I'm writing what I know and what excites me, but apparently it's not that thrilling to others. I'm getting reads, but very few votes or comments.
I know that the content is skewed to what I like, and that's fine. I love sentimental stories, but I don't write them well. So I write what I know.
Oh well, I guess I'll just have to get used to being a niche author instead of a popular author. I just wish that those that actually liked my writing would say so.
/me is a bit down, not a lot. Just got back from a long walk to pay some fines so I could get my license back and I'm tired as heck. But four miles or so is a good hike, I should do it every day.
Time to take my Prozac. Then to put up Mindy part 2.
Just write what you like
It's well known that a writer doing something he or she likes to read or do gets a much better story going most of the time. Don't let the hits or votes get you down, it happens to all of us at times.
Heck, I asked my own writer's circle (who tend to be really picky, by the way) if Maiden by Decree was worth going on with before I started posting it. We all doubt that what we do is any good at times. So do keep at it.
There is no disputing taste
I think the most important thing is are you happy with what you wrote. Did you present something that you are proud of? Did it say what you wanted it to say? Did you present it as a well crafted piece to the best of your abilities? If you did - great! If you didn't, you probably don't have a legitimate complaint.
We are not a mainstream group here, but as compartmentalized as we are, there are wide differences in how we feel about things. Just because a large portion of us are TG to some degree doesn't mean we all march to the same drummer. Long live the difference (my French is non existent). My efforts haven't received the best response in numbers. I see 75 votes for something that hasn't been on half a day. Still, the first part of my last effort has had over a thousand reads and more than 30 votes. I am happy with that. Ricky Nelson said it very well:
"But it's all right now, I've learned my lesson well.
"You see, you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself"
Exactly right
You may very well not be finding your target audience here for your particular subject matter. It does not make it better or worse, it just is.
I recall that a certain trans musician was performing as a freebie at a trans event and only about 8 out of about 40 people in the room was given her any mind. She managed to soldier on with the other folks in the room talking up a storm, not listening to her. I thought she did a good job and apparently there are mainstream audiences that do appreciate her music.
That said, as long as there are people who appreciate your offerings, they should do the courtesy of offering their appreciation.
Is it Worth it to You
Readers constantly make the judgment as to whether it is worth their while to read a story, authors need to make the judgment as to whether a story is worth their while to write. Each of will have our own decision tree as to measure that worth, but I believe it is a good exercise in which we should all partake. Because the build it and they will come approach, can be disheartening.
I Love The "Sissy" Stories
But I have to say the "Mindy" story doesn't float my boat. It's not your story-telling ability, which I admire, but the theme is just not to my taste. Sorry,