That's it, no more mixing with sodding Muggles.
I've been working very hard to live my life as a straight woman, but when I get outed, ... well any smart girl would know what was going to happen. I have been living a very comfortable life in a local Mosque when three sisters from my past outed me to the Imam. Well, the Imam ruled in my favor, but I now see that the bitches are going to follow me where ever I go.
Does this sound parallel to what happens to us in other areas of life, anyone?
I've actually been a very good girl for months, having stopped going to GBLT bars, and I even stopped using my chains and gags; nope, not even "Toys". :( I did not actually miss the stuff, having decided that if I got a mate, then maybe he would like to "play" some; having found a psychological connection ... Nuff Said.
Well, I am not sure if I am doing this on the rebound or not but I plan to go back to stoking up and partying enough to make me rummmy in the morning.
Gwendolyn BAD !
Maybe a restraining order would be in ... order. It's really pathetic when people have nothing better to do than screw with other people. Or maybe you could always just pour a 50 pound sack of Gravy Train dog food on their front yard when you known it's gonna rain. I always find that somewhat cathartic. LOL.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Wild things we never do.
In the depths of my hurt, I thought about getting a gallon of Pork Lard and pouring it in their carpet, and briefly thought of spewing my brains on the wall of the Masjid. Fortunately, I have since calmed enough to forget that.
In the faith, gossip is seen as literally eating the flesh of the victim. So, they will have their reward eventually.
I may get a T shirt that says,"I Fear God's People".
Party mode?
Bad Gwen. Bad baaaaaaad Gwen! I think someone needs to be tied up and spanked. ;-)