Quadd - The New BC Server

The newest server, which we've named Quadd, is online and handling all of BCs load with hardly a quiver of the metaphorical meters.

I drove to LA and worked with the techs there to install it yesterday and by the time I had eaten lunch and driven back home, Bob had Quadd loaded with the BC software and had setup a redirect to steer all the traffic to the new one. Yay! Bob!

I put in the DNS change orders and fixed a couple of small pointers and by midnight my time it looked like the whole thing was done. So I went to bed. Got up about 4 a.m. and all was still clacking along like Super Chief.

We've even turned back on some features we'd had to leave off and it's still going fine. Running at about 7% of the load the server we installed earlier this year was staggering around under even with full searching turned back on.

Hatbox has also been moved over so if anyone is having trouble reaching that, let me know.

Speaking of Hatbox, March is paid for and the server fund (which is already spent) is at 68%. Now that I'm not fighting server wars on an almost daily basis, I can get back to working on improving the site and maybe making some site improvements.

One of those improvements is to make Hatbox a real little mini-site for subscribers with some very special content. This may take a few weeks to get off the ground so stay tuned. :)


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