Family Way Part 1

This chapter is for general audiences. Some of the later chapters may not be. Please only read if you are allowed due to your age.

Remember, this is a work of fiction, any simularities between this and real life is strictly coincidental.

Family Way - Part 1

"It happens to all the members of our family at the age of seventeen," Samuel Thompson reminded his son.

Adam was distraught. "But, Dad. I don't want to have to go through it. I have a girlfriend and want to continue the relationship she and I have."

"Adam, you know better than anyone else what is going to happen to that relationship. Your father was undergoing one of his episodes when we first met. In fact, your father wasn't even himself when we met." said his mother, Isabelle. His mother went quiet as her thoughts traveled back to her college years and a peculiar young woman she had met ,named Samantha Thompson.

His father took over where his mother left off. "Adam, it can't be countered, period! Our family has undergone this since as far back as we can remember."

"I wish I'd never been born then." Adam stomped off into the living room.

Adam sat on his couch considering his life. He thought of the problems he faced and what they would mean for his future. He was reaching the age where his family curse, (his parents called it a blessing), would present itself. He was thinking of the conversation he had just had with his parents after his mother found the condom in his jeans pocket. Adam was peculiar in this world where magic could change a person's life at the drop of a hat. You see, he may have been born male, but in his genetic code was the ability to alter his genes depending on the love of his life.

His father had been born, Samantha Jane Thompson. At the age of seventeen his father had found out about this genetic discrepancy the first time that she had intercourse with her then boyfriend. She had waked up the next morning to find her boyfriend flipping out because he was in bed with another man, when he knew well enough that he had gone to bed with Samantha. Samantha had not known about this ability of her body and immediately gone home and talked to her; or rather now, his parents about it.

His father had explained it to him. Until a member of their family found the love of their life, their body would continue to change back and forth between male and female every time they had intercourse with a member of the opposite sex. If they had intercourse with a man as a woman, they would change into a man upon completion of the act. If they had intercourse with a woman as a man, they would change into a woman. Same sex relationships would not affect them at all. When they find their true love their body would remain in the correct form for that relationship. In fact it hadn't been until college when Samantha had met Isabelle, that she had stopped switching.

This presented two problems for Adam. The first being he was convinced that he was in love with his girlfriend, Beth. Beth was his dream girl, she was perfect. The only thing he questioned was what she saw in him. He had been your typical nerd through and through. Black hair that he kept cut short, glasses, brown eyes and average everywhere else. He wasn't muscular or skinny, he was just plain. Whereas Beth was beautiful. If she wasn't the most beautiful girl in school, she was close to it. So what could she possibly see in him. How would she react to what would happen if or when she did let him get that far with her.

The second problem was that Adam wasn't homosexual, and felt he would always think of himself as male. He couldn't see himself having sex with another man no matter what the circumstances.

As he sat considering this his thoughts kept turning to his friend Billy. Billy was possibly the only kid in school who was smarter then Adam. Billy excelled in all of his classes, including the art of magic. Billy wasn't considered a nerd, though. Billy was more typically thought of as a jock. He was captain of the football and wrestling teams, while Adam eschewed sports. Maybe Billy would be able to help him overcome this particular problem since it seemed to Adam to be magic related. He resolved to talk to Billy about it in the morning.


The next morning Adam woke and prepared for school. He had his breakfast and was out the door before either of his parents could say a word.

Upon arrival at school Adam sought out Billy. "Billy, I really need your help with something. It's very personal, so I need to discuss it with you in private."

At this moment Beth walked up behind him. "Planning something without me?" She looked hurt.

"No, not at all," Adam said. "I was just about to ask Billy a quick favor."

Billy smiled, "Sure, I'll meet you in the lab after school, as long as you don't have any plans with Beth."

"Not that I know of, Beth?"

"Nope, hadn't planned anything yet. If it's that important, just call me when you're done so that I can meet up with you." Beth smiled. "For now, I need to head off to class."

"I'll walk you, Beth." Turning his head, he said, "I'll catch you after school, Billy; and thanks."


Adam arrived in the magic lab a few minutes before Billy and dragged out a stack of books on curses. He became so engrossed in the first book that he didn't even hear Billy enter the room.

"So what's so urgent, man?"

"Billy!" Startled Adam blurted, "Can you keep a secret?"

"C'mon, man. How long have you known me? I've never told anyone anything you've told me in secret."

"Good. Well I've got a big one to lay on you. You better sit down for this." After ensuring that Billy was comfortably seated Adam told him about the conversation with his parents the night before.

Billy sat quietly for a few moments. "So what you are telling me is that if you have sex with Beth, then you will turn into a chick? And you want to find a way to stop this from happening? Is that it?"

"Yeah, that's pretty much it."

"Ok, give me a few days to look into it. I'll get back to you when I find something."


It was two weeks later and the next day was Adam's seventeenth birthday. Billy told Adam he was still looking into the problem, and Adam still hadn't told Beth about it. Wanting to surprise him, Beth convinced him to talk his parents into letting him spend the night out. He convinced them and Beth arranged a party at a local hotel.

Someone gave some them alcohol and before he knew it Adam was too far gone to realize what he was doing or what time it was. Before he knew it or had time to object, Beth had him in bed and proceeded to initiate him into the ways of sex.


The next morning he woke from his dreams to screaming. He brushed aside his hair to see who was screaming. Hair? Where did that come from? My hair has never been long enough to get into my eyes. Or this color. Sitting up he doesn't even register the extra weight on his chest as he realized the screaming was coming from right next to him in the bed. He looked over and saw Beth staring at him with her mouth agape.

"What's wrong?" He asked, then realized his voice wasn't the same. Was that me? What's wrong with my voice? He extended an arm in an attempt to comfort her and almost missed the flash of color coming from his fingers. Surprised he paused and stared at his arm. He had never been very muscular to begin with, and now it seemed to have gotten even smaller. He followed the line of his arm down and noticed that his hands had gotten smaller, also. What happened to me? What is going on here? Is this really me?

His thoughts were interrupted as Beth screamed again. She stopped. "Who are you? Where's Adam?"

"Beth, please," Adam tried to make her stop shouting. "Please calm down. I'm right here. Tell me what happened last night?"

"I don't believe you. How do you know my name; I don't know you. Where is Adam? What did you do with him? There's no way you can be him. I'll prove it to you."

She rose from the bed dragging the blankets with her. For the first time he realized they were both naked. "Beth, tell me we didn't do last night what I think we did. Please tell me that."

Carrying her purse back to the bed she stared at him bewilderedly. "I didn't do anything with you, but I did with Adam, and he was amazing." She pulled a mirror out of her purse and hands it to him.

Adam took the mirror and paused as he once again noticed the flash of color from his fingernails. This time he looked and saw that they had been painted a glittery emerald green. Taking no time to think of this he turned the mirror to look at his reflection. The person looking back surprised him. Blond hair almost hid eyes that matched his fingernails and red lips. Lips that he thought he would love to kiss. He began to lower the mirror and caught a glimpse of his chest. "Tits, I have tits?" He stopped looking when he heard a rustling. He looked up. Beth was dressed and heading towards the door. "Beth, wait. You have to help me, I can't stay here like this. You have to get me out of here."

"Forget it!" She says as she slammed the door shut behind her. A few seconds later the door opened back up. "And, if you see Adam tell him I'm done with him."

Minutes later Adam was up and dressed, as dressed as he could be in his male clothes. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his cell phone and called Billy. "Billy, please you have to come get me and take me back home."

"Who is this?"

"It's Adam, Billy please you have to help me."

"I don't know you, but you better give Adam back his phone."

Hanging up, dejected, Adam gave up and called his house. As soon as the phone was answered he relaxed as he recognized his mother's voice. "Mom, It's Adam. Please help me."

"Adam! Oh, my God! You didn't!" She calms herself. "Where are you?"


Thirty minutes later Adam and his mother were sitting at the dining table back at home. Adam was wearing one of his mother’s spare robes. "So what are we going to call you, since we obviously can't continue to call you Adam?"

"Mom! I don't want to be like this. I can't go outside like this. No one even knows who I am."

"Why not? I think you're beautiful, and I always wanted a daughter, now I have one. Admittedly I didn't expect this form to be this beautiful, but then again you have your father's genes."

"Mom! Please stop. I don't want to hear this, and you aren’t helping. I don't want to be like this. I can't be stuck as a girl."

Suddenly their conversation was cut short by the phone ringing. Isabelle went to answer it and after a few moments returned. "That was Billy. He's on his way over. He said he needed to talk to you. It was very important. Something about a way to freeze curses. Did you talk to him about this?"

Adam drops his head into his hands. "Mom, why did you invite him over? He can't see me like this. No one can see me like this! It's  …  it's embarrassing."

"Well, it's to late, he's already on his way, Aimee." She pauses for a moment. "Aimee  …  I think that's a perfect name for you. It's beautiful, just like you. Now come on we have to get you dressed. You can't have Billy seeing you in nothing but my bathrobe, and I wont' take no for an answer. Let's go."

Not wanting to anger his mother at a time like this he allowed his mother to drag him upstairs and pick out some of her clothes for him. He was scared out of his mind not sure what he was gonna do. He didn't want to be stuck like this, but the only way to change back to his old male self would be to do what he could never see himself doing.

He was dragged out of his thoughts by his mother saying,   …  "…  they might be a little small on you as you obviously aren't my size but they will have to do until we can buy you some clothes of your own. We'll head to the mall after Billy leaves. Your father will meet us there when he gets done at work."

"Mom, I can't wear this stuff. I've no idea what I'm doing. Can't I just wear some of my own clothes?" he asked as he eyed the matching baby-blue bra and panties that his mother had laid out on the bed.

"No," his mother sais. "You will understand why when you have worn them for a while, and I'm sure you will be knowing how you feel about guys."

Rather abashedly he began to dress while his mother searched for something for him to wear over the underwear. He slid the panties on with no problem, then paused as he reached for the bra. He'd never had any experience with them and wass unsure how to even begin. His mother noticed and walked over to help him.

"The trick, son," she stopped to think. "I mean daughter, the trick is to put it on backwards first to hook it. Then turn it around, getting your breasts into the cups, and finally sliding your arms through the loops." She demonstrated on him, then removed it and watched as he stumbled through the process. "Eventually I'm sure you will have no problem with it. Now, you have lucked out. I have pants that I'm sure will fit you so you wont have to wear a dress or skirt. Unfortunately due to your ummm  …    …  breast size you will have to wear one of my old tops, but when we go out I'll give you a sweatshirt to put on over it." He looked in her direction and was relieved to see a pair of black pants, but his relief was short-lived as heviewedthe top. It was red with a deep V-cut neckline and it appeared to him to be very short meaning it would reveal a little of his belly.

"Mom, I can't wear that, and I definitely don't want to be going out in it. Can't you just take my sizes and go get me some gender nuetral clothes for me?"

"What? And miss the chance to take my daughter shopping for new clothes? No, sir. You will be going with me." The doorbell rang, cutting the conversation short. "I'll get that. You finish getting dressed, while I go down and try to explain things to Billy."

Adam took the clothes and began pulling the pants on. A moan almost escaped his lips as he felt the soft material of the velvet pants slide up his smooth legs. ‘What was that? I've never moaned before. What is happening to me?’ He finished pulling the pants on and looked bewilderedly at the top. ‘What is mom thinking? I can't wear that. I'll just look around for something else. She has to have something that I can wear. Maybe one of dad's shirts?’. He pulled out his fathers shirts looking for one that might fit him, unfortunately he found none that even look like they would fit him  …  

"Aimee, you have company down here, and it would be rude not to come see him!" His mother called from downstairs.

‘Why does she insist on calling me that, and why am I finding it easier to accept being called that?’ "I'll be right down, Mom." he managed to squeeze himself into the shirt and began heading down the stairs.

Billy looked up as Aimee reached the bottom step and walked into the kitchen. The silence was shattered by the glass that hit the floor when she walked in. "I'm so  …   sorry," apologized Billy as he reached down to pick up the glass. "You're just so stunningly beautiful!"

Aimee blushed a little as she stopped short. "What did you say? C'mon Billy, stop playing games. It's me, Adam. As you can see I don't seem to be myself right now. Anyway, Mom said you had something to talk to me about. Come upstairs and you can tell me what you found."

"Now wait a minute young man, er lady. You can't just be inviting boys up to your room." Isabelle smiled inwardly. "You two can talk in the living room. I promise I won't listen in on whatever you are talking about."

"Oh, you're right Mom." She headed towards the living room not knowing that Billy's eyes seemed glued to her ass as she did so, a point that Isabelle didn't miss at all. She broke it up by snapping her fingers in his ear and guiding him towards the living room.

Aimee walked over to the recliner her father usually used and plops herself down in it, ignoring the look her mother threw her way as she did so. "So what did you find?"

Billy steadied himself and walked to the couch to sit down. "Before I go on, I want to know what happened. Last thing I knew I saw Beth dragging you into the hotel bedroom as Mary was dragging me out the door." He stopped as a look of understanding crossed his features. "Wait, you didn't? Did you? Nevermind that because obviously you did. How was it?"

"I honestly don't remember Billy. All I know is that I woke up looking like this. Regardless of the who, what, when, where or how; tell me what you found."

"Well, I've spent the past few weeks looking into the issue you presented to me. Everything I looked into led back to one particular case from about three centuries ago, only not much was ever written about the case and nothing resembling a way to remove it or to stop it showed up. I'm afraid I won't ever be able to find anything, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop looking. You are more then welcome to help me look. I'm sure between the two of us we'll be able to come up with something if you help."

"Ok, I'll help you, as long as you make a promise to me. Promise me that you won't treat me like a girl. No matter what I look like outside, inside I'm still Adam."

"Ok, meet me after school in the lab on Monday," Billy told him.

Aimee smiled at him, then stopped. ‘Why am I smiling? Oh, my God, am I flirting with him? What is that all about?’ "Oh, shoot. I forgot about school. What am I going to do about that? I can't go to school like this."

At that moment Isabelle entered the living room with two steaming cups of tea. "Oh, that's already been taken care of. You will be going to school on Monday, and your principal has already been notified. Everything is taken care of."

"Mommmm  …” But her complaint was cut short by the look her mother threw at her. "Okay, then I'll go."

Billy left moments later looking a little confused as he did. As soon as he had pulled out of the driveway Isabelle and Aimee were headed out the door and got into Isabelle's car.

To Be Continued...


Title by Stanman who came up with a better one than I did.
Editing by Holly H Hart. Who put a lot of hard work into editing my chicken scratch.

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