Votes for May Day Contest. Diluting your vote. Late voting.

May Day Contest, Making Your Vote Count

This following probably sounds like a "duh" kind of question, but it is the first time that I have been a member and able to vote during a contest.

So, basically, if a story is entered into the contest, and I like it after I read it, I should not vote for it, until around May 30/31, just about the time the polls close?

I ask that because, I am fairly generous with my votes. I always vote for a story I like. I withhold votes for a story that is either poorly written or the topic repulses me. I might even vote for a well written story, that makes me uncomfortable. I vote more often then not.

Since the total votes determine the winner, then for stories entered into the contest and I should only vote for the top 1 or 2 stories that I read. Otherwise if I vote for all stories I like, rather the the best story, I will dilute my vote, or cause a story I like better to lose.

I have already voted for two of the stories, but just withheld voting for a third, because I thought it a good story and worthy of a vote, but the other two were much better. After the contest I will probably go back and add the vote. That vote will not help for the contest, but will show the author I liked it.

Of course being from Broward County, Florida, home of hanging and dimpled chads, we're used to messing with elections.

Anyone have a thought on this?


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