ladycat35's blog

Missing storys

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Hi just wanted to say i love this site.

but as you can see I realy miss some of the storys that are gone. SK8R girls is one of them, Being Chistine Chase is another one and of course those Authors that have passed on with storys still here. I have gotten into Gaby here of late

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New Girl

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Hi I am new at this just wanted to say hi, I am 58 TG but have not done the change may never as it's out side my price range. I just wanted to say that there are some good writers here and I love this site. As with any there are storys that I don't like, Women who talk there husband or boyfriend into dressing then fall for a "MAN" and leave the poor guy hanging, there are storys that I really like but that is with anyone. I have left a few words to a few of the writers telling them I liked there story or some that I would never read there story again.

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