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I'm working, I'm working!

But seriously, thanks to everyone who offered to help me with the editing and the keeping on task and the other things. I've now got two awesometastic people working with me to keep things going, so headway is being made.

That being said, on a bit of advice that matches some comments I have received, one thing that is going to be an (ever so slight) delay is a minor rewrite I am gonna do to 'Boys of Summer'.

For those who like the story, no fear! Nothing truly epically important is going to be changed, at least not as far as what happens in the story. The changes are all minor ones, but hopefully will make the story one that more people can enjoy.

I am changing the reasons behind 'Cassie' being on the trip rather than Caleb. I have received repeated complaints about the 'forced' aspect of this change. Frankly, I still don't feel like it is, probably because I understand my characters better than anyone else, but at the same time the reasons WHY it's 'Cassie' on the trip are rather minor point that nonetheless seems to bother a lot of people, so it's gonna change. To go along with this change are a number of error fixes in both names and writing structure. When these changes are done, I am going to edit over the current chapters of 'Boys of Summer' currently on the site with the reedited versions, so if anyone would like to keep a copy of the older versions in case they prefer it I recommend saving it soon.

Meanwhile, here's a teaser for another story that I'm writing.


Yes, I did it in MS paint, so sue me.

Melanie E.