An early TG Novel

I have just finished reading The Exploits of Danby Croker by R Austin Freeman once described by the writer Antonia Fraser as a perfect TV novel. But is it?

Well, if I use the criteria for this site it would be more in disguises / on the run/ in hiding. Etc. rather than pure TG. But oh what a romp this novel is.
This book was published in 1916 by an author best remembered for his Dr Thorndyke stories. . He is also credited as the inventor of the ‘inverted’ crime story, not a type I enjoy, which explains why I could never watch an episode of Colombo.
Anyway, the story is subtitled as Being Extracts From A somewhat Disreputable Autobiography. This is a novel about identity in many forms. The hero first impersonates another of his acquaintances who looks like him but with black hair rather than his blonde. Thus begins a series of events which lead to him being wanted by the police. Along the way we find he is an accomplished forger of antique silver and we also learn how to copy fingerprints to frame someone else.
The tg element begins when a female friend, having twisted her ankle is unable to go to a carnival at the Camden hippodrome dressed as a member of the Gadfly League (Suffragettes ) and talks Denby into taking her place. Mmmn, now where have I read that one before. As our hero walks to the theatre he gets waylaid by two other members of the league who are on their way to a meeting followed by breaking into a politicians house to advertise the cause. Escaping from that situation , upon returning home the police are waiting, from there to a railway station and meeting an old vicar who escorts our young lady away from being pestered by men. So the romp continues. This is not about clothes and descriptions are scant at best. For example;
….My natural advantages — my fair complexion, hairless face and fluty, musical voice, had rendered the disguise a very efficient one; and I was becoming accustomed to it, thought not reconciled. No. no, not reconciled but accustomed. And hence, when a man halted some paces away and stood regarding me with rapt attention I was not surprised. The thing had happened before; for, after all, good looks are good looks, and a comely young man is none the less comely for a halo of golden locks and a dainty straw hat trimmed with violets……..
And so the story goes on, complete with a happy ending. Did I enjoy the book? No, I loved it, the writing is wonderful the plot convoluted and is all the better for it.
Alas it is not readily available but if you do come across a copy grab it and you will enjoy it as much as I have.
I spent a long time looking for this book and found a copy on a great website for all you book lovers. I attach a link to Abe books at:
They have 110 million books from thousands of book sellers. So if you would like to find a copy of any book give them a try.
Anne G.

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