One is from the financial pages which I don't normally read about some gender bending soap opera, which someone might know more about. I'm tempted to write to them advertising my own, here.
The other is from the queen of cruel, tranny hater, Germaine Greer, who sideswipes us again about feeling what it's like to be female. I'm not sure if she'd know.
Hope the links work.
I have written to them
I doubt they'll publish it, but you never know.
There are those who resent us.
Yes, well if it is all a Delusion, it feels all too real to me. For me, I think it has come down to living my comfortable little delusion or dying. There seems to be a ready supply of mindless bigots. Us T folk are not the only ones under attack. Just the other day two racist teens almost beat a 76 year old black man to death. Then I find that a husband has just blugeoned his wife to death with a hammer.
All I can do at this point is to love anyone who I can, and not worry about who is likely to attack me. It is sad that so many have to take their own inadequacies out on the weak.
Groaning Greer
I have responded and it looks as if my comments have been posted.
Thanks for alerting us, Angharad.
Gwen, 'twas ever thus. It seems that we rate lower on the scale of humanity than convicted murderers or rapists. The world has always been blighted by "do as I say, not as I do" and "If you don't believe what I believe, you're wrong and will fry in hell - if I don't kill you first".
Seems the Guardian has its mobile pages set to not show comments to people reading on a mobile, so I shall have to wait until I'm home to read your and others' comments. Dang!
As for Ms Greer, she is every bit as prejudiced as any white supremicist wearing a dirty sheet, she just draws the line in a different place. I shall not mourn her passing.
(Excuse the spelling errors, please)
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Just taken a peek at all two pages of comments (conventional web access here!).
Unsurprisingly, the vast majority are fuming at Germaine, and almost every clause in every sentence is comprehensively deconstructed and dismissed.
Never mind her patriarchal attitude (males perfect, females imperfect) and diabolical (and contradictory) attitude towards genetics (XY is XX with a bit missing, yet she also claims biolgists construct the female figure by taking the male figure and adding/removing gonads).
I wonder why she's decided to remain with The Guardian, rather than defecting to the Mail or Express, whose general editorial lines are more akin to hers...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I wonder more
why the Guardian has stuck with her - bloody Australian twattipuss!
Lalola - Argentinian gender-bending show
... sold to over 60 countries.
here's the trailer:
According to Wikipedia at
it's been adapted to over 11 national versions, for instance in the Philippines.
In India it aired first in a dubbed version and then later as a remake in Hindi.
The Argentinian version started in 2007 and aired for 20 months.
- Moni
Looks extremely similar to the movie "Switch"
Starring Ellen Barkin from a while back. Some differences, but very similar.
Fox has bought the rights to Lalola
along with Pretty/Handsome, both supposedly in production.
Lalola will be called Eva Adams, with the title role played by Rhea Seehorn. The pilot is complete, but not scheduled yet as far as I can tell.
Pretty/Handsome features a married father of two who tells his wife and teenage sons that he is transsexual.
Unfortunately, the series was canceled during prescreening, although I understand the prescreeners are available through Torrent and other download sites.
You can find more about both on IMDB.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
What About Women Who Had Hysterectomies ?
She implies that unless you are still able to menstruate or ovulate that you are not female. If I was one of those women, I would be highly offended. Based on what she says, it seems like she hates being a woman. She really is not qualified to determine who is or is not female. She does not have the medical background or understanding of what makes up Gender Identity. The sad thing is that people actually read the garbage she prints and agree with what she says. I hope that Gender researchers write her in mass numbers and call her out on a lot of the stuff she is putting out there.
And she fails to mention...
...that many unequivocally female athletes, even by her standards, are on such restrictive diets and extraordinary exercise regimes, meant to lower their percentage of "wasteful" body fat and bulk up muscle, that they no longer menstruate or ovulate and many have essentially no breasts.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
What about post-menopausal women? Does Germaine Greer think that she stops being a woman the moment her periods cease? She implies that humans who don't menstruate have a physical advantage over those who do. Does that mean that a post-menopausal woman could run a race faster than a pre-menopausal one? Nonsense. Her article above is so muddled and confused, I wonder that she even thinks she's human.
It always amazes me when supposedly intelligent people start becoming so introspective about their own thinking that they disappear up their own fundament. It's about as meaningful as the number of angels who can dance on the head of a pin.
Her position is actually one of essentialism...
...which basically holds that everyone is their own little solipsistic gestalt, irreducibly created by the entire sum of their experiences. She, and her ilk, who are numerous, hold that the experience of being "perinatally pinked," coined by Naomi Scheman to refer to those who were identified and treated as female, with all that entails, very near the time of their births, is an integral part of her concept of womanhood.
Ms Scheman was very consistent in this, and held that the same principle applied (as it must) to her sense of Jewishness, firmly grounded in the Ashkenazi experience under Hitler, and nearly incomprehensible to, much less in any sense "the same" as the experience of, a Jew living in Yemen, for one example amongst many.
It's very difficult to argue against this position in any real sense as, on a very deep level, it's true for all of us.
If we've experienced, let's say, the loss of a parent or child, isn't there in all of us a lingering resentment when confronted with a blithe idiot who, having experienced neither of these things, assures you with facile ignorance that "he knows exactly how you feel."
The fact is that, however one may attempt to be sympathetic, there is some knowledge that will escape us until, and unless, the "same thing" happens to us, and even then the total experience may differ in some essential detail from any superficial resemblance to another's.
What she fails to acknowledge, however, is that any solipsism is egocentric by its very nature, since the solitary self is all that one can truly know, mediated through the lens of one's own individual experiences, so any sense of fellowship, or sisterhood, is necessarily false, a delusion that one can maintain only by ignoring the real differences which do exist between the Self and any putative Other.
In this entirely personal viewpoint, the only person who can feel *exactly* like *I* feel is *me*.
The only person who can truly sympathise with "the troubles I've seen" is me.
And in the end, the rest of the world doesn't matter, because the rest of the world may not exist, or may be said to "exist" in an ambiguous state of nebulous unreality, with no guaranteed actuality beyond the experience of it within one's own mind.
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen.
Glory Hallelujah.
-- Old spiritual song.
Lines from a Peanuts strip:
Lucy: I missed school yesterday because I had a cold.......
Linus: There must be something going around. Lots of kids have been getting colds.
Lucy: Mine was a lot worse though.
Linus: Why?
Lucy: Because it happened to me!
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Very existential
I like solipsism. 'Cogito ergo sum'.
This Was Our Revenge
Two hundred and odd years ago you Brits sent us your criminals. Now we have had our revenge. In Spades! We sent back Germaine! and Rolf! and Clive! You're welcome to them,
“Roos†to get your own back?
Vengeance must be sweet, Joanne.
(Some ruse, eh?)
Revenge of Oz
That's all right. You can have your cricket team back, then.
And courtesy of events earlier today, we'll keep that little urn containing the remains of a cricket stump in safe keeping for another year :)
(Although I can't help but think they go to such enormous lengths to battle over the custody of such a small trophy...)
But if you want some light relief, Google "The Ins and Outs of Cricket"...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
you still read germaine greer?
among the resolutions i made in the mid 1990s: if you stumble upon rush limbaugh while twiddling the radio dial, move on. and never, ever read anything germaine greer wrote after about 1980.
both feed on generation of controversy - it's their entire reason for existing these days. greer hasn't had an interesting idea since 'the obstacle race'. 'sex and destiny' was an odd and deluded set of musings she had while on holiday in tuscany, nothing more, and it's been downhill from there. although i confess to not having read anything she's written since the mid 90's. she may have morphed into wittgenstein since then, but somehow i doubt it.
i've made a lot of other resolutions in my life, and some have worked better than others. but both of those have served me well. my ex-husband used to hear limbaugh and get so angry, and got more angry when i asked him why he was listening in the first place.
that may account for why we divorced, but i'm sure there were better reasons.
not as think as i smart i am
Could you have cited
Rush Limbaugh in the divorce proceedings? Lol!
I never have
Cavrider----Just another " Grunt."----I never have understood why people can not just leave others alone . If you are not bothering me , why should I bother you ? I have over fifty years of frustrations to rant on . Relax , I'll not do it here . I will say this . You cannot dictate who loves who ,(or is it whom ) .
Cavrider----Just another " Grunt."