would constitue self abasement. I hope that you find peace somehow.
Blessed be.
Leigh Richards
Different Gwen, Leigh ...
... she's not the one you're thinking of.
Still, for all of my striving to be a modern, independent woman and make my own choices, I have to admit that I too have that desire to submit, once in a while -- not to be humiliated or punished, but to be controlled and commanded every now and then. Would I want to do it forever? No, I value the me I've become over the years too much to abandon her. But sometimes, with a man I trust, it feels good. Maybe I have more in common with Aardvark's Zhor serum girls than I'd like to admit. *smile*
And as for "self-abasement," I've always thought of myself as more of a veranda than "a basement" -- a friendly front porch, perhaps, where folks can come and visit. *grin*
Be well,
"I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe." -- Steven Wright
Dense and Confused?
Yes you are.
Gwen Lavyril
Gwen Lavyril
I tend to have more of a
I tend to have more of a problem with authority, so submission is not something that occurs too often in my life. However, if it makes you feel happier and hurts no one else who cares what's normal and what isn't. As for punishment, on a Freudian level, it's usually seen as attention seeking or getting, and i would hope that you eventually move on to more inclusive forms of gratification, but it's your life and you are entitled to do with it what you wish. I wish you happiness how ever it arrives.
More Tales From The Gaby Con?
Let me get this straight Angy,
You chase about after cartoon character stories on a bicycle? Oh, you write them! You seem very fond of your bicycle, saddle wise..seems to take up a lot of the message, perfectly normal, of course. I think that Freud was actually sentenced to "Gaby Land" after he was discredited 30 or so years ago. I don't know about Randalynn, but I am thrilled that you grant us our own lives to live. I wish you happiness too, and something more than a cartoon to bike after? Oh, and happiness, of course. :)
Gwen Lavyril
Gwen Lavyril
Hi Angharad:
I was reviewing some of my old work; deciding what to do with it. I have lots of half baked, unpublished stories, but maybe it would be good to go back and re do some of what I hae already published. I just looked at a comment you made to me in my blog, "The desire to submit" and in the calmness and clarity after the armageddon in my life, I have to agree, that it is the need for attention. I still want just lots of attention but am now getting it in more socially desireable ways.
Many Blessings
Khadijah Gwen