TopShelf Blogs

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I had a rough time sleeping last night. I’m not one for nightmares but I did have one last night. In this dream I was outted at work. I was harassed and degraded by people I have worked with for 7 years. I had nurses that I really liked; scream at me for even looking at them. I guess that this is just me dealing with my fears of being outted.

Jessica Marie

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Dr. Phil Show Today

Dr. Phil had a show today about Gender Confused children. There was a couple on there that are allowing their child to live as a girl and they were supported on the one hand by a very knowledgeable therapist who has worked with countless children. Dr. Phil played the skeptic and interviewed the child and insinuated that the mother influenced her in this. The child just went to her mother and asked her what the name of the condition she had. The mother told her and that was why she knew what the terms meant.

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Worried Friends

Ever since I posted my new poem “Prison of the Heart”, I have been contacted by a few people that I respect and they have said that they are worried about me. They believe that because my poem is so dark that I must be having some serious problems. Some have even expressed concerns that I might be considering suicide. I want to reassure them and everyone else that I am not considering suicide.

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Saw this on YouTube today, in video format.

It was read by a young lady (my guess is college-age) and is a very powerful commentary on the state of the world and the "Lost Generation" that is coming up in it now. At first, this seems like an unbearable message, but please hang in there until you've read through all of the post and instructions.

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Back from my travels.

Goodness, some of you missed me, I'm overwhelmed. I had a nice week away, and although the weather could have been better - one day was a wash out - I enjoyed myself. I walked miles bird watching, and was reasonably rewarded. I teamed up with a couple who hadn't hired a car, so we went off most days looking for spots to watch for new species of birds. Andy was better at it than I was - I haven't done much of it for years, so didn't get my eye in, until the end of the week.

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Brutality Against Women

We've just had some horrible news here. Two women have died due to brutal attacks. A news reporter and a single mother have died. The mother died while taking a shower. Her ex-boyfriend beat down a door and shot her while her children were in the house. Anne Pressly, an ABC local reporter, was brutaly beaten by an unknown assailant last Sunday night in her house and died of her injuries just a while ago. We are heartbroken over both incidents. When will this madness end?


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Narragansett Fork Alert. Missing Chapter!!!!!!

I am not sure what happened but I left out Chapter 8. You might want to go back and read it. There is some important information there. I am surprised no one caught this because the continuity really suffers for it. Thank you Puddingtane (I'm sorry if I misspelled that)


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Somehow, I managed to pick up a virus. I downloaded Clamwin (Clam antivirus for Windows -- an open source virus checker) and it went nuts telling me that just about every .exe, .scr (screen saver,) and maybe a few other types were infected. Not being one to goof around, I popped the Win 2K disk in, rebooted, and did a fresh install on my C: drive. It wasn't just any fresh load, though. I deleted the partition, reinstalled it, and formatted it with NTFS. Once I got things loaded, I used the infection report file to delete all the bad files from the secondary partition of my 40 meg...

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New television show

There is a new television on show on WE cable channel on Tuesday nights at 11 p.m. eastern standard time till 1 a.m. called Sex Change Hospital. Each episode is one hour long and profiles one new male to female transsexual and one female to male transsexual each episode and the surgeon is Dr. Bowers in Trinidad Colorado. It is very informative and done tastefully.


Jenna From FL

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Gender Neutral Pronouns

In 1993, I joined an online email group that we called TS Lesbians. We wished to avoid patriarchal language, such as he, him, his, etc. being default pronouns (used where the gender of the person referred to by the pronoun is unknown).

Use of she/he, him/her, etc. seemed literally correct, but awkward and wordy. Using they, their, etc. for third person singular, although it has been done for centuries, brings problems of whether other parts of speech in the sentence should be singular or plural.

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A wonderful response

Thanks to all the readers on BCTS. I was looking at The total number of reads on Mellissa's stories this afternoon. I was very happy to see that He r story which is autobiographical totaled so far 27,667 reads. That I am pleased to see and I am happy that her story still has readers for this first time author here on BCTS.

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Annie and Courtney

Edeyn Don't worry, I'm working on building up a backlog of both Dear Diary and Sk8r Grrls so that I should be able to post some through November without detracting from my Novelling time.

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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Talking about something important for a change

Edeyn Alright, I babble a bit in the beginning, but then I move on to actual important things -- including the text to the right of the video where I break down the math. ( Click here to check it out )

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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I'm All Weepy

I've just come from seeing "Mamma Mia". Yes, I know it has no TG content, but I'm a silly sentimental old tart. Probably many of you have already seen it but I think it's a lovely movie and Abba didn't get the credit that they deserved both for their lyrics and their melodies. I cried all the way through. Silly me, but I loved it,

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Off Armageddon's Reef

David Weber the Sci-fi author of Off Armageddon's Reef has an interview up at The novel has some TG in it but not as part of the main story. David Weber is the author of the popular Honor Harrington series as well as others. His books has strong women as their heroines and tend to be military sci-fi. I know that in the past his books has been mentioned and thought the interview would be of interest. One thing he did say that I agree with one hundred percent is that the only bad thing with writing is it leaves you with less time to read! Enjoy all!

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Parallel Blog -5-

Writing for a character that seems to have a mind of her own is a hoot. It's some of the most fun that a writer can have. Drew/Annie in TIP is such a character. One of the funniest things about writing for her are the things she seems to think but isn't willing to write down. After all, she's supposed to be telling the story and some things are just too embarrassing. ;>

I've got the next one almost done and plan to post it Thursday or Friday. And for the furriners who don't play baseball, well, stay tune. ;>


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Hi everyone!l

Just a quick update on my story writing goings-on. I am working on a story for the All Souls Day Contest and I'm hoping to have it up within the week. After that, I have some older stories I wrote a little while back and I'm thinking of posting those -- unless a new idea creeps into my head, and that does happen!


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Sharphawlad's Blog

Thursday 16th of October. I got an E-mail from a member on here requesting me to consider posting on this site. Well I have been a member for over three years and in that time I had not even considered posting. A short while ago I got in a discussion With Maddy Bell. The result was I sent her some of my fan fiction. From this you may realise I like the Gaby series. I also Like the Tucker-Valerie by Ellen Hayes and have quite a few fan-fiction in that series not sent in anywhere yet. Other peoples work I like are the Education by Karen & Penny. Christina Chase.

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Courtney's Diary

Edeyn Okay, so the latest entry in Dear Diary didn't quite fit, to me. I couldn't put my finger on what was wrong until I looked at it again tonight before bed. Hah! Yes, I fixed it. There is a bit in there that changed, so those that read it may want to look again.


Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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Kelly's Journey Is Coming

As I have been requested, I have revamped Kelly's Journey, But I am retitling it so that each chapters title reflects the story within.
That includes a Title Page.

I must warn the readers that there are several scenes where you will need a napkin to dry your eyes. For me, this story has been a journey of self discovery, because in many ways, I am Kelly.

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Just a general FYI, the GabyZone.Com domain is currently down due to DNS issues that are beyond my control (I host the website, but not DNS for the domain). They GabyZone Chatroom is still available via standard IRC access, and from the web through .


P.S. I will post an update if/when DNS is working again.

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Now with Video!

Edeyn I have started doing the Video webLOG (VLOG) thing on YouTube. I'm easy to find on there, but I'll drop the link here for you all anyway, because the easier I make things for you all the more my block of code for this blog drives Erin nutballs:

( Edeyn's YouTube Channel )

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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A 19th century dilemma

I've heard from a few readers who have been following my tale Forever Claire about how Claire would handle male puberty and become the woman, if you've read in the beginning, that she becomes.

I had some good advice about this, but to be honest, I wrestled with even addressing it. I want Forever Claire to maintain some the form of sweetness and innocense that I've tried to portray.

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A tribute to a friend ......

I first want to praise all those writers and admin staff on BCTS for the excellent content which appears here. For myself, I knew nothing of this site until my friend Mellissa (prairie_girl_64) passed away. I was entrusted with looking after her estate and all her subsequent stories upon which she started and have yet to be completed and/or are completed and need editing.

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[grumble] ISP [grumble] rural phone lines [grumble, grumble]

I've been having trouble getting on line. I downloaded a bunch of stuff at the library, but that required the use of an anonymous server. They have this whole site blocked. I couldn't log on through the anonymous server. None of the anon servers let me log on to my account.

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Bed Bugs

I'm OK; I can be a nasty little bitch when pushed. However, should anyone be getting little bites that heal poorly, you may have them. There is a Yahoo group detailing aggressive ways to deal with this. Please use it. Otherwise, you will live in hell until you quit relying on the pest control operators.


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Shivers up the spine and goose pimples

I was on the M25 the other day on the way to picking up my significant other from Mummy in Law.

For those lucky enough not to live in, near, around or have to encounter the M25, it is the motorway that bypasses London. You can go all around it and pick your exit to bring you near to your destination without having to go through London.

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The Boy in the Dress

Here's an interesting one from the Guardian. It seems that a guy named David Williams has written a children's book titled "The Boy in the Dress." This piece is about a shopping spree with a reporter while he's wearing a frock and having to deal with papparazzi, etc.


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What to do with "The Heart of the Beholder"?

Hello everyone,

I want to thank those who took the time to comment on the story and or send messages to me directly. There were some good, strong critics about the story's weaknesses and I thought I would try to elicit some further discussion.

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Life imitating art?

Is Tom and Cathy's survey too late? See below from the BBC website.

Mammals facing extinction threat
By Richard Black
Environment correspondent, BBC News website, Barcelona

At least 25% of the world's mammal species are at risk of extinction, according to the first assessment of their status for a decade.

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A scary thought?

I finally got a minute and got onto the site and noticed that Angharad had posted a new chapter of Charlotte. (BTW, Thanks for that. I know it has been anxiously awaited by many.) Seeing it caused a scary thought to pop into my often evil little mind. I posted a couple of weeks back and made a comment about her other story line which is ongoing.

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My Hols

Just to give some advance warning, I'm away for a week from monday 20th October. I'm going to Menorca where I hope to do lots of walking and birdwatching (as in ornithology!). It's a favourite place of mine, although I'm going on my own this year - it does mean I can do what I want every day.

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Oct 4, 2008. 51st annv of Sputnik, 50th annv of NASA, today, the 5th, I go on vacation

Off on vacation today.

No email except via evil blonde's laptop or free computers in motels. Off to the UP of Michigan, Minn, northern WI depending on rain and color. Might go to waterfalls, lots of them.

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The Japanese musician Hizaki.

I recently came across this amazing guitarist that I thought I'd share with you all. The music starts a bit slow but when the guitar gets going it's fantastic. Just click the picture to full screen and watch his hands and fingers move over the instrument.

I realise that the enjoyment of music is a personal thing and it might not appeal to everyone but I really enjoyed this peice.

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Hey, I'm not too proud to ask

Hi you all. After watching Gwen's recommended song on You Tube,I figured what the heck and would like to recommend one of my own. It is on You Tube and is titled "Erik Carlson There U Are". He's my middle son and is trying to become a singer that makes money. I hope you'll take the time to watch it and others he has on line, Arecee

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Parallel Blog -4-

Well, I'm late posting the next Incognito. It's done but I want to be an episode or two ahead when I post. Plus, I'm aiming for longer posts, around 2000 words instead of 1200.

But the story is going nicely for me, Drew is easy to write. And the suggestions last time of names for girl-Drew sparked some ideas. ;>

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A Sort Of Anniversary

I was checking "My Stories" to see if anybody had read one today. I do this infrequently, not as if I'm anal-retentive, usually only once a day (OK, twice a day) and there was a "run" on the first piece I ever dared to publish on BC. Twelve reads!! What's going on? I wondered. Then I was scrolling down and I'm in the Jewel Box for a year ago. My first effort, a year ago already.

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What is real courage?

I read a story tonight on this site that got me thinking what was fiction, it was so real.

It doesn't take courage to put on your sister's dress when you're eight and when no one else is looking...

It takes courage to ask your mother if you can wear that dress on Halloween...which is something I wanted to do, but never got the courage to do...

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King Of The Rim-Redux

This story has been expanded from its original posting. I decided to expand it when several authors said that I was getting better, and I wanted to show that they are correct. I do feel that I am improving, but i needed others to confirm it so that I would not get a swelled head about it. There's nothing worse to me than somebody who believes they are perfect.

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Nova Party Line

Bob has set up a micro blogging site for TG readers, Nova. Check it out! You can leave it open in a window and check it now and then, carry on quick conversations. Looks best in Firefox, BTW. Bob and I will be looking in often. It's quick and easy to sign up for and use. (Kind of like Twitter and other microbloggers.)

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