TopShelf Blogs

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I was wondering?

Having recently completed my entry for the latest competition; it got me thinking about what makes a sucessfull story.

The story was quite long in excess of 22k. Hits and feedback were quite low compared to my other writings.

I have always believed in the 'grab their attention quickly' school of thinking when writing short stories. Perhaps the opening lines may have put people off...

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New story art from Heather Rose Brown

Below are images I created for a few of my stories that will eventually be posted on a new story site I found called Codey's World, which is an online fiction site focused on teens and young adults, although folks of all ages are welcome. Below each image is a synopsis of the story, and you can go to the story here on Big Closet by clicking on the image. :)

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One of those weeks!

What a week - it began on saturday evening when my mountain bike, upon which I had carried about two tons of food shopping earlier, made funny noises on braking. A strange noise, sounded a bit like the spokes were being rubbed, but as it was only on using the rear brake, I decided it had to be that. Nowhere was open to sell me some more brake blocks,so it became a job for sunday.

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breaking point

I've coped with a fair bit over the last six years of health troubles, so why have just spent the last half hour sitting in my living room crying my eyes out. My left arm was paralysed for more than month, cramps in my hands bend and twist my fingers and I've no control over them, even the drag in my leg that means using a cane to walk, so why does not being able to go to the toilet upset me so much? Everything the doctor has prescribed has had a minor immediate but temporary benefit, and then added added another problem.

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Makes you want to puke

Was forwarded to me this morning:

High emotions were on display as trial got under way to decide whether a sex change operation constitutes a medical deduction undersection 213. O'Donnabhain v. Commissioner, U.S. Tax Court Docket No. 6402-06, commenced July 24 in Boston with Judge Joseph Gale presiding.

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Between Ourselves

BBC Radio 4 broadcast a program in their "Between Ourselves" series this morning:

"Olivia O'Leary brings together two people who have had profound and similar experiences. Two spouses of transsexuals discuss how they coped with their partners' gender transition".

I found this link to hear it online, but haven't had a chance to listen to it yet.

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Assumptions and questions

I was watching one of my favourite series again - CSI Las Vegas. At the end Gil Grissom said something very important I think.
'Men assume, they don't ask about the why. ... It took five people to murder one person, but if only one had asked why he did what he was doing, why he felt unwell, he might have been still alive.'

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Therapy here I come

Well tommorrow morning I have my first therapy session. I sent an email to this Dr. almost 2 weeks ago. I layed out my issues and she sent me a return email and she invited me to call her and talk. It took me another week and a half to work up the nerve to call her. I did and I got her friggin voice mail. Thats okay though, she called me back a little while later.

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Who's worse?

Having dealt with the IRS and AT&T, I have to wonder who's worse. Personal contact is almost out of the question, and if you finally find a number to call the wait is at least a half of an hour. I had to deal with AT&T since yesterday. I overlooked a bill and a block was put on my fax number. I paid in full at 11:30 AM and service was to be restored in the next six hours.

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An update on my blog post: "Need advice,etc."

As promised, here's the update on my meeting with my sisters and the lawyer.

My housemate went with me and stayed right with me through the whole meeting. When we walked in, early, by the way, my sisters were already there, with one of my nieces. None of them would even met my eyes, so things were kinda tense for several minutes.

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Thank You, to everyone who responded. My decision is made.

The meeting has been moved up to Wednesday at 11AM, and Cathy is going to be there in all her glory. It IS time my sisters learned that this is not a whim, or something I thought would be cool to do for awhile. Cathy is who I am, Cathy is who I'm, going to be, and that is the long and short of it.

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Need advice / thoughts / views / whatever ASAP

I have to meet with the lawyer Thursday the 17th to settle Mom's will. I am in the second month of my RLT. BOTH my sisters will also have to be there, and they are religiously dead set against me being myself, that is to say, Cathy.

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Nearly One Year Old

According to the records, 'Bike' will be one year old on Wednesday, which all being well should be episode number 349. I'm sixteen or so parts missing- not bad I suppose, considering I do have a life outside writing poor fiction. Of those missing I suspect half a dozen were technical glitches, plus a couple of holidays and a hospital appointment.

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Moving to Mosul?

It is a segment of a story idea.

A really passable trans woman faces only grief at the hands of her family and has finally given up after years of Artillery duals.

She gets this message from an on line friend to go visit her in Northern Iraq. Very dangerous with the Taliban slinking about like snakes in the night.

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New postings @ Maddy Bell

Maddy Bell( )has posted updates on several stories including her latest Nena-sode, and some fanfics- some of which are not posted elsewhere! Erm, hint, hint, oh yes, that includes one of mine (blushes coyly)Whatever Next part 17, with Drew up to his neck in things again- this time the ironing. If you go to the fanfic page, there are two short stories I wrote for the 2008 Gabycon posted as well. Neither will tax your brain too hard and only one is about cycling - honest!

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Story writing question

I have another idea for a story I'd like to right but I'm thinking about doing an outline first.I'm thinking about choosing the story name, where i'd like it to go and what I'd like each chapter to accomplish and potential names for the chapters first then write it.For "Hell Yeah it hurts" I just thought up the premise and have been winging it ever since.Has anyone else outlined there story first

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It's been an interesting year so far.

Well, it's been awhile, but I'm back. What a year. Two major surgeries in my immediate family, a storm blowing half a huge walnut tree onto the house... sigh. Family is doing well now, all healthy, tree removed from proximity to house and is now two piles of brush and limbs. The good news there is it's walnut, as I mentioned.

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London Times Obituary of the Late Mr. Common Sense


Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who
has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he
was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red
tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable
lessons as: Knowing when to come in out of the rain; Why the early

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Maiden by Decree by Maggie Finson

Maggie's new epic about a boy who becomes a "Maiden by Decree" is now appearing at StarDust. I've got permission to post it here but haven't done so yet. If you want to read it right away, as it comes out, the chapters will be on StarDust days before they appear here. And it's good. :)


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Looking for a story

I'm looking for a story about a bisnessman who stay in a hotel. He asks for some meds to help his head. When he wakes up he is a woman. He comes back again and again and even gets his boss in on the act. They both eventually take the special treatment to become women forever. I really want to read this story again. If anyone can help, I'd really appricate it.

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A story about stories

This morning I woke with a story rolling around in my head that wouldn't let me go back to sleep until I wrote it down. I eventually posted it on the Fictioneer site under the name The Story. I know that may sound like a bit of a lame story title, but it kinda fit with the theme, and it was the best I could think of at what-am-I-doing-up-this-early am. It's basically a story about stories, and how they relate to reality.

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Coming out

I've been dealing with a lot of stress lately when it comes to my sister. I know people are probably tired of me bloging about it. I'm sorry. Today was extremely stressful for me. After talking about it with a good friend, I desided that it was time to come out to my sister. I am not strong enought to tell her over the phone so I sent her a email.

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CLUBS dont talk to me about CLUBS!

2:30 am on a sunday morning over the street from me booze briatians finest spilling out into the street. its the same every weekend i have to forgo one nights sleep so the booze crowd can have thier night out.

OMG i sounded just like my grandmother stop me now before i buy the twinset and pearls,

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Hair transplants; a warning.

To those considering hair transplants:

I had a 2500 hair transplant session back in 2005. All seemed well until the beginning of 2006 when I started getting these Psoriasis like places on my scalp. Now I have red irritated spots all through the transplanted forest. A Doctor recently suggested that I have them removed. She asked me if I was told there could be problems? I said No.

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What to do...

Just finished up at Mayo and got all the results back. Not sure what to do yet, as I am still thinking about the choices. Do I stop transitioning so that I can get infusions sub-cutaneously every 2-3 days for the rest of my life, or do I see how long I can survive with no immune system but continue on as myself?

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You just never know...

I had the experience of talking to an acquaintance recently who confessed to me that her secret desire was to be a canine dental hygienist. That's someone who cleans the teeth of dogs. But, she had ended up getting married, having kids, raising them, etc, a process that took many years and still wasn't over.

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Hullo again!

I'm back in Kansas City from now until time to head home for school. This is really the only place I know of online that's not, well, dangerous for me. I was just telling someone that we totally need a transkids forum somewhere, y'know? Somewhere safe to be ourselves and talk about things that would get our tails kicked if we even THOUGHT them at school.

REW (or Roo)

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aah the moose or should that be ARRRRGH the moose

my gods i have turned into a word factory three episodes for my stories and the first ten pages of a main stream sci fi book churned out today in basic readable form ready for the cut and slash (apart from the book. today it seems i have not stopped writing but nothing was good enough for the moose and she sat on my shoulder all day moaning.

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Small steps

For those of you who have read my recent blog entries, you know that I had a close call with my sister. I found out that when she used my computer that she had been to this site and tired to access my info. She has not said anything about it and has returned home to Allabama. I guess I'm in the clear.

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Newspaper story "Man naturally turning into woman"

The Daily Telegraph has an article about a man who has developed abnormally high levels of oestrogen but the doctors don't know why. The report uses the word "natural", but ff this had happened in a story on this site, it wouldn't have been "natural".

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Picking up

In the wake of the failed Pirate and Ninja Peace Accord (the Pirates won, blast it all!) and my misadventures of the preceding week... I will continue with my responsibilities (tentatively at first) and hopefully be back to full strength soon. Dear Diary for 10-16-7 and 10-17-7 will go up tomorrow sometime, and Pen Pal 10 (Stormy 2) and whatever else comes to mind.

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I'm safe so far.

My sister left this morning and she was acting normal. well as normal as my family ever gets. So I guess she is not going to say anything. I don't know, maybe she did not want to bring it up with others near by. I'll just have to play it by ear.

I want to thank everyone for their support. I really appriciate it and I really needed it. So again, THANK YOU!!!

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I'm screwed

My older sister and her son are visiting from alabama this week and I let her use my computer to check her email. When I loged on here this morning several names came up as options in the username slot when I began typing. my sister had been here. I told her to use my firefox browser. All my tg stuff is saved on my windows explorer browser.

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The Unicorn’s Gift, Part...


I apologize for not being able to post the rest of the unicorn story as I’d
intended. I will be posting fairly frequently as I rewrite it, but I can’t
guarantee to be posting at specific times as I have been. The good news
is that I do type quickly, and I have a very good memory for this story.
More good news is that my editor is newly back from a successful world

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Subject: NEWS - Congress' 1st hearing on Gender Identity (June 27, 2008)

Subject: NEWS - Congress' 1st hearing on Gender Identity (June 27, 2008)

Gender Identity Discrimination in the Workplace gets First Hearing in Congress

Huffington Post

http://www.huffingt joe-solmonese/ gender-identity- discrimin_ b_109352. html

Posted June 26, 2008 | 09:58 AM (EST)

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Who wrote?

Hello my lovelies:

Perhaps a year ago, an Author published a story here that involved a wife loving her husband so much that she started him along the road to transition, apparently even when he was unaware of his need to do it. In the progress of the story, she eventually has him living as a woman, and then finds him an apartment and later divorced him.

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new start on the blogg

well i'm back after a hiatus from everything and getting back into writting and everything else.

there has been a lot of turmoil in this life in the predeing months and alot of trying to cope with mental illness. No i dont count being trans gendered as a mental illness but a state of being.

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On Holiday

I will be going out of town tomorrow morning (Tuesday 2008-6-24), and as such, Karen Page will be handling Shortcuts! while I'm gone. I will be back on Tuesday the 1st of July at the latest, but until then I cannot promise regular updates of Dear Diary or anything else I'm working on. I will try to log in and make sure things are going well, but I really don't know!

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I Have A New Story

I have read Janet Stickney stories and from reading them, I have a few story ideas where a young man transitions into a woman. I need help to make sure that I am not plagarising her works. That is not my intent. No, having read her stories, I have wanted to write stories in a similar vein. Is there anybody that is willing to help?

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Just curious

After reading comments and such from readers, I'm curious as to how many ride motorcycles and if you still ride. Me, I raced them for over twenty-five years. I'm a charter member of the AMA and darn proud of it too. I started racing on triumphs in the 500cc class. I started by riding enduros on a ridgid frame 500 and finally got suspension a year later on my 1965 500.

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Sh*t, P*ss, F*ck, C*nt, C*cks*ck*r, M*th*rf*ck*r, T*ts, F*rt, T*rd, Tw*t

George Carlin has died at age 71.

That's what the title of this blog is all about... he gave us the "Seven Dirty Words You Can't Say On Television" and the three auxiliary words. I listed the seven (minus vowels) and the last three are the auxiliary.

With that vowels intact that would be:
Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, Tits, Fart, Turd, Twat

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New Stories

I have several new stories in various stages of completion but there could be a long delay before I post them. And they need first to survive editing; that's one very bumpy ride. They've still got the bruises from the first visit.

The rest of my life also intrudes and needs to be dealt with.


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Here I am sitting in sunny, if very blowy Lincolnshire, that's in the UK for those, like me who never paid attention in geography lessons.

I have lost count of the amount of times I have had to let Ellie Mae and Biscuit (our cats) in and out of the house today. As soon as they go out, they realise that it's windy and they want to come in again!

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C:/documents/ wishlist/laptop

Amazingly, I have obtained a free laptop!

Toshiba Satellite 1850
Processor: IBM 386
RAM: 4Mb
Hard Drive: 120 Mb
Monochrome B/W LCD
OS: DOS 5.0

The floppy drive is dead and I can't use it for the internet, but I've always had a soft spot in my heart for decrepit electronics.

Melanie E.

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