I see today's Skin Horse strip is an homage to Angharad

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And how *is* Stella doing these days?

Last we heard, she was still in hospital.



What did I miss?

There are several day's worth of strips on that link, but none of them have anything to do with our favorite serial author that I can see. What am I missing?



What am I missing?

Puddintane's picture

In the second panel of today's strip, currently at the bottom of this very page, the small child, Lucy, says, "I like Pudding." This is an obvious reference to Stella's troubled pregnancy and Cathy's miraculous powers of healing, as detailed in recent episodes.The reference to her healing powers is presented through the dichotomy between Tip, an allegorical fertility "goddess," and the undead zombie "Unity," desperately in need both of healing and life, standing behind her in the last panel.

Link to Skin Horse Here

Then too, Lucy is carrying a stuffed dormouse exactly as meticulously described by Cathy, although she may have been overly self-effacing and cantankerous, as usual.

I included the link only for the sake of future generations....


Now the serpent was more subtil
than any beast of the field...
--- God (attributed)




A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style


I'm sorry. It looks more like a stuffed pig to me. I think you are reading too much into it.


Hey Yuri, you aren't the only clueless one

Hope Eternal Reigns's picture

I don't get the connection either, but then I haven't read all 100010111 episodes of Anghie's more prolific work.

with love,


with love,


Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.