Erin, please don't unpub this, I promise I'll be good! K?
I saw things last night that I never expected to see in America. I am amazed.
Portland is a cute little town of about a million people. When the election was called, I was alternately crawling around in a very dear friend's itchy attick drilling dusty, nasty holes or tottering on a wiggly ladder two stories up on the side of their house. No, not in the roof or ceiling silly. I was constantly anxious about putting my foot through the ceiling, but instead, I almost rode said undependable ladder to the ground after my wiggling butt dis-steadied me. I didn't totally fall, but I did do stupid things to my shoulder and today c'n'ardly use it.
So, after God managed to steady said bucking ladder for me, and I dropped the drill on the floor, and began screaming like a girl in pain, my hostess banished
me from further ladder dressage. She was really quite insistent and firm that I get down from there, so much so that it really rang my little subbie bells, A LOT, but no spanking, DAMN! :(
So, instead, she forced me to lay on the couch with an ice pack with my feet up. After downing some white pills I carry for such incidents 20 minutes later, I felt much less pain and began to enjoy my altered state of consciousness, complete with new personality.
The totally amazing thing about all this is that she then permitted me to go for a walk, as long as she came along and supervized. I saw things out there that I have never, ever seen in America. At almost every major intersection, people were out, screaming and honking and waving and doing things that I would never expect anyone older than a cheer leader to do.
Later, as we drove the half dozen miles to my home, I saw many such irrational but deliriously happy crowds.
This is a wonderful time in America, not because of who won, I was prepared for either, never having actually decided. I look forward to the days ahead, my faith in Americans having gotten a massive dose of good blood cells.
It was encouraging because there was no one running around firing their guns in the air, as in most any Arab country. I was happy to see that there were no drunken fist fights as I imagine I could see in say Wales, where they fight over some dumb ball kicking game that I shall never understand.
The Police did show up in one place and emperously stood across the street using their best bull horn to tell us to disperse peacefully. Much to their disappointment, we did.
This was truly historic. I feel very much more an American today.
Much love
Sorry to disappoint Gwen,
but we Welsh don't fight over ball games of any description, all the violence is on the field. However, such sights of delight may be seen around Cardiff, when we win the Six Nations.
We might have a warrior reputation, Men of Harlech, and Rorke's Drift (11 Victoria Crosses in one day against 10,000 Zulus)but we prefer singing to fighting (unless it's - yn erbyn Y Saeson).
I don't understand my Welsh heritage.
Hi Angharad:
With names like Gwen(Gwinn) Boucher,and Webb in my family tree, my siblings all think that we were Welsh until around the mid 1600's. Being the youngest, I was not involved in those sorts of conversations when any relatives still lived that actually knew more.
So, who is it that has such a brawlers reputation in regards to the outcome of what Americans call Socker games. There, you see I can't even spell it right. Anyhow, it is executed with a white ball that the players run up and down the field while kicking the poor thing to death. Apparently, they are not allowed to touch it?
Are the offenders, Irish?
I think the only sports I like are Sailing and Cycling but my bicycle is nothing like what you describe in your marvelous tales. Mine has proper fenders, a drop center, lady like handle bars so my anatomy does not get bruised, and a skirt guard so that I may ride while suitably attired. :) It weighs 26 lbs.
Many blessings
I feel I must rush to the defence ...
... of our Welsh friends. I'm very sorry to say that most sport related violence in the UK (apart from that on the field of play) is down to MY compatriots, the English, and concerns football. I take no responsibility for it because team ball games don't figure very highly in my interests. Like you, my sports are sailing and cycling which are usually, but not always (tempers can run high even in sailing) fisticuffs free.
Your bike, at 26lbs isn't particularly heavy for a touring bike so don't use that as an excuse :)
It's the English, girl!
Don't start throwing stones at poor Celtic folk!
As a soccer (football)
Samirah M. Johnstone
Dear Gwen,
I don't really know much about "most any Arab country", but with your venture into Islam, I guess you might. I have seen and heard about firing guns in the air in celebration in Latin American countries, like Mexico. Phoenix has tried hard to stop the firing of guns in the air. I think both the Anglo cowboys and the Chicanos have that behavior in their heritage.
I loved yesterday night and had my own celebration!
Big Hugs,
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
The saying...
"Yes we can" has become a household phrase almost overnight. This election made people that haven't voted in a while, or who never voted, get out and vote. History was made Tuesday night, and I watched both speeches when Barack Obama was declared the winner.
But he has inherited a hornets nest of problems, and he is going to have to go slow. Now all we can do is see how this junior senator from Illinois leads an entire nation. When he is inaugurated on January 20, I will be watching. He is about the same age as President Kennedy was, and now we will see. GO OBAMA! But go slow. I am very proud to live where the stars and stripes and the eagle fly,
Be strong, because it is in our strength that we can heal.
Love & Hugs,
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."