I'm sorry, but I'm a bit of a twit today, and I'm becoming increasingly agitated with " I have an idea for a story". Your ideas sound like fun, by why not write the story yourself? All I can see is someone too lazy to write the damn thing themselves. I know some are thinking, "What a prick, how dare you say that? I thought of the story line, so you write it." It doesn't work that way. I started writing because I wanted more stories that I wanted to read, and so I wrote. Yes, it's hard work, and yes people are going to say things you don't like, but so what? You took the time to write a story, good or bad, but it is yours. I'm sorry but I get tired of new ideas, like ten per blog that wants a story written for their pleasure. Write the damn thing yourself. I imagine that most of the negative comments on this site are by people too lazy to write thier own stories anyway. And another thing, I know I might be stepping over the line, but this is for the authors that have pulled their works from this site, you're really fucked up. Some have edited my stories and I love you for that, but why remove your writtings from here? This is the best site with regards to integrety and class concerning TG issues. It isn't smutty and holds a high standard. I miss FM like the rest of you, but there are things about that site that bother me, and it's not like I haven't posted there before, infact they posted my first story, as crude as it was. I love that site because It made me feel important, even though what I wrote was crap. What I'm trying to say is that it's time to sit back and think about what you are doing. Write your story yourself, and if you're a little upset about what some braindead person said about your story, forget about it. Get a life, and boy, am I in deep shit with this, Arecee
Big trouble, nah. What you are thinking is understandable, but so is what the idea people are feeling.
Some people feel like they suck so bad at writing that there is no way they could come close to actually doing justice to the work themselves. But they also feel that their ideas are great and hopefully inspire a writer to take on their project. There's just too many reasons 'not' to write.
For an aspiring writer, on their first story, to be criticized is an awful experience, It can be enough to put one off writing altogether. Not everyone has thick skin. So they put it out there for the more experienced writers.
But, the annoying part is that the more experienced writers already have a billion different ideas of our own that we generally don't have time nor inclination to take up something else unless the idea is so freakin awesome that has to be written... and that hardly ever happens, at least in my case.
The thing that annoys me is the person that writes about 2000-5000 words of the 'idea'. They get really descriptive, setting scenes, plot, character analysis, etc. And say, okay write it.
LOL, Uh, dude, you already did. Too late. That's why I tend to stay away from "idea" threads unless I'm really bored.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
The person who drafts 2000-5000 words of a story "idea" would really be better served if she said she was looking for a collaborator, not someone to write the story for her.
Oh Arecee, you are such an ...
outspoken person. In my opinion you are both right and wrong. How's that for being wishy-washy? You are right in that NO-ONE can write another person's story the way they would themselves. I think that no matter what, if I, for example tried to write to someone else's "story idea" my muse would shit all over me until the story turned into what I NEEDED to write in the first place.
I think you are wrong in that we ALL get idea concepts from other stories and whatever input we get. There REALLY is no such thing as an ORIGINAL story idea. Someone told me once there are really only seven story concepts and EVERY story is just a retelling of one of those stories with possibly some side plots of one of two others of them. The differences in stories come in the descriptions individual authors incorporate into their stories. Some writers are GREAT at descriptions. I, sadly, don't happen to be one of those.
I'm rambling here, sorry. I do believe everyone can write a story, I do mean everyone. Some people who have more difficulty need longer to make their stories readable. THAT is where the work comes in. Making the story readable for other people. The first step is to get the story to the point where the writer thinks it is readable, then have a second person, that the writer trusts read it for an opinion and possibly editing. After editing comes the step of posting the story for others to read. That is the scary step, because that is where the 'idiot backlash' can happen. There always will be people who think that it is there sacred duty to be PAINFULLY honest with a new writer, i.e. to point out every flaw they can, in the most tersely stated manner possible. That is where the community here at BC is most important. We as a community must show support to new writers, we MUST show people that, and there are always some, there are GOOD things in every story.
Ok, I'll get off the soap-box now.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.