editor's blog

Tear Jerker

Not the usual sort but I've just watched "The World's Fastest Indian" on the BBC iPlayer. It stars Anthony Hopkins as New Zealander Bert Munro who's ambition is to run his old Indian motorcycle at Bonneville speed week. It's an emotional roller coaster that brought tears to my eyes a few times and I strongly recommend it - even to those of you who think a story about an old man and his old motor bike somewhat uninteresting.

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Pyrrhic victory.

We live in a 200 year old stone cottage (they're very common round here) and the walls are really rubble-filled double piles of stones. One disadvantage, amongst many, is that they provide spacious accommodation for small rodents from time to time. We don't usually have a problem in warmer weather; mice infestation is normally a Winter problem and relatively minor. Not so right now.

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Logging in

Strange. I visited the site just now and got a message that I wasn't authorised to access that page. I logged in and got the usual 'Home' page. As an experiment, I logged out again, and lost the 'Home' page. Never happened before. Does this mean that only people with usernames and also logged in can access the site now?

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