In Need of a Discussionista

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Alright, so I've got like a lot of projects I'm working on right now. The problem I'm having is that I could desperately use some guidance and help keeping on track. I tend to be one of those people who bounce back and forth between different projects getting a bit here and a bit there, with nothing coming in a timely fashion.

I need someone to discuss my stories with. Ideas, plots, characters. Someone to bounce ideas off of who is willing to listen, give an occasional opinion, and keep me on track writing-wise. I want to complete at least Boys of Summer by the END of this summer, for instance, but without some help I'm never going to be able to keep my mind on track enough to do it. Echoes? I REALLY need someone to bounce ideas off on that. In addition, I've also got:

-Hollywood! (Still got this sitting waiting to be worked on, but I don't need a THIRD series going right now...)
-Magic Kingdoms (Special project that is TOP SECRET)
-Code Name: Anonymous
-The Evil Dead: Dressed to Kill
-Teddy Bears
-Untitled non-TG sci-fi novel (space pirates, woohoo!)

As you can see, I really need someone to keep me at least focused enough to make actual headway on some of these projects. As is, I'll open one file only to come up with a dozen ideas for another, so I'll go over to the other and maybe try to write something but realize none of the ideas work, so try something else, maybe make a page advancement if I'm lucky, then end up going a week without being able to come up with anything for any of my stories. I need someone responsible and creative, and hopefully with good typesmanship or whatever it's called, to talk to and kind of be my writing coach or whatever you wanna call it. Anyone interested? Just send me a PM if you'd be willing to help me out with this. Thanks!

Melanie E.