May Day Contest, Making Your Vote Count
This following probably sounds like a "duh" kind of question, but it is the first time that I have been a member and able to vote during a contest.
So, basically, if a story is entered into the contest, and I like it after I read it, I should not vote for it, until around May 30/31, just about the time the polls close?
I ask that because, I am fairly generous with my votes. I always vote for a story I like. I withhold votes for a story that is either poorly written or the topic repulses me. I might even vote for a well written story, that makes me uncomfortable. I vote more often then not.
Since the total votes determine the winner, then for stories entered into the contest and I should only vote for the top 1 or 2 stories that I read. Otherwise if I vote for all stories I like, rather the the best story, I will dilute my vote, or cause a story I like better to lose.
I have already voted for two of the stories, but just withheld voting for a third, because I thought it a good story and worthy of a vote, but the other two were much better. After the contest I will probably go back and add the vote. That vote will not help for the contest, but will show the author I liked it.
Of course being from Broward County, Florida, home of hanging and dimpled chads, we're used to messing with elections.
Anyone have a thought on this?
Pretend You're in Chicago
Vote early and vote often! If you like a story, you like a story and so vote for it.
One story will probably end up being the winner, but usually the biggest win with these contests is the entire community.
I'm not upset that I voted
I'm not upset that I voted for other's stories as well as mine. Think of it this way, if you vote for all the stories you like, and it turns out to be all of them, then it evens out in the end.
Just vote your conscience. (and vote for me)
May the Stars Light Your Path
Maid Joy
Vote for all the stories you like
When you vote will make little or no difference. The voting will be counted about ten days after the contest ends.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.