Why Do My Votes Vary?

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For a long time when I've voted the register has shown 2 hits. Recently it has sometimes been registering 3 hits and the other morning I even registered a 4 (lucky TD). I'm not complaining. I just wonder why it varies. If I knew I was going to score a 4 I could be a big help to my favourite authors, or maybe there's a market for votes. Any offers?


What you are seeing

is that other people voted in between when you cached the page to read it on your browser and the time you click the vote button. they have voted in between that time and when you vote, it catches up to the current total and seems to jump tremendously.

Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf

"I'll never be the girl I used to be, but I'll be the woman I was meant to be!"

It's not you

Those other votes are coming from other people between the time you opened the story and you clicked the vote button. It doesn't refresh the count everytime someone votes.

Increased Votes

You may have noted, as I have, the number of votes stories receive has escalated with the increased traffic on the site. When you vote the page refreshes. In the past your vote was probably the only one that had been cast during the time it took for you to read the story and vote. Now, with the increased traffic, it is very likely others have voted while you were reading the story. Recently when I voted for a story it registered ten votes. That means my two votes as an author had been combined with eight other votes that were made during the time when I was reading the story. Or so it has been explained to me when I asked.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)