May Day's Odyssey

May Day's Odyssey

By Stanman63

Synopsis:Is the story of May and her odyssey to find happiness.

Well, here I am, about to be wed to my beloved Stanley. He knew me back when I was still a boy named Dwight. My Odyssey began when I was in the First Grade. Central Elementary School was sponsoring a Halloween Festival, every grade got to vote on the best costume for each grade. We got to wear our costume to school. Each grade got to vote on the best costumes for all grades, and we got to wear our costumes to school, then to the Festival that night.

Stan came up to me after school, "Dwight, what are you going as to the Festival?"

"I don't know yet, Stan, what about you?" 'Why is he toting that phaser?'

"I wanna be Captain Kirk. He's so cool!" 'No wonder.'

I did the Vulcan salute, "Sounds great! I can go as Spock, then?"

He smiled, "Sure! They're Best Friends, like you and me!"

Our moms took us to the costume store, but the only costume that went with his was a blue female uniform. Other than that, I was out of luck, because Stan's was the gold shirt and pants of the classic series.

Momma held up the costume, "Dwight, you can go as Spock's daughter, Saavik."

I saw a girl come out of the dressing room, wearing a red version, "OK, but I don't have the pantyhose for it."

"We can get that, son. But are you sure that you want to go as a girl?" 'I don't want him hurt by any name calling.'

"Sure Mom. Stan was Xena: Warrior Princess last year, and I was Hercules. Too bad we out grew them."

"Momma Jo, I had fun as Xena, let Dwight have fun being a girl, this year."

That began my Odyssey in becoming May Day. I found that I liked wearing dresses and pantyhose. Where we live, winters are cold, and long. And since we live on a mountain, it stays cool, even in the hottest of summers. At first, I nabbed my older sisters tights or pantyhose to wear under my jeans, and wear her dresses at the house whenever I was alone. But one day, she surprised me.

"Dwight?" 'Daddy said that it's time to confront him about it.'

"Yes, Julie?"

"Why are you wearing my pantyhose?

"Huh?" 'Did she finally catch me?'

She huffed, "My P-A-N-T-T-Y-H-O-S-E."

"What are you talking about? I ain't wearing your pantyhose!" 'Maybe I can bluff her and put them back.'

"I know that you are, Dwight. I saw you get them from my drawer, and I never said you were wearing MY hose, now did I?" 'Will he NOW confess?'

My entire world went black has I saw that my secret was out. Now, I could NEVER become the girl within, "Sorry, Julie!" 'SHE KNOWS!! EVERYBODY KNOWS!! I WANT TO DIE!!'

"Sorry for what?" 'Is he gonna run away?'

sob "Sorry for NOT being the brother I should be!" I cried as I ran to my room, and locked the door. 'I AM NOTHING!!'

I grabbed an old jump rope, and tied one end to my bed, the other around my neck. I wanted to jump out my window and hang myself. I had nothing to live for now.

I got on the windowsill as she hammered on the door, "DWIGHT! I'M NOT MAD, BRO! PLEASE COME OUT!" 'Please, LORD! Don't let him die!'

"NO! I AM NOT YOUR BROTHER, JULIE!" 'She doesn't understand!'

"THEN WHO ARE YOU!" 'Daddy was right! Dwight is a girl!'

"MAY!" In that moment, Dwight died in my Heart, with May soon to follow. I saw no hope for me, at all! The Church we attended denounced people like me as abominations. I couldn't let my family suffer.


Daddy and Momma came up, "What's wrong, Princess?" 'Am I too late to help Dwight? Please, LORD! Let me save my child!.'

Julie turned to Momma, who hugged her, "Daddy! Your new daughter needs you! Dwight is now May!" Then she broke down and started crying for me. But, at the time, all that I saw was endless agony for my family because of me, and Julie being raped repeatedly by the boys in school for being my sister.

The impact of what she said dawned upon him, "OH SHIT!" 'DWIGHT IS GONE! ONLY MAY REMAINS!'






I jumped, I felt the rope cut off my wind as it closed my windpipe. I blacked out and was feeling the Presence of a Voice that said, "Monica May Day, this is not your time to come to me."

Then, I saw a soft, golden light before me, banishing the dark. I knew then that I was speaking to GOD, "But I have no hope!"

"You do have Hope! Your Family loves you!"

I felt a surge of Hope, as despair began to lift away, "They do?"

"Yes, they do. In fact, your Father is rescuing you at this moment."

I was astounded, "He is? I never knew that he loved me so. I thought that he hated me for being a girl!"

"Take a look at him, and your family."

I saw Daddy, Momma, and Julie crying for me. I saw the golden halo of their unconditional love for me emanate from their Hearts. Then my doubts, and fears, brought on by the snide remarks and bullying of others wash away. My Heart started to beat again as the cancerous growths of fear and self-loathing burned away.

I began to cry, "I feel their Love! How could I be so blind?"

"You let others blind you to their Love, and to your need. Only when your sister confronted you did you awaken, only to despair."

I remembered the many sermons against abominations, "Am I right to want to be a girl? Am I an abomination?"

"That is your Odyssey. You are MY Child! Not an abomination. Remember the Proverb, I must be worth something, cause GOD don't make no junk!"

"Should that not be: I am worth something, because doesn't make junk?"

I heard a laugh, "I did not say that the proverb is grammatically correct."

I sensed that it was time to go, "Am I forgiven for wanting to die?"

"Yes, now go! You have your Life to live."

Then, Daddy busted through the door and caught me before I choked to death, "May, I love you! I will NEVER let you go! Please don't die!" ['My child despaired of Life! Now I must set her feet upon the path of completion.']

I opened my eyes, and saw his tears and touched his face, "Daddy? You love me?"

He smiled as he carried me to my bed and laid me down, "Yes, Princess. I do, so does your Mother," he sighed. 'If she had died, I'd never have forgiven myself for not reading the signs quickly enough.'

Momma came over, "May, we love our new daughter. Please, don't try to jump, ever again." 'She looks like her dad if he was born a girl.'

"OK, Momma, but how long have you known that I've been wearing Julie's hose?"

Julie giggled as she pointed to the picture of me in that Halloween costume, "Ever since you wore the blue Star Fleet dress, Bro."

"Well, we need to talk about this, as a family," sighed Daddy. 'Thank You Lord! You let me save my child!.'

"About me wanting to be a girl, Daddy?"

He nodded his head, "Yes, about you, And Dwight?" 'Time to set things straight for my new daughter.'

I visibly deflated, "Yes Daddy?"'Why Dwight?'

"You are grounded!"

"Yes Sir."

"Grounded for NOT coming to me with this. grounded for putting us through this, and grounded for jumping!"

Momma spoke up, "George? Aren't you being a bit harsh?" 'I seldom interfere when George is disciplining our children, but he's going overboard. We need to celebrate, not punish.'

Daddy smiled at me, "No, since Dwight is grounded, and May is not."

I saw his Love shine through, "Daddy? You Mean?"

"Yes, Princess. Dwight is on vacation for as long as you need him to be. You can be Dwight when you need to."

My family went down stars while I dressed as May. I got out my foam rubber breast forms and taped them into the Sailor Moon costume that I had worn last Halloween. I donned Julie's suntan sheer to the waist pantyhose, after I put on the gaffe and tucked myself in. Then I puled the dress up my legs, grateful that there was no back zipper. Putting on my boots, and gloves, I then went down.

"So, My daughter May is truly a Princess," Daddy chuckled. 'She looks great in that costume, but does she have enough modesty to be ashamed if a man sees her panty?'

"Daddy, you're silly," I giggled as I hugged him.

He twirled me around as I squealed in delight. Here I was, finally a girl, in my Daddy's arms. I felt safe and secure. After a moment, he sat me in a chair, and knelt at my feet. I was well aware that he was able to see my panty, and blushed.

"Why did you wear THAT costume?" 'I know that is the only thing that she has, but I need to help her to be a lady.'

"It's the only thing that I had in my closet. Everything else is Dwight's. And I did not want to borrow from anybody, either."

"OK. I can see that you're not comfortable right now." 'Is it because I can see her bloomers?'

"Daddy, you're looking right at my panty!" I tried to close my legs, but I knew that would not help with the short hem.

He smiled, "I thought that was why. May I say that all that I can see is a girl?"

I blushed, "I don't want for you to think that I am a bad girl, Daddy."

He gently squeezed my knee, Actually, you look real cute in that costume. Now if your Mother was to wear it, it'd be different." 'She needs to start learning about sex now, since she is of age.'

"Oh? You mean that you would find this sexy on Momma?"

"You are my daughter, not my wife. But you are correct that a man should not see your undies," he smirked and stood up.

"Is that why you knelt before me?"

"No, I needed to see how much of lady you are."

"Oh. And my being uncomfortable with you seeing my panty helped?"

"Yes, although with that costume, it's a moot point with such a short skirt."

I blushed, "That's why you said that bit about Momma, right?"

"Yes, I can see why a young man would want you. You are very beautiful. Now you need for your Mother to coach you in being a young lady."

"Okay. But where are Momma, and Julie?"

"Gone to get you some basics. You need a new wardrobe, so their getting you a starter kit up."

"But, I've never been out as May, yet."

"You have, at Halloween."

"But, Daddy, everybody saw me, then. They know who I am."

"True, but they saw you in a costume, THAT costume. Have they seen you in a regular dress?"

"Well, no."

"Then, since you wore those pigtails, your mother can style it differently."

"Okay, Daddy, I am ready to go out."

"Good, then I need to find you two psychiatrists, and a surgeon to help you transition."

"Why can't you help?"

"I am your father. It would be unethical of me to have you as a patient."

"Do you know of any that will help?"

He kissed me on the cheek, "Yes, don't worry, you're covered."

Momma, and Julie brought me a red skort and pink top with a unicorn on it. I took off the costume, and pigtails, but kept the boots. Then they took me shopping. I had fun trying on different shoes, boots, and clothing. By the time that I came home, I had enough stuff to replace my Dwight wardrobe.

I was dressed in a cute tennis dress and hose when Daddy came home from the office. He'd gone to work while we went shopping. I twirled around when he came into the kitchen, "Hello Daddy, you like my dress?"

He smiled, "Very much so. Is it a one piece? Or is the bloomer attached?"

"Attached, why?"

"With the hem being so high, an attached bloomer helps hide any hint of boy bits."

I got a bit fresh with Daddy then and lifted the hem, "Well, if you see anything other than 'GIRL', let me know," I smirked.

He spluttered into his coffee which he had made, "MAY DAY!"

"Sorry, Daddy, but I was just having fun," I sighed.

He smiled, "OK, Princess. I guess that you have a lot of teasing me to catch up on. But please, be careful of doing that around boys."

I hugged him, "Daddy, I only trust you. I won't tease any other male. But will you please answer my question?"

"No, I see no hint of a boy about you."

"Thanks Daddy. I just wish that I could have a girl's groin."

Daddy smiled at me, "In fact, you can, with a bit of help, that is."

"I can?"

"Yes, I can manipulates your groin so that you look like a girl, there. The only thing is that you'd have to pee, sitting down."

"When can you do it?"

"Right now, follow me to your bedroom."

In my bedroom, I got on my bed, on my back, as per Daddy's instructions. I spread my legs, and he numbed my groin with a shot of Novocaine. He folded my gonads back up in me, then took my penis, and the extra skin and with a bit of medical glue, gave me the groin that I wanted.

"You'll be a bit sore for a day or two, so wear a loose cotton panty, no hose, though until the soreness goes away."

"Do I wear a skirt, or shorts?"

"Anything loose. The operation will last for only a month, then I need to undo it to let everything breathe. If not, you can get infected."

"But, Daddy! I WANT to lose it!?

"Not to infection. Do that, and you lose the ability to feel anything down there."


I got up and donned my clothes. Daddy was right! I was sore. I had to take medicine to alleviate the soreness, and Momma, and Julie taught me about proper hygiene. After two days, I was no longer sore, so I put on my hose with a shorts outfit.

"May, let's get busy."

"Why, Momma?"

"Time to put Dwight away, for good."
After that, I got to be May on the weekends. When Stan found out, he began to escort me around the area, treating me like his girlfriend. He only saw me as a girl, and loved me as May even before I became May. But at first, he was reluctant to see me as May.

I was dressed in a white blouse and red skort with white hose and red sandals. I was wearing a padded bra to give me a girl's figure. All in all, I looked like momma when she was my age. And I here thought that she was around when dinosaurs roamed.

Stan came up to the patio where me and Momma were sitting, drinking our morning coffee, "Hello, Mrs. Morris, where is Dwight?"

Momma smiled, "You can't see him? He's in plain sight."

"Where? I don't see him!"

"I am here, Stan."

He stared at me, then his jaw dropped, "DWIGHT! IS THAT YOU?"

I blushed, "Yes, Stan, it's me."

"But why?"

Daddy placed his hand on Stan's shoulder, "Dwight is a girl born in a boy's body. Dwight is really May. She needs you, Stan."

He pointed to me, "Needs me?"

"Yes, Stan. I need you."

He turned away and went out, "I am sorry, Dwight! But Pastor Frank says that you are an abomination," he sighed.

I ran after him, "He is WRONG!"

He turned and hugged me, "Please, my friend. I need to think about this."

Julie came over from where she was sitting with Momma, "Will you tell anybody?"

"No, I can not do that. I love my Best Friend too much."

Then he left us, and I cried myself to sleep. Daddy carried me over to the patio sofa bed, and let me sleep. I was devastated. I love Stan, and want to marry him, but he rejected me. Could I go on?

When I awoke, I saw Stan, kneeling by me, crying, "May, can you forgive me?"

I caressed his cheek, "Forgive you? For what?"

He hung his head in shame, "For leaving you. For listening to those sermons on hatred. For rejecting you."

I lifted his chin, "Why did you leave?"

"I was listening to all of the sermons against you, and what I as a Christian, should do."

"Stan, I am a Christian, just as you are. How can I be an abomination?"

"That is what finally made me see you as my friend again."

"Why did you return?"

"I had to! You are my best friend! My Heart was broken until I accepted you for who you are!"

I held out my hand, "I accept your apology. We are best friends. Together forever, to the end."

Stan smiled, "No, not Bet Friends, I'd like to be your boyfriend," he said as he slipped a ring on my finger.

That began our high school courtship. We would go out on group dates at first, and to see if our love was true, date others. But it was plain to everybody that Stan and I were a couple. We were the most popular couple in the school., winning several of the "WHO'S WHO categories.

Oh, there were a few detractors, but Pastor Frank passed away just before school started, so his followers were soon disbanded. And a new Pastor: Pastor Sally took over, and she believed in loving people. When we met, we became fast friends.
There was a summer dinner party planned by the Church, and Mother thought that it was time to come out to the world, "May, you're a high school freshman this year. It's time to become yourself This will give you a chance to do it right, and of course I'll help you, and your sister will too."

I wanted too, but in front of so many of my friends? That had me worried. There were still the people that hated girls like me, but mom knew that I needed this, and that I was well protected, "You have a week to pick out your clothes May."

"Momma, what about the Bashers?"

"May, your two Senseis have taught you well. Your fellow acolytes are going too."

"Cool! It'll be great to see them out of their gis."

"May, they aren't going to be nude, I hope you know."

"MOTHER!!" I yelled in disbelief.

Momma took me to a specialist, where I was outfitted with a body suit that gave me a girl's anatomy on the outside. My penis was tucked up inside of me, and connected to the suit's clitoris, so that I could pee, sitting down. It also simulated a girl's menstrual cycle by bleeding via capsules hidden within. It had a six month supply, after which, it had to be removed to let my body breathe for a day. Best of all, its static charge kept my body from growing hair except for my head, and groin.

When we got back home, Momma offered to help me get ready, I had gotten dressed, but was having trouble with my hair, "Let me help you, May. You don't have the needed supplies, I do."

I went with her, then, with a barrette, she managed to make my long hair look very feminine! I added the unicorn jewelry from my private stash, and stood in front of the mirror. I looked like a Fairy Princess from Disney. Part of me loved my new look, the other thought that I was mad to go through with it.

Now, I was completely dressed, wearing a short black sheath dress, low black heels, my hair, was done in a very feminine style. Unicorn earrings, necklace, perfect makeup, perfume and bright red lipstick completed the ensemble.
Then it was time for the party. I had spent all of my time at home, preparing for this outing. Daddy said that I needed to start being myself if I wanted to be a girl. Puberty would start for me soon, and I needed to start on a regimen of blockers and hormones if my body was to develop as a girls. The body suit would help, but it couldn't be worn forever.

"Ready for your debut?" The May part of me was ready, but not the Dwight side. I was truly of two minds. Dwight wanted me to return to my boy self, and avoid any conflict, while the May part was wanting to fly and be free. Momma saw my quandary. She took my hand and led me to the car.

When we got there, a few people looked at me, they returned to what they were doing, not recognizing me at all! Julie did, "May Day! Glad you made it!" Julie had been wondering what I'd wear to the party. I'd been dressing as May on the weekends, and now here I was out in the public.

As Julie inspected me, I saw others finally start to notice me. Stan came up and saw me in my finery, "May, you are so beautiful! I have loved you ever since we were kids. And now, here you are. Does this mean that my Dream Girl is now reality?"

"I don't know Stan. This is the first time for me. Please don't rush me."

"No rush, May. We are only kids still. But I'd like to start taking you out to the movies and such, if it's alright."

Momma smiled at him, "Stan, whenever you were over on the weekend, you and May played out back. I saw then that you were in love with her. And I know that her cousin Dwight would approve of you too."

"Be careful tonight, my sister."

"Why, Julie?"

"As Stan said, "You’re beautiful."

"Sis, I don't feel beautiful."


"I feel, at ease now. As if I am freed from some spell that kept me away from Life."

"That's why you made the unicorn jewelry in Art Class?"

"Yes Momma."

"Your dad would be proud of you."

"Where is Daddy?"

Then I felt myself being lifted up into a bear hug, "Right here, Kitten!"

"DADDY!" I squealed in delight.

"I had a client that needed me today, but I'm here now."

"Okay, you big softie. Put me down, before I flash my panty!"

"Too late, May, I saw them."

"Well, since it was you Stan, that's alright."
After the party, we had a family meeting in the kitchen with Stan.

"Well, Pumpkin, what do you want to do?"

"I want to become May in body as well as in my mind."

"It will take at least two years to get you ready. You could have the operation now, but you must see two other psychiatrists who will certify that you need to become a woman, then you can have the operation."

"Daddy, I want to become May, but I don't want to cause you any grief. Are you OK with your only son losing his jewels?"

"Yes, Kitten I am."
Two weeks later I started the program, two years later, I became a complete woman. Stan gave me the engagement ring last year, now here I am, ready to take the other ring from him. He has been patient with me as I became May in my body. But we were not celibate during my Odyssey either.

We explored all of the wonders of my body suit as we made love at his family's log cabin. We became closer as we bonded body and soul during those wonderful weekends. Our families both allowed it, but poor Stan's parents died just before graduation.

He grieved for them and became morose, and despondent as the enormity of their deaths hit him. But Momma and Daddy adopted him into our family, ending his turmoil.
Julie walked in on me just as I zipped up the dress, each of us staring at the other for a moment before my fear and her shock combined to make us both laugh. "Damn you look good tonight, better than the last time I saw you!"

"Thanks Julie, now please leave so I can finish getting dressed." She shut the door, her smiling face making me feel real good, but I could hear the laughter as it filled the room below, broken by the sound of glasses clinking, people talking and music.

The last time that we had been alone was after I had been assaulted by the "Body," a fanatical group of extremists that targeted girls like me. Luckily, I am a Black Belt in Judo, and Karate. So, I was easily able to counter their attack, but in doing so, my dress was ruined, and I had a few bruises from a few lucky blows.

Now, Sensei Morita, and Li both were ready to make me a Sensei of their teachings. When I accepted, I could teach both teachings in one school, which they both approved of. They both saw me as a student of great potential, and taught me things that helped me to deal with my need to be a girl. They are brothers from Japan. They have no family and adopted me as their daughter.
The music started, and as I stood at the head of the aisle waiting, my sister's husband, Seth took my arm, "Ready?"

Words failed me, but I managed to nod my head, "Yes."

Even as I felt the butterflies in my tummy, I saw my sister Julie as Maid Of Honor, lead the Bridesmaids down the aisle, one by one, escorted to the altar, then it was my turn. I saw my family, and friends that had stayed with me through my transition into becoming a woman. The others had left at different times during my Odyssey. But now I was complete.

The blue, and red roses in my gloved hand contrasted nicely with my off-white wedding dress of: satin, lace and silver. I displayed a nice cleavage covered by silver lace. I felt a tug on my arm, and took the first step.
Nervous, all I heard was the minister. "We are gathered here to join this man, and this woman…" We had a wonderful honeymoon as Stan and I searched for new ways to explore our lust and love.

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