I am working on Second sight and think I have a way forward.
Now don't get your hopes up coz that don't mean it's gonna be here tomorrow, but I have some devious and dastardly plot worked out running two plot lines simultaneously.
Yeah I know, sounds really naff, but there you go, that's me--always pushing the boundaries of good taste.
So anyway, if there is sufficient interest, I will press on.
What do you think?
I'm not really bad I'm just really drawn out
nah, bugger orf
Sorry, ya missed yer chance we's not hiring, try again next Millennium eh.
Was that in poor taste? Oh ,seriously Nick... where is it then? It's not tomorrow yet, so pull the finger out. Poor Daryl, pining away... oh, um... it is still Daryl innit?
Do what?
I don't just look it, I really AM that bad...
thought I was bad, bloody drama queen slinky rabbits. Please your Highness Nickolai B Jessica Rabbit person.. can we have some more. bow scrape..... shit laddered me stocking, you bitch....
This is a bloody sight more fun than writing real stuff
Drama queens 'R' us
why wot
and which bit...the drama queen or the bitch...Oh fair question, I can do both so why not you, but seriously...
I'll think about it
But remember, it's stretching the little grey cell to its limit doing one thing at a time, let alone two.
**blows raspberry in Krissipoos' general direction**
Bitches rule ok
Bet You're Gonna Torture Darryl
Oh, go on then, as long as he/she (she/he?) comes out intact, or we'll come looking for you with pitchforks and flaming torches,
Flaming torches?
Flaming readers.
So okay, there are two interested parties, though I feel one is feeling a little browbeaten. Need to drum up a little more interest yet...
I don't just look it, I really AM that bad...
Flaming Nora
Bugger the story. Could we have some more of this Nick/Kristina double act please?
That's not exactly what I had in mind, but...
Well, the if that's what the public want.
Heated debates 'R' us
I'm interested
Just write it the way you want!
Nick's wife might object ...
to a three-way with Kristina LS.
As to bad taste, as I told Scott recently, this little voice in my head keeps saying.
Julia and Fiends. Julia Child returns to television with her first new series in fifteen years, Julia and Fiends. The late Julia and fellow undead chef James Beard cook zombie favorites. Brrrains in a white wine sauce, shallots mushrooms and garlic. Brrrain cassolettee, Pate eu Brrrains, Chocolate Moose with moose brrrrains...
And so on. So it's a one joke story but zombies and brrrrrains are soooo funny.
DO continue Nick and we do want to know what happened to the kidnapers and the victims, even the dead one. I was so hoping she’d be given the crooks life in compensation and the crook would find his body slowly becoming hers and his mind slipping away until she was fully in control, a living death.
If he, okay she can see the future and talk to the dead, will they remain friends? And what of the bitch reporter? She needs to get hers so to speak.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Me Too
If you go forward I'll read it.
Plewase Sir...
.. Can I have some more
I'm game
I miss the story, please continue!
Well Duh
Do members of the species ursine defecate in the verdant arboreal primeval ?
Don't be a prat and get on wit' it, you silly git !
Kim :)