Taxonomy upgrade extras:
Before the British arrived upon the scene, there was only Winter, as detailed in the tiny slice of British history Churchill missed, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
In this holy text, we see that cold, bitchy Winter is personified by femininity, with all the general nastiness this entails, until conquered by The High King, who alone has the right to rule because of his sacred masculinity, and the winter of our discontent is finally made glorious summer by the son of Man, who is the natural ruler of the entire world because he is a British male, even though apparently a mere child, and all the other races (pardon, talking animals) his natural inferiors. Noblesse oblige.
It's quite touching, when one thinks about it...
British Summer
So why are British summers so wet and miserable?
May explain the Empire though - people travel the world to get away from them.
British weather
is actually mild and changeable, so one has neither month-long heat waves nor monsoons to make one crazy either with heat or rain, as can happen in other places even slightly less favoured.
Some Britons complain about the weather, I suspect, to discourage people from visiting, and it's one of the few places in which "business attire" of sack suit and tie is bearable for much of the year. Many British men pride themselves on never wearing a raincoat, or indeed any coat other than an ordinary suit coat, and unfurling an umbrella is a sign of weakness at least, and perhaps unmanly cowardice.
Try going without a coat in winter weather in Fargo, North Dakota.
Try wearing a sack suit in Los Angeles or Dallas, at least in an office building without air-conditioning.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Good Old
paternalistic thinking. It's too bad that people stopped worshiping female fertility goddesses.
Hunt leaders became raid leaders, became war leaders, became elders, became chiefs, became high chiefs, became kings, became emperors/god kings. Spirits became gods, became God, king of kings, lord, father etc.; reflecting social structure of humyn leadership.
Divine right of kings, gone. Hereditary nobles, mostly gone (in modern societies). A paternal, classist view of ultra being(s) should also go. Surely they/it have nothing to do with any humyn structure, let alone medieval monarchies. I think the idea that some god created humyns in er likeness is complete hubris and conceit. (Unless one imagines that said god only effects our planet or our solar system. And that we or some other future species can not evolve any further)
Supreme (as if we could see "up" more than one level)/higher being(s) perhaps might need people to scientifically, psychically and morally advance quite a number of steps before they/it regard us as more than some slime mold, with possible potential, infesting our little rocky-metallic planet. Maybe they/it fertilized trillions of planets and are waiting to see if anything interesting grows.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Hugs and Bright Blessings,