Main stream publicist !

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I had shared "Hala's Snow Day" with a Sister living in the war torn middle east, and she liked it! She is a published author and her publicist is in England. She is just finishing her memoirs.

I tried my hardest on that work, but I don't write formula work and don't care to. It's performance was laclustre on BC; some even told me that they would not read it because it did not fit their protocol. What ever ! ! ! Can you get it?

So I shared it with my friend just because I thought that she might like my effort to blend several elements into normal life. She saw the grandma as the main character, not Hala. Hmmm...

Now she tells me that her publicist is interested in it; that it is main stream work; that he wants to see a trilogy of that story.

I am only bothering to say this because there are some very good authors here that get ignored because it ain't about putting a bra and stockings on for the first time. AA, your "HAP" is a perfect example. So, maybe you need to seek another venue for your other work. I wasn't even seeking another venue, and now it maybe has me by the ankle.




Puddintane's picture

My heart goes out to anyone in that troubled area, and hope she's safe always.

Best of luck with your new publicist contact, by the way,





A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style


Congratulations indeed. It must be a good feeling to hear a publisher is 'interested' in your work. I hope to one day hear that you have a book out in print, and I hope you receive significant cash from it's sale. *grin*

Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue

In the words of Fleury ...

I had thought the story to be complete, meaning that,"I had something to say and I said it". So my friend says that the Publicist wants to see two more episodes. One, of course will have Hala and Frank up on the ranch, and the other; though the plausabilty factor is low, will have her and Frank dealing with a "special child"? Just ideas right now.

I want to write a totally different Hala Maksoud story; one with a different Hala. I had worried about that but in these Internet times, I find that there is another woman in PDX that shares both my real names, and a good half dozen nation wide. So the second use of the name in one of my stories seems acceptable.

I won't go into a lot of detail, but this second Hala was once the son of a rich man from Sauudia who was kidnapped and turned into a woman using full female organ transplants so that she would not be eligible to be head of the family. Her original ordeal included much torture and brain washing. Her subsequent escape and rescue by a suitably implausible American hero, along with the vanquishing of her foes will be the subject of that story. This will be the first story I have written with rather extreme malice in it. This gore and adventure should prove suitable for blood thirsty American audiences.

Ma Salama

Khadija Gwendolyn