Ms Frankenstein Part 2

Credence continues to search for clues about her past life. Fred becomes a much larger force; friend, protector, confidant. Will he be a lover? She begins to see that the evil forces in her life persist.

Ms Frankenstein by: Credence Brown (e) (Gwen Brown)

Part 2

Fred eventually offered Credence a job helping with the office work but also doing site inspections. At first, Fred’s office crew seemed a bit standoffish, but as time went on, at least a few of the other women warmed to her.

Work at his contracting company kept her very busy. Some of the subcontractors were growing to fear her little walk through inspections. She had grown reluctant to confront them personally but after Fred did a few times, they began to understand it was simply easier to be nice to Credence rather than face Fred. The quality of the work improved with two people to watch over the work.

Credence wakened thinking of Fred. She lay in bed for a few minutes while she ordered her day. It was a sunny morning, and she thought about what to wear. Growing restless, she got out of bed and scampered into the bathroom. Of course morning ablutions were first on the list and then she put on her favorite soft, light blue, robe.

She went searching in the kitchen for something to eat. The way she stood dumbly in front of the cupboards, an observer would think that they were empty, but in truth, Credence was learning about feminine cravings. She finally settled on some wheat chex and milk with Coffee.

While she was eating, the phone rang. It was Fred. “Hi Credence, were you planning on coming in today” He asked.

“It will be a little later because I thought I would give our friends over at Computec a visit to see how they are doing.”

“Is Joe treating you better now?”

“He’s not much of a problem but that apprentice of his better learn to stop staring at me or I am going to whack him”

“Oh, I am sure you will be a force to be reckoned with.” Fred was chuckling as he said it.

“OK Mister, you just wait until I think you need straightening out!” Credence spat.

“Seriously Credence, if the kid is bothering you, I will talk to his boss for you.”

She was about to say that she could handle her own problems, when she decided that she liked being defended. “Oh, would you Fred that would be so nice?”

“Yeah, no problem; look me up when you get in will you?”

“Sure, see you later.” She finished.

Well, mister creep is taken care of she thought. She decided to drive over to SE Portland and look at Dr “Evil’s” old offices to see if she remembered anything. Dr Miller had given her the address.

The difference now is that she knew the source of some of her strange drives. In her conversations with Dr Miller, she’d learned that much of the conditioning would break down as time passed. She and Jane (Dr Miller) stayed in touch using encrypted email, through a local university.

Neither of the women knew about the experimental neuron modifier in Credence’s brain. Dr “Evil’s” mechano/biological mechanism was supposed to change our girl’s brain structure to that of a woman’s along with feeding his perverted agenda. It was both a biological nanite, and a virus, except it was designed not to mutate. Much of the early remodeling of her brain happened while she was in a medically induced coma.

Her kidnapper, before his death, thought that most of the personality change had finished, but he never would have suspected that many of the new “connections” were still going on. Credence was in for huge surprises.

That afternoon after Fred and her had lunch; she got on Route 26 and headed into town. As she drove, Credence smiled as she thought about how little actual persuasion it took to get her to spend time with Fred. The freeway climbed a short hill and then began a steep winding descent into Downtown after passing through a tunnel. She’d vaguely remembered the freeway after Fred showed her the Map but it showed nothing about a tunnel. As she came around the corner and got her first view of the entrance, Credence was suddenly frozen in terror. She did not know why but she could not go into that Tunnel! She slammed on the brakes and then hearing loud horns and the squealing of tires, blindly ran the car off the right side of the road and up into the landscaping.

Her car was well out of the travel lanes but its presence there made for much rubber necking; producing a huge traffic jam. Credence sat there dumbly for a while. Time had no meaning to her in her catatonic state. Gradually, she came around.

Still really shaken up, she called Fred. When he answered, all she could say was “Help me Fred”, and then she started bawling.

“What’s the matter Credence?” He asked.

Every time she tried to explain she’d just break down again until finally she managed a little better.

“Fred, you didn’t say anything about a tunnel on the freeway and when I saw it I could not drive through it. Fred, I crashed my car.”

“OK, so where are you?” He said.

“I am in the shrubs before the road goes into the tunnel”

“I am on the way sweetheart. You just sit there until I get there.” He said and hung up. He also called a wrecker and told 911 dispatch where she was.

When he was well on his way, he called Credence back. “Sweetie, I am on the way and I called a wrecker just in case.” He said. His voice was filled with concern for her.

“Oh, Fred thank you so much, dar…. Sir, I will be so very happy to see you.”

After they both hung up, Credence was hugely embarrassed because she just about called him darling. As she was starting to deal with her feelings about Fred, there was a sudden knocking on her window. Looking out, she could see a Motorcycle Policeman.

“Miss, are you OK?” He asked. He also asked for her ID.

Credence said, “I think so, but I think I broke my car.” She said with an impish smile.

The officer looked down at the front tire and said, “Yes, you have at least one flat tire.”

The officer was very nice to her, seeing that she was on the verge of tears.

“So Miss Brown, how did you get off the road here?”

His smile was warm enough not to frighten her, but realizing that she could not simply tell him that she was suddenly afraid, so she said that sudden cramping was so strong that she just drove off the road.

Just about that time Fred arrived. He’d pulled into a wider area up the hill and ran down to her. When Credence saw him, she burst into tears again. She was so upset that she scrambled out the window into his arms. “I’m so sorry” was all she could get out and then she began sobbing again.

The policeman was somewhat bemused by her sudden agility, especially in a dress, but when he saw her hanging on him, he just shook his head.

“I am so sorry officer; I am so embarrassed; I think I ruined my car.”

Just then the fire department and an ambulance arrived. They were just about to be all over it, but she and Fred managed to convince them that Credence was OK. The Policeman took her name, but did not write a ticket. The wrecker showed up and Fred told him to put the car in a certain shop in Hillsboro.

“OK folks, you are free to go.” The officer said.

Fred told him that he was parked up beyond the off ramp for Goose Hollow. Fred almost carried Credence up to his car. He started it and moved slowly down the off ramp and out of the congestion.

“So, what happened Sweet heart, what made you drive off the road?” He asked.

Credence looked at him for a moment, and unfastening her seat belt. She moved into the center of the seat. When she was bucked in again, she buried herself against his side.

In a quivering, little girl voice, she said, “Sir, there is something about that tunnel, I need to go through it but I can not drive through it.” Credence felt like there was a light show going on in her brain and she was nauseated.

“So, why are you calling me “Sir” now?”

“I don’t know Sir; I mean Fred’ I just feel really confused and upset right now”

“Well, since the day is mostly shot, let’s go over to that clinic you were going to visit?” He said. “You almost called me darling when you first called, so what is going on?” “You know, calling me darling would be totally acceptable to me.” He said, his voice seemed full of humor and love.

“Ok, darling” She said, as she wiggled her body up against his side more firmly.

“I don’t know? It is like there is something going on in my head. I don’t know how to explain it but I feel really disoriented right now.”

“Well, I’m taking you to the hospital to see that you are OK.” He said.

“Oh, please, don’t take me to the hospital; I have my own Doctor who knows me.”

Fred pulled over in a wide spot. “OK, then you will call her right now, and she can either meet us at her office or the hospital.”

The forcefulness in his voice helped Credence to feel more secure. “Yes sir, I will call her right now.” She quickly dug her phone from her purse and called Jane. Her phone immediately rang through to the Doctor’s voice mail. “Hi Jane, I am with Fred right now, and there is something wrong with me. He says I have to meet with you or he is taking me to the hospital.”

As soon as Credence was off the phone, Fred headed for Jane’s clinic. In a few minutes Jane called back.

“Hey kid, let’s see, it’s 3:30 PM now, I can see you at 5:00 PM, how is that?”

“That would be wonderful.” Credence said.

When Credence hung up and she had just a moment to think, she realized what she’d just done. She was about to compromise her secret with Fred. What would Fred think?

“Um, Fred, we need to talk about something important and secret.”

Looking down at Credence, he said, “Let me guess, you were kidnapped by Aliens?”

Credence had a sinking feeling, and then began to realize that she could easily lose him. “Fred, this is much worse than that, and I can prove it.” Tears were threatening to overflow from her eyes again.

“OK, we are going to talk this out. Should we do it now or go to a restaurant?” Fred was starting to think that Credence was perhaps an escaped mental patient, or worse. Well, anyway, they had an appointment with her Doctor soon. Perhaps she could calm her down.

Rather than go to a Restaurant, Fred drove her to the Doctor’s office and they sat out front in the parking lot talking until the appointment. Credence gave him the short version of her story and she was able to be fairly lucid even with the light storm going in her brain.

“Hello Credence, who is this that you have with you?” Jane sounded a little cross, but was willing to listen to the explanation. Credence started to explain that Fred was safe and he knew everything. She only got that far, and just slumped to the floor.

Jane told Fred, “I can’t follow usual procedure here because this whole situation is very dangerous to our girl. You seem safe enough and I have no choice but to take a chance on you. Please pick her up and bring her into my short stay surgery suite.”

Fred did as he was asked and soon the ill young woman was lying under the huge lights in that room.

“How much did Credence tell you, Fred?”

“Well, she told me a pretty wild story about being operated on and programmed by some Doctor and being on the run. Is any of that true?”

“Yes, Fred that and much more is true. We know that the Doctor was killed in Seaside the night that he dumped her, but we do not know who the other players are and the specific locations involved.” She said. Connie worked away examining our girl as she talked to Fred.

“Fred, she needs the help of someone who cares for her and will try to protect her. Are you that person?”

“Yes, Doctor, I am. I have not known Credence long but I have quickly grown to love her. She is really strange, because one moment she is a strong young woman, and then the next she is clinging to me and calling me Sir. I had suspected that she had been through a lot.”

“Fred, this is not going to be over tomorrow or the next week. Do you have that kind of time?”

“I have to think about this some, but I will personally stay with her tonight, and tomorrow, I will contact a friend who I know will help me keep tabs on her. I take it you do not want the police involved?”

“Fred, I have to tell you that some of the medical procedures her captor did to her are so advanced that if that Doctor’s friends or worse yet the government gets wind of this, Credence will never have any peace and may well be a captive for the rest of her life.”

“OK, I will do some calling while you examine her.” Fred called his foreman and gave him some instructions. And then he called a number in Lincoln, Montana. He seemed pleased with the results.

“I know a Brain specialist. From what I can tell, she has very abnormal brain activity. Here is where it gets dangerous Fred. From now on, you need to stick to her like a Husband. I am going to put my wedding ring on her. I am not married but I wear it to keep from being bothered. Would you mind being her husband for now?”

“Well, this is a little soon.” He chuckled, “But now that you mention it, the idea appeals to me.” He said with laughter in his voice.

Jane paged her friend Brian, the Brain Guy, as she called him. He called back in just a minute or two.

“Hey Brian, this is Jane.”

Fred and Credence could only hear one side of the conversation.

“No Brian, I did not call you to accept your proposal of marriage.” She sounded like a teen aged girl talking to him.

“Seriously, you…I need a special favor. NO, down boy, darn it Brian I am trying to be serious. You need to use the big brain on top your shoulders, not the two small ones.” She quipped good naturedly.

When she had finished her conversation and was off the phone, “OK, here is what Brian is going to do. He is going to do a CAT scan and try to lose the image or destroy it once he’s seen it. OH, they’ll get all angry with him and make a fuss but he thinks he can get away with it.” Jane said.

“Ok, you are going to have to be one of those “pain in the ass”, possessive husbands that will not allow the Doctors or anyone to run you off. Some of these hospital people get pissy and you need to stand up to them.” There is this pain in the ass thing called Hipaa. They are not going to go asking for a marriage license unless you give them cause for suspicion. You just go in there acting like her husband, and keep the snoopy bastards off her. If she is out, they will have to ask you for permission to do things.” She said

Her use of the off color word made Fred raise his eyebrows but he knew enough to take her seriously.

It was Credence’s wish that she not become the subject of the local Psych crowd because she just plain did not trust them. Once the institutions become aware of her, and then the government, who knows what, would happen. In their talks over the months her and the Doctor (who insisted that Credence call her Jane) finally understood most of her modifications; though, not how he had done all of them.

Credence had a fully functioning Uterus and Cervix. Her menses had proved to be manageable after the first one. The only signs of surgery were three tiny scars about the size of a pencil. Her sizeable breasts (D’s) were all hers. Her DNA was all girls, no sign of male DNA.

There was a much defined, but tiny, mass in her brain, that had tested as non cancerous but they could not figure out what it did. Fred really had to clamp down on them to keep the medical people from prying too much.

Credence had researched the news during the time of her escape. Fred’s friend had arrived in Portland in a few days and was much help to her. John Dole had taken what Credence had and quickly found out that the Doctor’s real name was not what he had used in Portland. Dr Haroon was Iranian and had an estranged wife and two boys in Iran. Tasmeen and her two sons, 6 years old, Ahad and 10 years old, Haweed were living in near poverty there.

The good Doctor “Frankenstein” had ignored their pleas for help. The various letters and other correspondence had given her address and also revealed that he had been getting a substantial income from unnamed resources over there.

Sally had gone to the police then but had left any information about Credence out of the report. The last word that she’d heard from the police came in the form of a phone call from Sgt Harris of the Portland Police.

“Dr Miller?” the sergeant said.

“Yes, this is Dr Miller.” She said.

“I just thought you would want an update on the situation of Dr Haroon”

“Yes, how are things going for the wife?”

“We found her through the Iranian embassy. Apparently, she has asked for refugee status in the US and it looks like the Iranians are going to let her leave. The US embassy has said that she will be allowed to come” He said. “I think they are hoping that she can enlighten them on Haroon’s business dealings”

“That is just wonderful for her. Is there any news about the organization that was supporting him?” She asked.

“The Iranian government has not revealed any of that information to us. Perhaps they did to the state department but it is doubtful, with the current international situation” He said.

“Oh, the state department was in here checking on Dr Haroon and they asked about a project called Credence. Did you ever hear of a woman named Credence?” He finished.

Sally’s blood ran cold. She was determined to allow Credence all the privacy she wanted. Dr Miller knew that she would have to warn Credence. She quickly denied any knowledge of Credence and managed to get off the phone. She quickly sent an email to Credence.

The Detective had noted the change in Jane’s voice. Not being trained to lie, was not even aware of it.

About a week later, her receptionist gave her a message, which was signed, The Girl You helped. It was confusing at first because her practice was all women. The message said she’d call back. She’d tucked the message into her lab coat. Later that day, a package from UPS arrived and it was labeled personal, Dr Miller, so Marge just threw it on her desk.

Credence did not really expect Dr Miller to call back, but she just wanted her to start thinking about the time that she had helped a girl in trouble.

It was after the office staff had gone home before she had a chance to open it. Inside was a cell phone and letter that said, “Get on the freeway headed toward Salem and call me at speed dial one.”

Jane Miller began to suspect the identity of the mysterious person and immediately left her charting to see what could be done. Credence had done the best she could to not be traced by the Dr Haroon’s cronies or anyone else for that matter.

On the way south on the I-5, Sally dialed speed 1, and waited for an answer. As soon as Credence picked up, Sally recognized her voice. “Credence, how are you, can we meet somewhere?” She said.

“Yes, I had hoped you would want to; how about at the first rest stop out of town?”

“Oh yes, I know exactly where it is”

“OK” Credence said and then hung up. Sally did not know how paranoid to be about it, but she shut the phone off too.

Sally pulled into the rest stop at Aurora and parked. She just sat there for a moment, and then got out to use the rest room. Credence was waiting when she came out. They compared notes and agreed to stay in touch. In spite of all the caution, Credence did not notice that she was being watched from a distance.

The man had followed Jane, not Credence.

Credence and Fred’s relationship had deepened over the weeks. They were falling in love with each other. Fred knew it but Credence was still afraid. Fred hoped that as time went on, Credence’s fears would diminish. Fred was taking her to see a live play and she wanted a new dress. She wanted to surprise him. He'd mentioned he needed to have his suit cleaned and Credence volunteered to drop it off for him.

The last weeks had felt wonderful. They'd seen each other almost every day. Credence and he had not had sex but the temptation was growing to almost intolerable levels. His kisses inflamed her desire in a way that she found most disturbing. She so wanted to be genuine and chaste however she did not know how she'd stay that way if all this kept up.

She'd passed the dress shop on the way to town several times and today yielded to the urge to go in. Almost as soon as Credence walked into the shop, she saw a beautiful, light mauve, frothy gown, which seemed to draw her with an irresistible force. It was strapless, with a deeply cut heart shaped bodice and cut so low in back that it just began to reveal the upper end of the cleavage between the cheeks of her derriá¨re. She tried to walk past it but found herself drawn to it so strongly that it almost frightened her. Credence could not know that part of this drive originated with some changes the Doctor made to her genetics.

In addition to what humans were born with, he'd added several hundred more pairs of chromosomes programmed to make specific items of clothing and certain situations very attractive to her. In a way, he'd made her a slave to his desires. It had taken him many tries to make the new genetic train stable. He'd found that certain chemicals could cause it to break down and had thus given her a strong revulsion for them. Still, he knew that her life could be shortened since exposure was inevitable. The Doctor had been working on a fix for all that when he'd been killed.

As she walked around the gown, she could feel her nipples pointing and she even felt tension between her thighs. This felt embarrassing and her face began to flush hotly. As she touched the full skirt of the floor length gown she began to feel her vision pulsate. She was going to faint, she thought for a moment. Had the doctor continued his work, he'd have known he could turn that reflex like response down quite a lot and still get an acceptable reaction.

"May I help you? A woman said. Credence jumped with surprise. She hadn't heard the woman approaching.

"I love this gown." Credence said. She'd intended to say something else or nothing, anything but that. Though the feelings and camaraderie between women was perfectly normal, Credence had not yet become accustomed to dealing with them and often left her somewhat breathless and confused.

"Would you like to try it on?" She said. The sales woman's friendly manner began to calm Credence. She could feel her face begin to cool somewhat.

"Oh, could I please?" She said. Again Credence hadn't intended to say that but felt compelled to do so. Had the Doctor been a woman, he'd have known a simple pleasurable excitement would have sufficed. She felt so propelled by deep emotions. It was as if she were on some drug.

As the woman moved the gown to the changing room, she picked a package off one of the stands as she walked by. Credence hadn't seen what it was.

When she hung the gown in the room, she turned to leave and then handed Credence the package. "You'll need these." She said. "Oh and when you get it on, I'll show you how to keep it up." She finished. Her voice sounded light with slight bemusement.

Credence found she had to discard her bra. She'd known that before hand. In the package she found little adhesive crescents to hold her breasts up. She applied them after some hesitation and was pleased with the results. Credence tried to push her panties and panty hose down so they wouldn't show in back but finally had to discard the panty hose also. She couldn't do without the panties. The dress was on now but each time she moved, she could feel it slip.

Sighing, she pushed the curtain back and stepped out into the room. "I think the dress is too large." Credence said. The sales woman looked at it a bit and then said, "Let me help you. It does take a bit of adjustment." She deftly reached inside the waistband at the side and located a small ribbon. She pulled it a little and Credence felt it tighten. She repeated the procedure on the other side.

Now the dress felt as if it would not slide off Credence's hips. But how would she keep that top from falling away and exposing her breasts? Then the woman pulled the top away from her breasts and began spraying something all over her breasts and torso.

"That feels so cool. What is it?" She asked. It is the same adhesive that beauty contestants use to keep those skimpy swimsuits in place. She allowed it to dry for a moment and then pressed the top back into place, intimately molding it to Credence's breasts. In the more intimate areas, she showed Credence how to do it. That was much less embarrassing.

She deftly slipped some inch wide steel bones into the sides of the dress, threading them up and through pockets Credence hadn't noticed beside the bodice of the dress. When she finished, Credence felt sure the gown would stay in place. She invited Credence to walk around the shop wearing the gown.

The woman seemed astonished at how good Credence looked in it. "My gosh, you look just like a model." She exclaimed. Credence just loved the gown. The sales woman called a friend and asked them to come over and take pictures. It all happened like a whirlwind.

Credence quickly realized the gown had a train that she needed to manage. It was too low in front, dragging on the floor until the woman handed Credence her own three-inch heels. That helped but she'd have to purchase shoes, which matched the gown.

Suddenly, Credence was standing in the middle of the mall posing for photographs. By the time it was over Credence was quite shaken by all the attention. The dress would be ready in a few days.

When she returned to pick it up, it was in a huge plastic bag. Credence was fully occupied with getting it out the door, down the mall and into her car. She did not notice the man go into the store after she left. It was the same man who’d spied on her at Aurora.

The play that night was wonderful. Fred was so attentive that Credence didn't know what to do. Afterward, they ran into some of Fred's friends and stopped at a well-known restaurant for late night desert.

Credence wanted to go home to change but Fred wouldn't allow it. It felt odd having Fred become so assertive with her. On one side she wanted her own way but on the other his audacity gave her a sense of security she'd never felt before.

The couple was very nice and about Fred and Credence's age. Tom was a Software writer and Anne was a Pediatrician.

Credence and Anne immediately liked each other. Tom and Fred had grown up together in St Louis.

Credence and Anne made the boys exchange seats so they could talk while the boys chatted about football and hunting. Anne was not as tiny as Credence and at first seemed envious that Credence fit in the gown so pleasantly. She'd insisted that Fred loan his suit coat to her to put around her shoulders since her lace shawl felt too revealing for the surroundings.

They talked about how they met their men, where they went to school and all that until Credence became uneasy. Credence realized she could not remember much of her childhood. She related that she'd been in an accident and could not remember much. In fact, Credence realized with a shock, some of her adolescent memories were of playing football or other activities usually reserved for boys.

Credence began to feel shaky and she felt herself slipping off into one of those dreams. "Oh no, I'm sorry." She said as she sagged back in the seat. It was just a moment, less than 5 seconds but when Credence returned, the others had looks of concern on their faces. Credence for once could remember becoming disconnected this time and hastily concocted an excuse, which the boys believed, but Anne did not.

In the coming weeks, Anne and she would become fast friends and Anne would help her through so much. She would need the help because there were those who were still searching for her. Credence was still very wary of too much disclosure.

Credence had to promised to return to the shop with the dress just one more time to show a potential customer. Credence wondered why the customer didn't just try it on herself. Soon she would know the customer wanted to buy Credence, not the dress.

Once Credence was again in the dress, the woman who was new to her, acted strangely for a moment and then asked Credence to step to the back of the store for adjustments to the gown. Credence thought it looked just fine but the woman persuaded her that some improvements could be made.

Credence had been sipping on some delicious white wine the woman had offered her. She hadn't seen the powder the woman had slipped into the glass. Credence began to feel detached and very mellow. It had overtaken her so suddenly that she'd not thought anything of it.

She obediently placed her arms, folded in the small of her back and allowed the woman to bind them securely there with 3" wide pink ribbon wrapped many times around her arms and her elbows. "Why are you doing that?" Credence asked. When she finished, Credence could not move her arms at all. "This will help you hold your breasts out more." She said.

Then she began placing a tiara with an attached veil on Credence's head. Folding the veil back, the woman suddenly inserted a gag in Credence's mouth and tied it firmly in place.

Credence now too drugged to know she was in danger, simply stood there. She began to slip into one of those waking dreams but this time it did not alarm her.

Credence lay there looking at the ceiling the same way she'd done for two weeks or two months, she didn't know. It could have been two days or two years for all she knew.

She'd wakened after going to bed in her apartment, in this room. It had no windows or doors and appeared to have translucent walls because there were no light fixtures but it was not dark. The walls and floor were soft and warm, interrupted only by a toilet, which flushed its self and a spigot which dispensed some sort of drink through a small tube which engaged in the hole in the thing which gagged her, making any sound at all impossible.

Her hands were encased in very soft bowling ball-sized things linked together by a flexible rod about three feet long. She was athletic enough to bend so she could put the rod in front or in back but no matter how she left it when she went to sleep, it was always behind her when she wakened.

Her feet were also encased in the same sort of arrangement but the balls were flat on the bottom and while she could not see her feet, they felt as if she were wearing impossibly high heels.

Her long hair, now hip length, was always brushed out when she wakened. Other than her hair, Credence was completely nude.

She also knew that somehow, someone was exercising her when she slept because she'd felt some slight soreness a few times when she'd wakened and she knew that her muscle tone would have by now completely deteriorated if she was not some how getting some exercise.

Credence felt as if her wakening periods were several hours long at a time. She'd not heard anything since she'd been there and not been able to say anything either.

Out of boredom and fear, Credence had cried herself to sleep many times. Now even that emotion seemed to be absent.

A distant click and then a low rumbling startled her. Perhaps now she would find out what was happening to her.

Suddenly, Credence found herself back in the dress shop. A man of some foreign nationality was talking. His accent was thick but Credence could not tell what it was. "This woman will make a very nice addition to my family. I will pay the price you ask but you are responsible to deliver her to my plane at the airport." He said. He wore his own national dress and Credence was not that familiar with Geography but she guessed him to be Indian or Arab. His voice sounded cultured and likeable but Credence hadn't yet understood she was to become his slave.

They'd been discussing Credence for a long time, negotiating her fate as she stood dumbly in the background. Credence noticed the discarded sacks of fast food and the empty coffee cups. They had no idea the drug was wearing off.

Credence still felt very groggy but felt aware enough to know his intentions. They seemed unaware that Credence was waking up. She looked at the clock on the wall at the back of the store. It was five minutes until twelve. She'd planned to meet Fred at the Macdonald's for lunch. If she could somehow get there perhaps he could help her.

Nearly hysterical, shaking like a leaf, Credence looked around. She was standing right by the curtain which lead to the front of the store and beside it was the main electrical panel. The door was open. Credence didn't know how she knew some things but she knew that if she could trip the main breaker the whole store would be dark. She also knew that with any luck, the emergency lights would not work. They usually didn't. She didn't have time to ponder how she knew these things if she were going to save herself. Still she wasted important seconds wondering about her past life.

Suddenly she thought, "I must snap out of this."

They were deep in conversation in the little office and seemed to have forgotten Credence. The panel was close. She simply turned and used her chin to pull the lever down. She could feel her skin breaking but the gag helped a little. In spite of excruciating pain, Credence shut the main breaker off. The building was now dark and the people in the office were shouting with alarm and anger.

Credence slipped through the doorway out into the store and began stumbling toward the front entrance, knocking over racks and displays as she went. The closer she got to it the more light from the mall illuminated her flight. In a flurry of activity, she managed to make her way to the front of the store, out the door and began stumbling toward Macdonald's.

She had just sighted Fred standing there when someone grabbed her and began dragging her backward. In a last desperate effort, Credence kicked a display, knocking it over and breaking the glasses on it. The attendant began shouting and the last thing Credence saw was Fred's face turning toward her.

Suddenly she was in another world again. Credence had no idea that the experience she was remembering was not real at all but had happened in a cyber space created by the Doctor to program his patients.

Now the restraints were gone. Credence sat in a huge bedroom on a beautiful canopy bed with pink and mauve flowers on the bed spread. She wore a huge white gown made from some sort of silken material.

The lace collar was high and stiff from a backing sewn into it. It flowed into pleated shoulders made puffy from padding and then down onto sleeves which were loose above the elbow but skin tight down her wrists. The sleeves ended in a frothy flower petal like arrangement, which just allowed her fingertips to protrude. The skirt of the voluminous gown was several feet longer than she was tall. She surmised that a long gown was in some ways better than chains and shackles. The Doctor thought them to be much prettier.

Growing curious, she stood and almost fell. She was wearing heels so high it was difficult to balance. Leaning back against the bed to steady her self, Credence wrestled the hem of the gown up off the floor, attempting to get a look at her shoes. It took a lot of effort to get the voluminous, billowing petticoats under control but finally she could just see her toes and then one of the shoes. They were pumps with about 5" heels. She must just be weak from inactivity.

Credence's head was clearing somewhat now and she began to get curious about her surroundings. She quickly found that the front of her skirts must be picked up to move at all. There were no hoops. Her very bouffant skirt was that way due to many yards of frothy petticoat. It was difficult to pick up her petticoats because her sleeves tangled her fingers so much and the gown was so overly long.

She looked with wonder at her fingers. Her nails were at least an inch long and had a metallic mauve finish. They were difficult to manage but were so pretty that she simply loved them.

Still, Credence managed to explore her new surroundings extensively that day. She had no idea that her whole world existed only in cyber space. If she'd known that she still would have thought it very beautiful.

On the balcony outside the bedroom, she felt as if she were thousands of feet high. Looking around, it appeared that the balcony was one of many on a huge tower like castle on a flat plain, which seemed without end.

Credence suddenly returned to the real world. She was lying on the floor with many people around her. Fred was holding her in his arms. The look of concern on his face made her feel warm and safe.

Fred was dabbing at the blood running from her chin. He'd removed the gag.

A questioning look was crossing his face. "Oh Fred, they were going to sell me to some rich foreigner." She said. Credence suddenly began to weep in huge breathless sobs.

Suddenly the police arrived. "We followed a woman and two men into that dress shop over there. The men made it out the back door to his limousine but we caught them." He said. The police officer was obviously looking at Credence in unveiled admiration. "We'll need you to make out a complaint. I think it will start with attempted kidnapping. How did your chin get cut? Were they torturing you?" He asked.

Credence felt so comfortable lying there in Fred's arms that she'd forgotten that her arms were still bound behind her. "Oh dear, I'm still tied up. No, I broke my skin on the main breaker in the panel rather than go to Timbuktu with that bearded lover boy." She said.

Dabbing at the blood flowing from her chin, Fred held her gently while he kissed her forehead.

The men were obviously enjoying Credence's compromised position. "Will one of you perverts please untied me." She said. She seemed so serious, but then broke into a smile. "I'll stay here in your arms though." She said. Everyone broke out laughing. It seemed to break the tension.

Suddenly, Credence was bawling again. They quickly got her on her feet and used hastily procured scissors to cut the ribbon off her forearms.

"Credence, you need someone to protect you. You should be married." He said. Fred's voice sounded serious.

Credence looked at him curiously for a moment, feeling her insides doing funny things. A grin crept across her face beneath her mussed hair. "Why Fred, is that a serious proposal?" She said. Her voice revealed that she was not taking him seriously. Then she looked into his eyes. He was serious!

"Why, yes it is." He said.

"Fred, would you really? We have to talk." She said.

"No we don't," He said.

"You can go up the aisle on your own feet or in a sack." He said emphatically.

Much later, they'd finished with the police. Credence got Fred to take her home to change. The gown would need repairs and the cleaners. Fred took her to dinner.

They talked long after dinner and desert. There was laughter and tears also. Credence told Fred what she suspected about her past. Fred found it hard to believe but agreed not to press marriage any more until Credence knew more.

During the last few weeks, John had managed to find out that the accident in the tunnel had killed the man she’d been, but could not find any burial records. Later, he found that the body had been donated to a local Medical University. Credence had been afraid to inquire much because she did not know how safe it would be for her to do so. She suspected that he’d had a family and now Credence certainly wanted to make sure that they were taken care of.

Fred had been keeping much closer watch on Credence now, and his friend John was a big help. John was one of those people whose demeanor really chilled Credence, although when he’d first gotten to town, the two had greeted each other like brothers. The love in Fred’s voice for Credence was obvious when he introduced her to John.

John’s hand was like a huge rough pillow, and her hand looked tiny there. “So, you can’t stay out of trouble eh?” He said. His tone of voice nearly made her wet her panties.

“Oh, no sir…I mean yes sir…I mean I don’t know how it happens?” She said in her little girl voice.

Credence felt little along side Fred, who was well over 6 feet tall, but John made Fred look short. Credence found she felt so timid that she almost hid behind Fred.

Then John and Fred went into his office, pointedly shutting the door on Credence. She stood there huffing when Alice, the book keeper said to her, “Oh those guys and their boy talk. Come on honey, lets go have coffee and leave them here.”

Credence was still huffing as she left the office with Alice but the woman quickly had her laughing and feeling less left out.

Later that night, Fred took Credence to dinner while John set about getting himself settled. It took him a while to sooth Credence’s pride.

“You MEN just shut the door on me; how could you?” she asked. Credence could not help sounding like an offended teen.

“Habibti, you don’t need to know much about John or what he will be doing, trust me.” He said.

Feeling coy, Credence asked, “What does Habibti mean?”

“Oh, it is an Arab word for darling or sweetheart.”

Credence felt her body doing strange and wonderful things as she absorbed the meaning of the word.

Fred reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a little leather-covered case. Credence's heart began to pound and her face felt as if it were on fire. A shrill squeak was all she could manage.

"Credence, I won't push you any more. But when you are ready, this is waiting for you." He said. His voice sounded so solemn.

Credence couldn't talk at first. She began to sob so hard it scared Fred. Several minutes and a pile of napkins later, Fred could see the joy in her face.

"Will you marry me"

"Oh, yes I will fred! I thought that you would want to wait until we knew more."

"I love you, and that is all I need to know."

"Oh my face, Fred, look what you've done to me. You should be ashamed." She said.

"You don't have to be such a bawl baby about it." He said. His eyes revealed his usual mirth.

Credence had worn a longish slim skirt and a horizontally striped turtleneck sweater. She followed Fred's gaze down toward her breasts and could see that her nipples were happily pointing at him. She reached over and slapped him. "I knew I should have worn a thicker bra." She said.

"I like what I'm seeing." He said.

I really thought two chapters would do it, but I suppose not.


 © 2001 by Credence Browne, lately called Gwen Brown. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, compilation design) may printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of the copyright holder.

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