Daddy's Girl

Daddy's Girl
By Stanman63
Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for editing
Synopsis: When a son accidentally wrecks, his mother dies, causing the son to despair. Only his father's intervention prevents his suicide and allows him to become the girl that he was meant to be.

I NEVER would have believed it, but here I am, getting ready to go to college with my husband, and Daddy is calling me his Princess, and I was born a boy.

I was born as Carroll Jamie Connor, son of Marcus James Connor [Daddy] and Carol Lucille Connor [Mom] and brother of Julie Lucille Connor. But now I am born anew as Carol Jamie Connor and am complete. Come and listen to my story of heartache and grief that turned into a blessing because of Daddy's stubborn Love.
Daddy is a Marine Reservist and Science Teacher at Wayne 's Brook High School, where I was a senior. He combines the classic Nordic and Irish heritage into a ruggedly handsome physique a golden tan and red hair that put Fabio to shame.

Momma was a Beautician who worked at home. She combined her Native American and European heritage into a petite Native American with strawberry blond hair who passed her legacy onto my sister who was her twin. Me, I was her twin brother, but I had Daddy's hair.

Growing up, Julie and I had fun dressing up as twin boys or girls and as famous couples like Batman and Robin or Batman and Cat Woman and other permutations of superheroes and villains in comic books and TV. Momma loved to sew us our different costumes, using the Singer Deluxe sewing machine that she was given as the Head Seamstress for the Wayne's Brook High School Drama Club when she married Daddy.

Lydia Sutherland was a veteran of many Broadway plays had returned home after she got tired of New York and wanted to teach us students what she'd learned. She taught Momma all about how to work behind the scenes to put on the play while Daddy learned how to do the grunt work of stringing the lights and building the sets while Jamie and I learned our lines. We were truly a family being groomed for theater until tragedy struck later.
It was in my senior year at Wayne's Brook High School, it was just after the Christmas holidays, and I was driving Dad's Ford Aerostar back from Gatlinburg Tennessee where we'd gone to celebrate Christmas and our acceptance at Juilliard.

Julie and I had been awarded scholarships to Juilliard for drama, voice and piano. We'd both taken to the piano as toddlers, combining our many gifts and talents made us child prodigies for the world renowned school of fine arts.

We would both share an apartment there, but each have our own transport; Julie's is a Volkswagen Beetle, mine a Ford Pinto wagon. We were both trained by Dad in defensive driving that he learned as a Marine, so we knew that we could handle most any situation. Imagine my surprise when something happened that I wasn't ready for.

"Be careful, Carroll, it's still a frozen wasteland out there, and no doubt the road will be closed, soon."

"Don't worry Dad, the minivan is as ready as I am, and I'm taking it easy, See?"

"Okay, son, you have the Family to care for as the driver. If I didn't trust you, I'd be driving, or we'd wait out the snow."

"And be stuck up here all winter. Unless you want to contract out a copter," I laughed.

"Sorry, but the Marines don't loan out their equipment to civilians, unless it's a national emergency. Even then, the equipment is under Marine supervision."

"Yeah, take all the FUN out of it," pouted Jamie.

"Remember, Jamie I am a Marine, not you. Want to enlist?"

"Neah! The Marines ain't Juilliard," she giggled.

"Dad, the steering is getting stubborn. Can't get it to turn as it should."

"Slow down then, take it easy."



The minivan shot through the air and rocketed down the slope. The rear doors were thrown open and Julie and Momma were thrown clear while I and Dad stayed in as the minivan hit a snow bank, cushioning our crash.

I woke up in the hospital with Daddy holding my hand, "Dad, How are Momma and Julie?"

He had tears in his eyes, "They didn't make it, son," he cried.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" I shouted and blacked out.
I barely remember the funerals; all that I know is that I was there in body. I was an automaton of grief that cried silently as I relived those final moments over and over again. I had failed everybody and Julie and Momma had paid the price.

Their deaths hit me so hard that I wanted to join them and end my misery. But Daddy caught me wearing one of Julie's sundresses and hose, with a gun in my hand, "Carroll, please don't do it!" he pleaded.

"Why Daddy?"

"Because, if you die, I'll die, too! Did you know that you look like your mom?"
I wanted to die, but I couldn't cause Daddy anymore pain. I let the gun fall to the floor as I finally saw what he as seeing. I was still linked to Julie, even in Death and sought a way to merge our souls into one to give her a chance to live again.

But would Daddy see that or think that I was a pervert who got my jollies by dressing as a girl? Truth to tell, I had enjoyed dressing as Julie's sister, but now I wanted to BE Julie.

He picked up the gun and set the hammer down, then sat next to me. I felt him hug me as I fell against him s I cried again. No words, no yelling, just his solid strength and solid chest to remind me that he was there. He waited patiently, holding me tightly.

When I stopped, he looked at me with love, "You need to be Julie."

"No, I need to merge Carroll and Julie and become Carol Julie Conner."

"Give up being a boy?"

"Yes, because Julie and Momma should be living. But I can't bring back Momma. I can bring back Julie since we are twins. How hard would it be for me to be listed as having died instead of Julie?"

"You can do that, if you want to. But if you do, there might not be any going back," he sighed.

I looked him in the eye, "Daddy, when they died, so did I. But I can bring back Julie and not be an automaton as I have been recently. I have Julie's wardrobe and my own. Luckily, Julie could easily wear my stuff, and I hers. So I actually have no need for anything but maybe hosiery, lingerie and enhancements. Can you get them for me?"

"Yes, I can make a few calls to get you the equipment that you need and have you listed instead of Julie. But if I do this for you, you will have to take over your mother's role as housekeeper. Can you do that?"

"Daddy, I was already doing that instead of Momma before the accident. Do I get Momma's wardrobe as well as Julie's?"

Daddy smiled at me, "Yes, I will have a door put up so that the hallway between your room and Julie's room is sealed off and a bathroom between them installed. That way, you'll have a suite for yourself"

"Why are you doing this?"

"I can't lose you after losing them. By doing this, I am giving you the chance to live again."
Life returned to our home with his declaration of stubborn love. I now knew that I could become the daughter that he'd lost and ease his loss of Momma by becoming the Head of The Household.

Now, admittedly, it was an old fashioned appellation, but Momma preferred that designation to Domestic Engineer. She was a modern thinking woman, but believed in Family Values, just like Daddy. They just didn't let traditional roles limit them.

They'd both do house and yard work and taught us to think outside of traditional roles, which was why Julie and I were on co-ed sports teams at the Tollbrook Community Center. We were both cheerleaders, so I now also had her uniforms and mine to wear.

I know for a fact that Julie looked hot in my male cheerleader uniform as I did in her female uniform. We'd gone out as each other in our cheer uniforms last Halloween, so I knew that I had the enhancements to pass as Julie until Daddy got my the bodysuit that I’d need.

Acting in the plays at school, I'd gotten top quality breast forms and a gaffe to wear whenever I played a girl. The breast forms came in a flesh tone sports bra that matched my skin tone and actually tanned as I did thanks to the organic compounds in the cloth that matched the gaffe.

The gaffe, when worn, functioned like a vagina, allowing the wearer to enjoy sex and experience a realistic menstrual cycle. I had experienced that first hand, too.

It was during a play that it happened, which surprised everybody in the play, earning my respect of the girls and sympathy from the boys who now had a deeper understanding of what a girl goes through.
I took a warm, sudsy bath to relax my tense body, and then rinsed off, thankful that, like Daddy, I had no body hair. Then I donned the enhancements, using the long term adhesive, finally. Now, I wouldn't have to worry about having to change them for up to six months with care.

I'd have to care for my body now as if I was a girl since I could get an infection due to poor hygiene. That included sex as I now had a vaginal opening and my bits were now tucked up and away. All that I'd need to really worry about was my voice, but even after puberty, I had a high tenor voice that made me sound like a girl.

I then donned white pantyhose and a one piece body shaper under a cream colored sailor style cheerleader dress with matching bobby sox and sneakers from Julie's Cheerleader uniforms.

Dinner talk after donning enhancements, I then went into the dining room where Daddy had changed his clothes and now wore a pale blue polo shirt and shorts with flip flops.

He treated me like I was a lady all through our seafood dinner with a tropical wine cooler. Normally, we never drink spirits, but with everything that had recently happened, I was glad that he chose to make this an exception.

We both needed time to let recent events settle in our psyche so that we could deal with it. I had been ready to commit suicide and if things didn't work out, I still could and Daddy was desperately holding out the only life line available.

We were holding onto each other now to save the other, but what about the future? What if I found a bloke who fancied me, or even a girl? Was I heterosexual, bisexual, or a gay/lesbian, and how would it affect Daddy?
The next morning, I heard him leave for work, so I got up, and dressed in what I'd worn to dinner. Since I now owned Julie's stuff, I wanted to organize my new wardrobe by turning one room into my dressing room with my most popular clothes in the closets, using the other room for storage.

I preferred her canopy bed and matching Hope Chest, but my bedroom furniture fit better than the selection of heirlooms in it. The antiques were nice and heavy, but were on rollers for easy maneuvering on Julie's hard wood floor. So it was quite easy to transfer the furniture and turn my room into a dressing room, all I had to do was take down my old bed and set up the old recliner and entertainment center from my club house in the basement.

When Daddy got back, just before lunchtime, he was impressed with what I'd accomplished, "Carol, you've certainly made this into your suite. After lunch, I will make this over into your place. Good thing that the guest bathroom is between the rooms."
Daddy took me out for lunch later that day at Dale's Steakhouse. It was a restaurant that we'd frequented mainly on the holidays, so there was little reason for me to worry about being seen. It wasn't my first time out of the house, but it was my first time that I actually went in anywhere. Dad held my elbow and steered me to our table.

"Daddy! This is all new for me! I've never done anything like this before!"

"Then it's time isn't it. Carol Julie? I want to treat my Princess to a lunch. OK?"

"Okay." I replied and let him seat me.

He sat back and grinned at me, "I knew it was a gamble to bring you out to lunch so soon, but I was pretty sure that you would be ready to come out and be the girl that you choose to be, and I was right."

"Have you told others about me?"

"Well, Frankie, one of my clients has a son that he wants to marry off..."


"I know, and I told him that, too. But he invited you and me to dinner tomorrow. How could I say no?"

Dad was right of course, only it was up to me to be as feminine as any other 18 year old girl. But I was still basically a boy, could I do it? Daddy saw my confusion and reassured me, "You can do it, and you know you can. Remember that you've gone out as your sister’s twin on Halloween before and nobody caught on."

"I did not share your confidence, but I'll do my best."

"Why don't you go to Carla's Salon Monday morning, and have her give you the full treatment?"

"Are you sure, Daddy?"

"Every girl needs pampering. Now it's your turn."

I accepted my sister's credit card that he was passing me. "So, this is mine?"

"Until I get one with your new name on it. I am also having your name changed to Carol Julie Connor."

"How will you explain the name change to the Court?"

"Simple, Julie wants to honor her brother. As long as the Court doesn't insist on proof, the subterfuge will hold up. But we need to make sure that you get a body suit that'll make you over into your sister."

"Guess that my enhancements aren't good enough, huh?"

"For casual inspection, yes. But a physical will reveal the truth. That's why I've ordered a bodysuit and have included a sample of Julie's D.N.A. from her hair brush."

"Are you sure that it wasn't mine?"

"Yes, the brush had samples of your and her hair."
We had a delightful lunch and fun time afterwards as we let ourselves relax and simply enjoy being father and daughter. I now was getting an idea of what being a Daddy's Girl really meant. Before, Dad and I might go out and watch a ball game, but now, I wanted to do what Julie had done with and for him.

She'd been the cheerleader and Prom Princess for Daddy and would snuggle up to him in his recliner, after dinner when we'd watch T.V. until bed time. She'd often wear a sleep shirt to dinner in place of her uniform and let Daddy carry her to bed until puberty hit. After that, she'd still snuggle up to him, but would walk to bed when he'd tuck her in.

Now that I was Julie, I was coming to appreciate her innocence about things and hoping that I could learn such innocence. Julie and I were virgins, but we both knew about sex and the implications of unwanted sex. Julie wanted to be a virgin bride for her husband. Now, it was up to me to fulfill her dream.
Sunday, we went to Wesley Fellowship and for the first time as Julie, I met Sister Alia Holcolm, Senior Pastor. She was Daddy's age and a powerhouse of love and courage. She had come from a family of radical Christians who refused to see God as the traditional dogma that was preached by the denominations.

No, they taught that God was a God of Love and did not support the racist, nor hate filled dogma that would have the congregation shun the T.G. Community. When I met her, she knew what had happened without me or Daddy telling her. She told me that God would honor my choice and help me to have peace and that Daddy would also find another to love.
Monday morning, after I'd seen Daddy off to work, I got ready to go to Carla's Salon. I wore a pink shorts outfit with cream hose and sandals, carrying a change in my carry-all bag and drove my new 1939 Ford Coupe that Daddy had given Julie for her last birthday.

It was really a Ford Mustang with the body of the 1939 Ford Coupe on top, but the combination was a fun car that Julie loved to drive because the glove compartment held a cooler for drinks. As it was still before noon, I lucked out and on my first try I was able to get in. Carla's Salon was in a strip mall, just off of the interstate, next to a Wood's Emporium, which I found comforting.
Wood's Emporium would combine several local businesses that couldn't afford to compete and give them a chance by offering them discount rates on supplies and rent. In doing so, many of the local businesses stayed in business and actually prospered.
Entering the salon, I saw a tidy, well kept barber/beauty salon with many empty stalls awaiting a client. I stood, nervously as I saw the people stare at me, then a very pretty lady about Momma's age came up to me, "Julie, why so formal?"

"I was in an accident and forgot a lot," I answered.

She led me to the back where she took care of her clients, "I read the obituary, how sad to lose your mother and brother like that," she sighed as she sat me in the chair.

"You don't know the half of it."

"I can guess, Carroll. Why are you now Julie?"

"How do you know?"

"Julie's ears are pierced. Yours aren't"

"When Momma and Julie died, so did I. The only way for me to live is to be Julie."

"Does Mark know and approve?"

I pulled out the new credit card with my new name on it, "Yes. Here is the card to charge, please."

She smiled, "No charge, this time. It’s my way to welcome you into the wonderful world of women."

When I saw the final results I was on cloud nine. My hair now had curls cascading down the back with waves on the sides and bangs swept to one side. My hair no longer covered my earlobes, so Carla pierced them for me.

"Well, Carol, what do you think of your new look?"

"I like it."

"Then go and be the girl that you chose to be," she smiled as she let me up.

"Why are you helping me?"

"I've had my share of clients in transition, and they all have needed the salon as a sanctuary from the pressures of life, which is why I take them myself. And I was raised to accept the different people by my Church."
When I got home, Daddy called, "Princess, want to go out tonight?"

"Sure, I just got back from the salon and want to show off my new looks," I giggled. I couldn't help but think that Daddy had set me up for tonight.

"Well, if you need to, go and get a dress for tonight, unless you want to try on something in the wardrobe."

"Any dancing?"


"Then I know the one, Daddy. When should I be ready?"


"Okay, Love you."

"Love you too," then I heard the dial tone.

I went to the closet to select a dress to wear tonight. I pulled out the blue sapphire dress with matching jewelry. It had two spaghetti straps, so I wore a push up bra and matching panty and hose with low heels. The neckline revealed just a hint of my breasts while the hemline was two inches above my knees. I knew in my heart that I looked like a Princess and Daddy was my Prince for the night. When Daddy saw me, he liked what he saw.

Daddy's mouth dropped open as he stared at me. "Am I your Princess, Daddy?"

"You are my Princess, Carol. And maybe one day, you will find a true love like I did."

"I don't know, Daddy, I'm still getting used to being a girl. And I still need that bodysuit."


We said nothing more until we reached the club. Daddy pulled up front and gave the valet the car keys while I slid out the other side, giving the other valet a good leg shot at the same time, which pleased him and made Daddy chuckle at my display of underwear. He knew that I was showing off my assets.

We walked in and saw Warren and his wife, Abby and their son Max and daughter Hilary at the table. I was seated next to Hillary, who was my age. Introductions were made all around, and Hillary, who clearly wanted to dance, was anxious to get dinner over with. But Max was showing a bit of interest in me.

Abby was quite the lady, and I took several pointers from her, that night, and Warren kept us laughing over antics that his children did, they countered with tales of his misadventures. All in all, we had a great time, except for the Harpies.
After dinner a band started to play, and Warren took his wife to the dance floor. Daddy and I joined them, "I can't stand those kids," I said, pointing over to a bunch of girls wearing dresses and skirts that barely covered their panty.

"I know, neither can I, I guess that they're spoiled and think that they're better than everybody else. But then why don't they have dates?"

"No date, came alone?"

"Yeah, the leader of the Harpies is Gloria, the blond in the red mini skirt. Those girls will do most anything for a date, and have."

"Ah, you know them then."

"Too well. But I want to do is get to know you, Carol."

"Max, I'm flattered, but right now, I don't want to start dating. I just lost my mom and brother. I need time to cope."

"Okay," he smiled. The music stopped and he escorted me back to the table where Daddy was waiting for me. "Maybe we can get together, sometime?"


Daddy gave him a business card, "Here is my card. When you want to talk to Carol, just call."

"Thanks, but be wary of the Harpies, Sir."


"A bunch of spoiled brats who can't get dates, Daddy."


The Harpies did try to cause a problem, but were subdued when they were paired off with those that they considered the Losers, an act that caused their parents to take notice.

The Losers were the boys who had to work at the club to pay for college. When Jack Manning, the Owner/Operator of the club saw how the Harpies were behaving, he gave the 'Losers' who weren't a call and arranged for them to be the dance partners for the Harpies, much to their enjoyment.
In the morning I wore shorts and a shell with gym shoes and hose to clean the house. I refused to let my home get messy now that I was in charge! I cleaned it from top to bottom and changed the bed linen and table covers as well as did the laundry where I went through Momma and Julie's last dirty clothes as well as those that they'd died in, which were in a sealed bag.

After the last load was put away and the house was spic and span, I took the bag to Bel Aire Cleaners for them to dry clean them and put them in sealed plastic bags. I felt that this was the best way to honor their last day on Earth and hoped that Daddy agreed with me.
I was expecting Max to show up some time today, but not when. When Daddy gave him his card, I knew that he approved of Max as a boy friend for me. I was still reluctant to start dating a boy or a girl, but I knew that I liked Max and Harriett and that both would be good friends for me.

Max drove up in his vintage silver Camaro and parked behind my Coupe, "Is that a reproduction or original?"

"A reproduction using a Mustang body with a coupe shell. Why?"

"Because an original is worth as much as a new car."

"Well, the original is my Gramps’ car, and it's in pieces in his barn."

"Do you think that he'd let me rebuild it?"

"Can't, he died a few years ago. Now it's in Daddy's garage," I replied pointing towards a large steel building behind the house.

He shrugged, "Oh well. Maybe your dad will let me tinker with it and get it running."

"Oh, it runs just fine. Just looks like hell."

"That right?"


"You think that your dad would let me fix it up then?"

"You can ask, but unless you have access to either a metal shop or happen to have an intact body, you're wasting your time and money."

"Well, my dad knows some people in Hollywood who reproduce those old cars that you see in the movies. He can get me the body, Carol."

"Then take it up with him, or are you here to talk about cars?"

I was getting tired of this and headed indoors with my head held high.


I turned around, "Why?"

"I came to ask you out to lunch."

"Max, I've been busy all day cleaning the house, and I just got back from the dry cleaners. I'm a bit tired and need to rest."

"Okay, guess that you're not interested," he sighed.

I pecked him on the cheek, "I'm interested, silly. I just need time to freshen up, as long as it's not fast food or buffet."


"If we're to get to know each other, a leisurely lunch will do nicely."

Max took me to the Mort's Italian Diner for lunch. Albert Mortonelli was an Italian American who'd taken over his dad's diner and added several dishes to supplement the traditional pasta dishes. He'd also taken old family recipes and added them, expanding the menu and increasing the diner's popularity.

Now, Mort's Italian Diner had taken over an old supermarket and with the extra space, had tripled the floor space and set aside twenty private booths. Max and his dad had a standing reservation for Booth Number One. We were left with a bar filled with an assortment of sodas and teas and a bowl of assorted nuts while the waitress dressed in a maid's uniform went to deliver our order.

"Max, what's this I hear about you and Leona?"

"She left me when I refused to finance her drug habit."


"Last year, she went to Mardi Gras and got hooked on crack, and her parents tried to send her to Betty Ford's Clinic to detox, but she ran away," he sighed.

I placed my hand on his, "How sad. Is she still strung out?"

"No, she finally went back and is staying there as a counselor."

"Is that why you like me?"

"Carol, you are so much like Mom was before she passed away from cancer that I can't help but see her in you."

"You mean to tell me that I'm some sort of surrogate mom?"

"Not at all! THAT just got me to see you for who you are."

"Well, Okay. As long as you see me as me," I allowed.

I found that I was falling in love with Max, but how can I ever hope to show him Love since I'm still a male? I needed for Daddy to get me that bodysuit, PRONTO!
I managed to finish the cleaning by the time Daddy got home and even got the yard mowed. The John Deere Riding Mower made short work of the lawn, so that I could spend some time relaxing as I tended the flowers.

While I was busy with the house, I pondered my reactions to Max and who I really was. Before the accident, I'd never really thought about being a girl. Oh, I'd had fun with Julie and dressed as a girl for fun, but now I was starting to have romantic feeling for Max as I integrated Julie into my life.

I knew that I wanted a family, but now instead of fathering the children, I wanted to be a mother. Once I made that decision, I knew that I loved Max and hoped that he loved me in return.

Daddy returned about this time with take out from Main Street Deli. He'd brought home their Combo Feast Dinner, which was my favorite. It had chicken, fish, fries, onion rings, and shrimp enough for ten people. We'd be having leftovers all weekend.

"Been busy, Princess?"

"All day Daddy and I'm famished!"

He looked the yard and house over, "I can tell that you've been busy. Did you take time for yourself?"

"Yes, and I need that bodysuit, Daddy!' I pleaded.

"Are you ready to become Julie and lose your male self?"

"Yes, Daddy. I am ready to become Julie, all the time."

He hugged me, "What I've been waiting to here. The suit will be here, soon."


"I sent in the order from the club, yesterday," he smiled.
A week later, Max and I were sitting on the porch of his old clubhouse, watching as the sun set behind the hills while our grilled dinner was simmering over the coals. We were cooking for Daddy and his dad who were busy inside playing billiards.

The clubhouse was a converted tool shed big enough for an efficiency apartment. The kitchen and bathroom were in the rear with a pantry and mini launderette while the living/bedroom held a gaming table with a pool table underneath.

Max turned to me with tears in his eyes, "Carol, in these few days, I have fallen in love with you."

I put my hand in his, "And I, you."

"Carol, our love can never be," he sighed.

"Why?" I asked as bitter tars coursed down my cheeks.

"I know that you were born a boy. Why are you dressing as a girl?"

I sighed as I saw in his plea a yearning for our love to be, "I was driving the car, and the accident took my mother and sister Julie away from us. In my despair, I almost committed suicide, but Daddy gave me hope. I chose then to honor them by becoming my sister."

"And in doing so, you have fallen in love with me?"

"Yes. Daddy has ordered me a girl’s bodysuit so that I can be a genetic girl, it hasn't arrived, yet."

"It did, over here."


"Dad found a package addressed to you the other day and put it aside for you, but the box it came in fell apart and that's when we saw the suit."

"Max, once I'm wearing it, I'll be a real girl. Is that OK with you?"

He kissed me, "Carol, I just had to be sure that you loved me. Now that I know, all of my doubts are gone."
On our honeymoon. I found out for the first time just how it felt to be penetrated by a man, and I felt the flush of completion as we consummated our love. I was soon pregnant and gave birth to twin girls who were named Julie and Tracy after my sister and mother.

Life has many twists and turns, some bad, some good. From death unto Life I have come and found true Love.

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